- namespace: flounderStyle -> FlounderStyle
- define type with evil-type.ts ( FlounderStyle.* -> FlounderStyle.Type.* )
- SpotArguments.anglePerDepth: 0 | never -> 0
- Type guard functions ( FlounderStyle.Type.is* )
- JSON Schema ( https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wraith13/flounder.style.js/master/generated/schema.json# )
- offsetX and offsetY arguments
- calculateOffsetCoefficient and selectClosestAngleDirection functions for offsetX and offsetY arguments
- Fixed an issue where the style would break when a number of 4 or more digits appeared.
- Removed dependence on structuredClone.
- Adjusted the angle when reversed.
- Fixed an issue where the "-auto" specification for anglePerDepth was not working.
- The interface has been renewed.
- Improved style application processing.
- README.md: Link mistake
- "stripe"
- "diline"
- "triline"
- Negative value support for reverseRate argument
- anglePerDepth argument
- "tri" -> "trispot"
- "tetra" -> "tetraspot"
- "spotIntervalSize" -> "intervalSize"
- "maxSpotSize" -> "maxPatternSize"
- Improved the expression at high depth.
- Changed the anchor position of "trispot" and "tetraspot" patterns from top left to center.
- blur argument
- Updated README.md
- README.md: "try" -> "tri"
- 🎊 Initial release of flounder.style.js. 🎉
- Start this project.