This repository is reconstructed from alecthomas's log4go, which is a logging package similar to log4j for the Go programming language.
Two new features are supported, one is Json config style, and the other is deferent output accordding to category.
- Log to console
- Log to file, support rotate by size or time
- log to network, support tcp and udp
- support xml config
- 原项目使用过于繁琐,经过一些小改变,开箱即用,日常使用我的默认设置即可,无需自行调整配置
- 默认支持按天滚动,每个日志文件 800M 上限,超过即滚动
- 本项目只支持 Go 1.10及以上的版本,因为使用了 strings.Builder,如果在 pattern.go中将 Builder 替换为 Buffer 则支持其他更低版本
- Support Json style configuration
- Add Category for log
- Classify your logs for different output and different usage.
- Compatible with the old
First, get the code from this repo.
go get
Then import it to you project.
import log ""
Code example:
package main
import (
log ""
func main() {
// 感谢 alecthomas 和 jeanphorn 提供的基础项目
// 默认使用 INFO 级别以上的日志
// 日志位置有四个选择,按顺序自动选择
// 1.
// --
// --bin
// --program
// --log
// --program.log
// 2.
// --
// --program
// --log
// --program.log
// 3.
// /data/log/program.log
// 4.
// ./program.log
// program.log即为日志文件名
logLevel = "INFO"
log.SetUniqueLogName(os.Args[0], logLevel)
log.Info("nomal info test ...")
log.ChangeFilterLevel(log.DEFAULT_LOGGER_NAME, "DEBUG")
log.Debug("nomal info test 2 ...")
Thanks alecthomas for providing the original resource.