Setups and configures various dotfiles, installs packages, and configures the host machine. This repo strives to be as declarative and idempotent as possible while keeping configurations up-to-date and in sync across many different hosts.
To facilitate these goals, this repo uses chezmoi and ansible.
You need to create a chezmoi config file under the XDG Base Directory. For
macOS, that would be: ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.toml
Chezmoi supports
different file formats,
but I currently use TOML.
My config file for chezmoi is pretty simple. There are a few unique components related to GPG encryption support for chezmoi. (NOTE: replace the example email address with the correct email address used for the GPG keys)
encryption = "gpg"
pager = "delta"
command = "nvim"
symmetric = false
recipient = ""
command = "pinentry"
system = "personal"
email_work = ""
email_personal = ""
ghuser = "wrightbradley"
hwkey = "0xABCDEF1234567XYZ"
With this config in place, you can then install chezmoi and use your GitHub dotfiles repo to bootstrap a new machine:
# To bootstrap chezmoi and run ansible:
curl -sSL | GITHUB_USERNAME=wrightbradley bash
# To bootstrap chezmoi without ansible:
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --exclude=encrypted --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME
- Hook Ansible into chezmoi bootstrap step
- Identify how to install homebrew-less casks: ATEM Mini Pro, Akai Professional MPK Mini III Program Editor, MPK mini Software Manager
- Generate inventory file for Ansible
mas list
brew info --json=v2 --installed | jq -r '.formulae[]|{name:select(any(.installed[]; .installed_on_request)).full_name, desc: .desc, homepage:.homepage}'
brew info --json=v2 --installed | jq -r '.casks[]|{name:.full_token,, desc:.desc, homepage:.homepage,}'