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=== Slider ===
Contributors: Huge-IT
Donate link:
Tags: slider, slideshow, wordpress slider, content slider, posts slider, image slider, responsive slideshow, image Rotator, jquery slider, Photo Slider, nivo slider, slider plugin, javascript slider, coin slider, responsive slider, featured-content-slider, Horizontal slider, carousel slider, wp slider, vertical slider, rotate, sidebar, best slider plugin, content slideshow, javascript slideshow, slideshow manager, slideshow plugin, image slideshow, jquery slideshow, wordpress slideshow, vertical slides, responsive, nivoslider, flex slider, coinslider, carousel, post, posts, plugin, slider widget, widget slider, widget slideshow, widget, widgets, seo, wordpress seo, media, page, slide, slides, image, images, slide show,  video slider, free video slider, custom video slider, video slideshow, rotator, free video slideshow, youtube slider, vimeo  slider, vimeo  slideshow, youtube slideshow, HTML5 slider, recent post slider, 3D slider, slider shortcode, picture slider, responsive image slider, revolution slider, wordpress picture slider, touch slider, post slider, fullscreen slider, picture, pictures,swipe slider, swipe, mobile slider, fast slide, fast slider, wordpress responsive slider, pages, page slider, css3 slider, plugins, free plugin, free slider, best slider, jquery, fullwidth slider, post slider, slider image, link, links, shortcode,
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: 2.9.9
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Huge-IT slider is an awesome WordPress slider plugin with a lot of nice features. Just install and build sliders in a few minutes.

== Description ==

### Wordpress Slider

* [Wordpress Slider](
* [Demo Slider](
* [FAQ Slider](
* [User Slider Manual](

Huge-IT Slider is a quick and easy way to add custom sliders to the WordPress websites (both to templates and posts/pages).
The slider allows having unlimited amount of images with their titles and descriptions.

The slider uses autogenerated shortcodes making it easier for the users to add it to the custom location.

### The features of the slider

*   Unlimited amount of images to be added to the slider
*   Image title and description
*   Possibility to add URL to tailor specific pages to the slider
*   Possibility to use different sliders for different pages
*   Auto generated shortcode for the easier process of adding the slider to the posts/pages/templates
*   Descriptions and titles can include hyperlinks
*   Possibility to add slider in widgets right from widgets admin panel
*   Possibility to use unlimited sliders in one page
*   Smart target feature, so that inner links will open up within the page, whereas outsourced links will open in a new page
*   HTML support in the titles and descriptions
*   Drag and Drop functionality. Drag and drop images to rearrange their sequence in the slider

Upgrade to [WordPress Slider Pro]( to add some features:

* Video Slider - YouTube & Vimeo slides
* Posts Slider (content slider)
* 15 different Navigation buttons
* 9 different positions for Slider Title and Description within image 
* Ability to change colors of title and description on image
* Ability to change font size of Slider Title and Description on image
* Full Design Management 
* Support upon request in 24 hours

> #### Image Slider Demos 
>[Mixed Slider](
>[Youtube Slider](
>[Vimeo Slider](

> #### Slider FAQ & User Manual 
>[FAQ Slider](
>[Slider User Manual](

### If you think, that you found a bug in our [WordPress Slider]( plugin or have any question contact us at [](

== Installation ==

### First download the ZIP file,

1. Log in to your website administrator panel.   
2. Go to Plugins page, and add new plugin.    
3. Upload [WordPress Slider]( 
4. Click `Install Now` button.     
5. Then click `Activate Plugin` button. 

Now you can set your slider options, images and use our slider.

== Screenshots ==

1.  WordPress slider - Slider Front end.    
2.  WordPress slider - Slider Front end.  
3.  WordPress slider - Slider Front end.    
4.  [WordPress Slider]( - Slides admin page.  
5.  [WordPress Slider]( - Sliders admin page. 
6.  WordPress slider - Post Slider.    
7.  WordPress slider - Widget Slider.  

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

**How to get a copy of most recent version ?**
Pro users can get update versions contacting us by
Free version  users will find update notification in their wordpress admin panel.

**I have paid for pro version and didn’t get the link or file to update**
If you made purchase and didn’t get the file, or file was corrupt, contact us by and send “order number”, we will check and send you the file  as soon as possible

**Have purchased pro version still get the announcement to buy the commercial version to change settings. What to do ?**
This can happen because of your browser’s cache files. Press ctrl+f5 (Chrome, FF) in order to clean them, if you use safari, etc., clean from browser settings

**Will I lose all my changes that I made in free version, if I update to pro version?**
All kind of changes made in free version will remain, even if you delete the plugin

**How to change “New Slider” name?**
In order to change Slider name just double click on it’s name (on top tabs)

**I have already purchased Multi Site version, how do I upgrade it to Developer version, without buying it again?**
If you have any pro version of our products and want to upgrade it, you do not need to buy the new one again, you only need to pay the difference price.
For example, if you have personal version and need to upgrade to Multi Site, just buy one more personal, and contact us by, send the receipt and we will send Multi Site version, from Multi Site to Developer, just buy one personal, and ask us for Developer version.

**Is it possible to show portrate and landscape images with correct proportions?**
Yes in pro version of slider there is a function called Image Behavior. This option can make images in natural size with background . the color of background is also adjustable

**Can I stop auto slide?**
Auto slide is not stoppable,  but putting a huge number on "pause time" option will force visitors slide manually

**Can I have full width slider?**
If you put size on slider it won't be more than your entry-content size. make sure that your entry-content is also full-width.

### If you think, that you found a bug in our [WordPress Slider]( plugin or have any question contact us at [](

== Changelog ==

= 2.9.8 =
*  Some mirror bug fixed.

= 2.9.8 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.9.7 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.9.6 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.9.5 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.9.4 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.9.3 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.9.2 =
*  Added Thumbnails functionality
   You may choose between thumbnails or dots navigation or turn off both.
   Youtube update bugs have been fixed.
= 2.9.1 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.9.0 =
*  Insert from url bug fixed.

= 2.8.9 =
*  Alt tag bug fixed.

= 2.8.8 =
*  Front End bug fixed.

= 2.8.7 =
*  Security bug fixed.

= 2.8.6 =
*  String errors has been fixed.

= 2.8.5 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.8.4 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.8.3 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.8.2 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.8.1 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.8.0 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.7.9 =
*  Security bug fixed.

= 2.7.8 =
*  Security bug fixed.

= 2.7.7 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.7.6 =
*  Security bug fixed.

= 2.7.5 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.7.4 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.7.3 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.7.2 =
*  Loading icon added and bug fixed.

= 2.7.1 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.7.0 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.6.9 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.6.7 =
*  bug fixed and added alt tags.

= 2.6.6 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.6.5 =
*  onclick attributes have been removed.

= 2.6.4 =
*  some new changes.

= 2.6.3 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.6.2 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.6.0 =
*  bug fixed and added new features.

= 2.5.5 =
*  add new feature for image uploader.

= 2.5.4 =
*  front-end bug fixed.

= 2.5.3 =
*  bug fixed in slider.

= 2.5.2 =
*  bug fixed in slider.

= 2.5.1 =
*  added possibility to change slider options when we insert the slider Shortcode in our posts/pages.

= 2.5 =
*  bug fixed in slider.

= 2.4.7 =
*  add some features.

= 2.4.6 =
*  bug fixed in slider.

= 2.4.5 =
*  bug fixed in slider.

= 2.4.4 =
*  bug fixed.

= 2.4.3 =
*  bug fixed in slider.

= 2.4.2 =
*  enabled debug's bugs fixed.

= 2.4.1 =
*  added slider positioning setting.

= 2.4 =
*  added Drag and Drop functionality.

= 2.3 =
*  added smart target feature.

= 2.2 =
*  added possibility to use unlimited sliders in one page.

= 2.1 =
*  bug fixed in slider.

= 2.0 =
*  added widget slider.

= 1.0 =
*  Initial version.

==Wordpress Slider step by step guide==

### Step 1. Adding Slider

To add a Slider, go to Huge IT Slider>Slider>Add New Slider.

1. 1 Click on Add Images. Using Standard Media Upload option you should select the images you want to add to your slider. Each image should be added individually.

Let's have a look at the individual features of the images.

Title. Here you can provide a title for the slider image.
Description. Provide the details for the image. This will be visible above the image, so it is advised to make it as short as possible.
URL. This is an optional feature. You can provide a link on the slider to take to specific location on your website or another website. The URL should be provided in http:// form.

### Step 2. Current Slider Options

Width. Specify the width of the slider in pixels.
Height. Specify the height of the slider in pixels.
Pause on Hover. Choose whether to pause the slider on mouse or leave it changing to the further image.
Effects. Select the effect which will be applied to the slider.
Pause time. Specify the pause time for the [WordPress Slider]( in miliseconds.
Change speed. Specify the change speed in miliseconds.

### Step 3. Editing Slider General Options

To change the styles and colors of the slider you should got to Huge IT Slider> Slider Options.

3.1 Image styles and colors

Slider background Color . Select the background color for the image. The color will be visible with during the slide change within specific effects.

3.2 Title styles and colors

Title Color. Set the color for the title.
Title background color. Choose the color for the cell containing the title.
Title font size. Specify the font size for the image title.
Title border size. Set the border for the title.
Title border color. Select the border for the title.
Title border radius. Set the border radius for the title.
Title position. Define the position of the title using the view graph.

3.3 Description styles and colors

Description Color. Set the color for the image description.
Description background color. Choose the color for the cell containing the image description.
Description font size. Specify the font size for the image description.
Description border size. Specify the border for the image description.
Description border color. Select the border color for the image description.
Description border radius. Set the border radius for the image description cell.
Description position. Select the positioning of the description. Please make sure it does not coincide with the title position avoiding overloading.

3.4 Slideshow styles and colors

Slideshow border size . Set the border for the slideshow.
Slideshow Border color. Select the border color for the slideshow.
Slideshow Border radius. Set the border radious for the slideshow.

3.5 Navigation styles and colors

Navigation Dots position. Set the position for the navigation arrows.
Navigation Dots Color. Select the dot color for the navigation.
Navigation Active Dot Color. Specify the color for the dot for the currently displayed image.
Navigation type. Select the type of the navigation arrows to be used for the website.

### Step 4. Inserting the Slider

4.1 Inserting the Slider into the Post or Page. 

You should use the automatically generated code into the the Post or Page. The shortcodes takes the following form:
[huge_it_slider id=N] , where N is the number ID of the created [WordPress Slider](

4.2 Inserting the Slider into the template.

The shortcode can be easily inserted into a template/theme which corresponds to the WordPress standards.
To do so you should insert the following shorcode:

    <?php echo do_shortcode([huge_it_slider id=N]); ?>

Where N is the number ID of the created Slider.