A next-gen query editor for WPGraphQL π
See releases to download, or download from packagist.org via composer.
When this plugin is active, a new settings tab "IDE Settings" will appear in the WPGraphQL settings screen.
We are committed to maintaining a stable and reliable interface for users of our WordPress plugin. To ensure a seamless experience, we adhere to the following policy regarding breaking changes:
Access Functions: We will not introduce any intentional breaking changes to access functions specifically created to interface with the plugin. These functions are the primary means for interacting with our plugin and will remain consistent across updates.
Public Redux Stores: We commit to maintaining the public Redux stores using
without any breaking changes. This ensures your integrations with our plugin's state management remain stable and predictable. -
Internal Refactoring: Refactoring internal functions and variables not related to the above does not constitute a breaking change. These modifications aim to enhance the plugin's internal structure and performance without impacting the intentionally public API.
Semantic Versioning: If a breaking change is necessary, we will adhere to Semantic Versioning (SemVer). This means any breaking changes will result in an increment of the major version number, clearly signaling the change.
Please use the designated access functions to interface with our plugin. These functions are designed to provide stable interaction points and are detailed in ACCESS_FUNCTIONS.md.
By following this policy, we aim to build trust and reliability, ensuring that your integrations remain functional and stable with each new release.