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A high-level networking SDK for PowerAuth-based endpoints.


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PowerAuth Networking SDK for Apple platforms

Wultra Digital Onboarding for Apple Platforms

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Wultra PowerAuth Networking (WPN) is a high-level SDK built on top of our PowerAuth SDK that enables request signing and encryption.

You can imagine the purpose of this SDK as an HTTP layer (client) that enables request signing and encryption via PowerAuth SDK based on its recommended implementation.

We use this SDK in our other open-source projects that you can take inspiration for example in:

Documentation Content

SDK Integration


Swift Package Manager

Add the repository as a package in Xcode UI and add the WultraPowerAuthNetworking library as a dependency.

Alternatively, you can add the dependency manually. For example:

// swift-tools-version:5.9
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
    name: "YourLibrary",
    platforms: [
    products: [
            name: "YourLibrary",
            targets: ["YourLibrary"]
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", .from("1.3.0"))
    targets: [
            name: "YourLibrary",
            dependencies: ["WultraPowerAuthNetworking"]


Add the following dependencies to your Podfile:

pod 'WultraPowerAuthNetworking'

Guaranteed PowerAuth Compatibility

1.5.x 1.9.x
1.4.x 1.8.x
1.3.x 1.8.x
1.0.x - 1.2.x 1.7.x

Xcode Compatibility

We recommend using Xcode version 15.0 or newer.

Open Source Code

The code of the library is open source and you can freely browse it in our GitHub at

Initialization and Configuration

Everything you need is packed inside the single WPNNetworkingService class that provides all the necessary APIs for your networking.

To successfully create an instance of the service, you need only 2 things:

  • configured PowerAuthSDK object
  • configuration of the service (like endpoints base URL)

You can create as many instances of the class as you need for your usage.


let networking = WPNNetworkingService(
    powerAuth: myPowerAuthInstance, // configured PowerAuthSDK instance
    config: WPNConfig(
        baseUrl: "", // URL to my PowerAuth based service
        sslValidation: .default, // use default SSL error handling (more in SSL validation docs section)
        timeoutIntervalForRequest: 10, // give 10 seconds for the server to respond
        userAgent: .libraryDefault // use library default HTTP User-Agent header
    serviceName: "MyProjectNetworkingService", // for better debugging
    acceptLanguage: "en" // more info in "Language Configuration" docs section

Endpoint Definition

Each endpoint you will target with your project must be defined for the service as a WPNEndpoint instance. There are several types of endpoints based on the PowerAuth signature that is required.

End To End Encryption

If the endpoint is end-to-end encrypted, you need to configure it in the init. Default initializers are set to e2ee: .notEncrypted.

Possible values are:

/// Endpoint configuration for end to end encryption.
public enum WPNE2EEConfiguration {
    /// Endpoint is encrypted with the application scope.
    case applicationScope
    /// Endpoint is encrypted with the activation scope.
    case activationScope
    /// Endpoint is not encrypted.
    case notEncrypted

Whether an endpoint is encrypted or not is based on its backend definition.

Signed endpoint WPNEndpointSigned

For endpoints that are signed by PowerAuth signature and can be end-to-end encrypted.


typealias MySignedEndpointType = WPNEndpointSigned<WPNRequest<MyEndpointDataRequest>, WPNResponse<MyEndpointDataResponse>>
var mySignedEndpoint: MySignedEndpointType { WPNEndpointSigned(endpointURLPath: "/additional/path/to/the/signed/endpoint", uriId: "endpoint/identifier", e2ee: .notEncrypted) }
// uriId is defined by the endpoint issuer - ask your server developer/provider

Signed endpoint with Token WPNEndpointSignedWithToken

For endpoints that are signed by token by PowerAuth signature and can be end-to-end encrypted.

More info for token-based authentication can be found here


typealias MyTokenEndpointType = WPNEndpointSignedWithToken<WPNRequest<MyEndpointDataRequest>, WPNResponse<MyEndpointDataResponse>>
var myTokenEndpoint: MyTokenEndpointType { WPNEndpointSignedWithToken(endpointURLPath: "/additional/path/to/the/token/signed/endpoint", tokenName: "MyToken", e2ee: .notEncrypted) }

// tokenName is the name of the token as stored in the PowerAuthSDK
// more info can be found in the PowerAuthSDK documentation

Basic endpoint (not signed) WPNEndpointBasic

For endpoints that are not signed by PowerAuth signature but can be end-to-end encrypted.


typealias MyBasicEndpointType = WPNEndpointBasic<WPNRequest<MyEndpointDataRequest>, WPNResponse<MyEndpointDataResponse>>
var myBasicEndpoint: MyBasicEndpointType { WPNEndpointBasic(endpointURLPath: "/additional/path/to/the/basic/endpoint", e2ee: .notEncrypted) }

Creating an HTTP request

To create an HTTP request to your endpoint, you need to call the method with the following parameters:

  • data - with the payload of your request
  • auth - PowerAuthAuthentication instance that will sign the request
    • this parameter is missing for the basic endpoint
  • endpoint - an endpoint that will be called
  • headers - custom HTTP headers, nil by default
  • timeoutInterval - timeout interval, nil by default. When nil, the default configured in WPNConfig will be used
  • progressCallback - callback with percentage progress (values between 0 and 1)
  • completionQueue - queue that the completion will be called on (main queue by default)
  • completion - result completion


// payload we will send to the server
struct MyRequestPayload {
    let userID: String

// response of the server
struct MyResponse {
    let name: String
    let email: String

// endpoint configuration
typealias MyEndpointType = WPNEndpointSigned<WPNRequest<MyRequestPayload>, WPNResponse<MyResponse>>
var endpoint: MyEndpointType { WPNEndpointSigned(endpointURLPath: "/path/to/myendpoint", uriId: "myendpoint/identifier") }

// Authentication (for example purposes) expect user PIN 1111
let auth = PowerAuthAuthentication.possessionWithPassword("1111")
// WPNNetworkingService instance call
    // create request data
    data: MyEndpointType.RequestData(.init(userID: "12345")),
    // specify endpoint
    to: endpoint,
    // custom HTTP headers
    with: ["MyCustomHeader": "Value"],
    // only wait 10 seconds at max
    timeoutInterval: 10,
    // handle response or error
    completion: { result, error in
        if let data = result?.responseObject {
            // we have data
        } else {
            // handle error or empty response

We use systems URLSession under the hood.

Raw Response Observer

All responses can be observed with WPNResponseDelegate in WPNNetworkingService.responseDelegate.

An example implementation of the delegate:

class MyResponseDelegateLogger: WPNResponseDelegate {
    func responseReceived(from url: URL, statusCode: Int?, body: Data) {
        print("Response received from \(url) with status code \(statusCode) and data:")
        print(String(data: body, encoding: .utf8) ?? "")
    // for endpoints that are end-to-end encrypted
    func encryptedResponseReceived(from url: URL, statusCode: Int?, body: Data, decrypted: Data) {
        print("Encrypted response received from \(url) with status code \(statusCode) and: ")
        print("    Raw data:")
        print(String(data: body, encoding: .utf8) ?? "")
        print("    Decrypted data:")
        print(String(data: decrypted, encoding: .utf8) ?? "")

Parallel Requests

By default, the SDK is serializing all signed requests. This means that the requests signed with the PowerAuthSDK are put into the queue and executed one by one (meaning that the HTTP request is not made until the previous one is finished). Other requests will be parallel.

This behavior can be changed via WPNNetworkingService.concurrencyStrategy with the following possible values:

  • serialSigned - Default behavior. Only requests that need a PowerAuth signature will be put into the serial queue that is shared with the PowerAuthSDK instance to ensure all signed requests are in proper order.
  • concurrentAll - All requests will be put into the concurrent queue. This behavior is not recommended unless you know exactly why you want this.

More about this topic can be found in the PowerAuth documentation.

SSL validation

The SDK uses default system handling of the SSL errors. To be able to ignore SSL errors (for example when your test server does not have a valid SSL certificate) or implement your own SSL pinning, you can configure WPNConfig.sslValidation property to get your desired behavior.

Possible values are:

  • default - Uses default URLSession handling.
  • noValidation - Trust HTTPS connections with invalid certificates.
  • sslPinning(_ provider: WPNPinningProvider) - Validates the server certificate with your own logic.

Error Handling

Every error produced by this library is of a WPNError type. This error contains the following information:

  • reason - A specific reason, why the error happened. For more information see WPNErrorReason chapter.
  • nestedError - Original exception/error (if available) that caused this error.
  • httpStatusCode - If the error is a networking error, this property will provide the HTTP status code of the error.
  • httpUrlResponse - If the error is a networking error, this will hold the original HTTP response that was received from the backend.
  • restApiError - If the error is a "well-known" API error, it will be filled here. For all available codes follow the source code.
  • networkIsNotReachable - Convenience property, informs about a state where the network is unavailable (based on the error type).
  • networkConnectionIsNotTrusted - Convenience property, informs about a TLS error.
  • powerAuthErrorResponse - If the error was caused by the PowerAuth error, you can retrieve it here.
  • powerAuthRestApiErrorCode - If the error was caused by the PowerAuth error, the error code of the original error will be available here.


Each WPNError has a reason property for why the error was created. Such reason can be useful when you're creating for example a general error handling or reporting, or when you're debugging the code.

General errors

Option Name Description
unknown Unknown fallback reason
missingActivation PowerAuth instance is missing an activation.

Network errors

Option Name Description
network_unknown When unknown (usually logic error) happened during networking.
network_generic Network error that indicates a generic network issue (for example server internal error).
network_errorStatusCode HTTP response code was different than 200 (success).
network_invalidResponseObject An unexpected response from the server.
network_invalidRequestObject Request is not valid. Such an object is not sent to the server.
network_signError When the signing of the request failed.
network_timeOut Request timed out
network_noInternetConnection Not connected to the internet.
network_badServerResponse Bad (malformed) HTTP server response. Probably an unexpected HTTP server error.
network_sslError SSL error. For detailed information, see the attached error object when available.

Custom Errors

WPNErrorReason is a struct that can be created by other libraries so the list above is not a final list of all possible errors. Such errors (in libraries developed by Wultra) will be presented in the dedicated documentation (for example Mobile Token SDK library).

Language Configuration

Before using any methods from this SDK that call the backend, a proper language should be set. A properly translated content is served based on this configuration. The property that stores language settings does not persist. You need to set acceptLanguage every time that the application boots.

Note: Content language capabilities are limited by the implementation of the server - it must support the provided language.


The default value is always en. With other languages, we use values compliant with standard RFC Accept-Language.


You can set up logging for the library using the WPNLogger class.

Verbosity Level

You can limit the amount of logged information via the verboseLevel property.

Level Description
off Silences all logs.
errors Only errors will be logged.
warnings (default) Errors and warnings will be logged.
info Error, warning and info messages will be logged.
debug All messages will be logged.

Character limit

To prevent huge logs from being printed out, there is a default limit of 12,000 characters per log in place. You can change this via WPNLogger.characterLimit.

HTTP traffic logs

  • You can turn on or off logging of HTTP requests and responses with the WPNLogger.logHttpTraffic property.
  • You can filter which headers will be logged with the WPNLogger.httpHeadersToSkip property.

Logger Delegate

In case you want to process logs on your own (for example log into a file or some cloud service), you can set WPNLogger.delegate.

Web Documentation

This documentation is also available at the Wultra Developer Portal.


All sources are licensed using the Apache 2.0 license. You can use them with no restrictions. If you are using this library, please let us know. We will be happy to share and promote your project.


If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to drop us a line at or our official channel.

Security Disclosure

If you believe you have identified a security vulnerability with this SDK, you should report it as soon as possible via email to Please do not post it to a public issue tracker.