An Admin Panel for Healthy Transitions Oregon/The Oregon Youth Resource Map that allows Healthy Transitions staff to update their site data in real time.
Note: this code and doesn't interact with the Healthy Transtions Frontend. They serve two very different functions, and don't rely on each other at run time
You can find the Healthy Transitions Frontend repo here
This site allows authorized users to:
- Upload a CSV with map data
- See data validation errors
- Preview the site with their uploaded data
- Update the live site
Behind the scenes it will:
- Accept a CSV file upload
- Check the CSV values against a pre-determined JSON schema
- Return data validiation errors to users, along with instructions on how to troubleshoot said errors
- Return a link for users to view a "preview" version of the site
- Allow the users to update the live Healthy Transitions site
Clone this repo to your local machine:
git clone
Install npm modules
cd healthy-transitions-backend
npm install
Start the local development server
npm start
Note: the server runs on localhost:5050 by default
- For now there's only dummy logic, that relies on a certain string being typed into the text box.
- It's already provied for you, so just press "login" to see the rest of the Admin Panel
Dev note: There is currently no working login or auth in this code. Before production, middleware to protect all routes other than login.
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