A monolithized version of the tx-sitter.
The Tx Sitter can be configured in 2 ways:
Using the config file, refer to
for more info -
Using env vars. Every field in the config can also be set via an env var. For example the following config
[service] escalation_interval = "1m" [server] host = "" disable_auth = true [database] connection_string = "postgres://postgres:postgres@" [keys] kind = "local"
Can also be expressed with env vars
Copy .env.example
to .env
or set RUST_LOG=info,service=debug
to have logging.
- Spin up the database
docker run --rm -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -p 5432:5432 postgres
- Spin up the chain
anvil --chain-id 31337 --block-time 2
- Start the service
cargo run
This will use the config.toml
If you have nushell installed, nu manual_test.nu
can be run to execute a basic test.
While you obviously can run tests with
cargo test --workspace
some tests take quite a long time (due to spinning up an anvil node, sending txs, etc.).
Therefore I recommend cargo-nextest as it runs all the tests in parallel. Once installed
cargo nextest run --workspace
can be used instead.