WorldDynamics v0.1.0
Closed issues:
- Check proper use of
(#1) - Error in exppop parameter in agricultural sector (#2)
- Improve plots (#3)
- Add example of changing tables (#17)
- Use concrete types within the dictionaries (#20)
- Explicit types in function arguments and return values (#21)
- Interpolate table values without if-else statements (#23)
- Storing the figures after execution (#26)
- Inter-file links in docs (#28)
- Implement and plot all figures (#32)
- Adding badges pointing to the documentation (#34)
- Missing picture in tutorial (#36)
Merged pull requests:
- Merge composed capital system (#5) (@paulobruno)
- Merge composition pollution sector (#6) (@paulobruno)
- Use eqs composition in agricultural sector (#7) (@paulobruno)
- Composition population (#9) (@paulobruno)
- Composition main (#10) (@paulobruno)
- Composition (#11) (@paulobruno)
- External function to create and plot variables (#12) (@paulobruno)
- Merge new file organization into main branch (#13) (@paulobruno)
- Merge develop with main (#14) (@paulobruno)
- Merge develop branch of version 0.1.0-alpha (#15) (@paulobruno)
- Create docs (#16) (@paulobruno)
- Merge develop into main (#25) (@paulobruno)
- Generate documentation using Documenter.jl (#29) (@paulobruno)
- Adding (optional) automated saving of plots and removing .DS_Store files of Mac (#31) (@universmile)
- Specify codeowners (#33) (@paulobruno)
- Adding badges pointing to the documentation (#35) (@natema)
- Docdevelop (#37) (@piluc)
- Include ref to documenter key (#42) (@paulobruno)
- Merge dev into main (#43) (@paulobruno)