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Digital color depth pattern style maker for TypeScript/JavaScript


This library provides CSS for expressing percentages by area of ​​a color pattern instead of color intensity.

Expressions based on color density can be difficult to recognize, not only for colorblind people, but also for people who are not colorblind. In addition, the expression of subtle hues based on color density is strongly affected by the color development of the display, and in the user environment, the colors may appear quite different from the intended hues.

These problems can be avoided by using color pattern expressions.

Redering CSS Sample

background-color: white;
    radial-gradient(circle, rgb(170, 255, 221) 8.91px, transparent 8.91px),
    radial-gradient(circle, rgb(170, 255, 221) 8.91px, transparent 8.91px),
    radial-gradient(circle, rgb(170, 255, 221) 8.91px, transparent 8.91px),
    radial-gradient(circle, rgb(170, 255, 221) 8.91px, transparent 8.91px);
background-size: 41.569px 48px;
    calc(0px + 50%) calc(0px + 50%),
    calc(0px + 50%) calc(24px + 50%),
    calc(20.785px + 50%) calc(12px + 50%),
    calc(20.785px + 50%) calc(36px + 50%);

( Line breaks and indentation have been adjusted for ease of viewing, and the CSS that is actually created will not have line breaks and indentation adjusted like this. )

Redering Samples

See samples.

How to install for your project by npm

npm install @wraith13/ --save

How to use

import { flounderStyle } from "";

// make style
const data: flounderStyle.Type.Arguments =
    type: "trispot",
    layoutAngle: "regular",
    foregroundColor: "#AAFFDD",
    intervalSize: 24,
    depth: 0.5,
const style = flounderStyle.makeStyle(data);

// apply style
const element = document.getElementById("YOUR-ELEMENT");
flounderStyle.setStyle(element, style);
// You can also: flounderStyle.setStyle(element, data);

// get CSS string
console.log(`CSS: ${flounderStyle.styleToString(style)}`);
// You can also: console.log(`CSS: ${flounderStyle.styleToString(data)}`);


key type default description
$schema ... OPTIONAL JSON Schema for manual input support
type "trispot" | "tetraspot" | "stripe" | "diline" | "tryline" NOT OPTIONAL see samples.
layoutAngle "regular" | "alternative" | FlounderStyle.Type.SignedRate "regular" see samples. number can only be specified when type is "stripe" or "diline" or "triline".
offsetX FlounderStyle.Type.SignedPixel 0.0 X-axis offset of pattern
offsetY FlounderStyle.Type.SignedPixel 0.0 Y-axis offset of pattern
foregroundColor FlounderStyle.Type.Color ( CSS Color ) NOT OPTIONAL Foreground pattern color. foregroundColor must be other than "transparent".
backgroundColor FlounderStyle.Type.Color ( CSS Color ) "transparent" Background pattern color. When using reverseRate, backgroundColor must be other than "transparent".
intervalSize FlounderStyle.Type.Pixel 24 Number of pixels from the center of a spot to the center of the next spot.
depth FlounderStyle.Type.Rate NOT OPTIONAL Rate of area occupied by foreground color pattern
blur FlounderStyle.Type.Pixel 0.0 If you want to improve the visibility of overlapping text, increase this value to blur the pattern.
maxPatternSize FlounderStyle.Type.Pixel undefined If maxPatternSize is specified, instead of increasing the spot size beyond this value, intervalSize will be decreased.
reverseRate FlounderStyle.Type.SignedRate | "auto" | "-auto" undefined To avoid pixel collapse, when depth is greater than reverseRate, the foreground color, background color, and depth are reversed. When using reverseRate, backgroundColor must be other than "transparent". If "auto" is specified, it will be set to the same value as the depth at which the spots touch each other. If a negative value is specified, the process will be reversed from the beginning and processed regularly with a depth greater than the absolute value of reverseRate.
anglePerDepth FlounderStyle.Type.SignedRate | "auto" | "-auto" undefined ...
maximumFractionDigits FlounderStyle.Type.Count 3 The maximum number of digits after the decimal point for numbers used in the generated CSS.

number types

  • The range of FlounderStyle.Type.Rate number is 0.0 to 1.0.
  • The range of FlounderStyle.Type.SignedRate number is -1.0 to 1.0.
  • The range of FlounderStyle.Type.Pixel number is 0.0 or greater.
  • The range of FlounderStyle.Type.SignedPixel number is exclude a NaN and ±Infinity.
  • The range of FlounderStyle.Type.Count number is an integer value greater than or equal to 0.

JSON Schema

You can use the following JSON Schema when entering FlounderStyle.Type.Arguments data manually.

⚠️ About translucent color

Using translucent colors for foregroundColor and backgroundColor often does not work well due to overlapping patterns. This is the same reason why you can't use "transparent" for foregroundColor, and why you can't use "transparent" for backgroundColor when using reverseRate.

If you want to use a translucent color pattern, instead of directly specifying a translucent color to foregroundColor or backgroundColor, instead specify opacity in the Style (CSS) of that HTML Element to make the entire HTML Element translucent.

How to do pattern rotation animation

import { flounderStyle as FlounderStyle } from "";

export const modRate = (value: number, unit: number) => (value %unit) /unit;
let continueAnimation = false;
export const animationFrame = (tick: number) =>
    // make style
    const step = modRate(tick, 3000); // 3000ms
    const data: FlounderStyle.Type.Arguments =
    const offsetCoefficient = FlounderStyle.calculateOffsetCoefficient(data);
    const direction = FlounderStyle.selectClosestAngleDirection(offsetCoefficient.directions, "up"); // "up": 0.75
    // const direction = flounderStyle.selectClosestAngleDirection(offsetCoefficient.directions, 0.0); // "right": 0.0
    data.offsetX = offsetCoefficient.intervalSize * direction.x *step;
    data.offsetY = offsetCoefficient.intervalSize * direction.y *step;
    const style = FlounderStyle.makeStyle(data);

    // apply style to element
    const element = document.getElementById("YOUR-ELEMENT");
    FlounderStyle.setStyle(element, style);

    // apply style to class
    // const styleElement = document.getElementById("YOUR-ANIMATION-STYLE-ELEMENT") as HTMLStyleElement;
    // const css = `.YOUR-CSS-CLASS {${flounderStyle.styleToString(style)}}\r\n`;
    // if (styleElement.innerHTML !== css)
    // {
    //     styleElement.innerHTML = css;
    // }

    if (continueAnimation)
export const = startAnimation() =>
    if ( ! continueAnimation)
        continueAnimation = true;
export const = stopAnimation() =>
    continueAnimation = false;

setTimeout(() => stopAnimation(), 60000);
  • It is not necessary to use the return value of flounderStyle.calculateOffsetCoefficient(), but by using this return value to calculate offset, you can animate beautifully without showing the loop seam.
  • data.intervalSize does not necessarily match the actual intervalSize due to data.maxPatternSize, so use offsetCoefficient.intervalSize when calculating offset.

Development environment construction

  1. Install Visual Studio Code ( Not required, but recommended. )
  2. Install Node.js
  3. Execute npm install.

How to build

requires: Node.js, TypeScript Compiler

tsc -P . or tsc -P . -w


Boost Software License