Online chess platform. Connect, play against other users, watch replays of your games as well as famous chess games, track progress on leaderboard. Webchess has been deployed on Heroku :
- create account / connect to platform
- invite another player for a game from the player list
- game interface: play a game of chess
- list of previous games (wins & losses) and stats
- view leaderboard with best players on top
- replay a game from the list of already played games
- Express.js
- Okta authentification (
- (
- Chess REST API to track a game's progress and validate moves ( [EDIT: replaced by Chess.js library]
- Mongo DB (
- Vue.js with Typescript
- integration for Vue.js (
- Chess API to view chess board and play moves (
- Testing will be done using Jest
- To replay famous games we can scrape data from a online dataset:
Prerequisites: git, Node.JS and NPM installed
First, clone the project repository:
git clone
Since WebChess uses Okta for players authentication, you need to create a free account on Okta, create an application and get your Client ID and Okta Domain by following these instructions:
Webchess uses a MongoDB database so you need to either install MongoDB on your local machine and create a database, or use MongoDB Atlas for a cloud database (free). More informations availables here: You will need to get the MongoDB connection string to your database.
Then you need to define your environment configuration variables. To do so you may create .env files, one for the server : ./server/.env and one for the client : ./client/.env.
Here is a template for the file ./server/.env
#The port used by the server
#The connection string to your Mongo database
#Your Okta Client ID
#Your okta issuer, deduced from your Okta Domain
#this api is not used anymore but this env variable may still be required
Here is a template for the file ./client/.env
#The root url of the server
#Your Okta Client ID
#Your okta issuer, deduced from your Okta Domain
Now you should be able to start the Webchess server and client (don't forget to install the dependancies).
Start server:
cd server
npm install
npm run dev
Start client:
cd client
npm install
npm run start
Here the client (which is a Vue.js Single Page Application) is served from a Vue.js debug server usually launched on port 8080. However, for deploying, you may want to use the Webchess server to serve the client application. In order to do that, first build the client with npm run build
and then copy the client/dist folder in the server/views folder.
For now there is no way to register a new player on Webchess. So you need to add players's accounts manually. First add a new user on Okta : go to Okta dashboard > directory > people > add person. Then add a new document for the user on MongoDB, here is a template:
//_id: should be created automatically by mongo
name: "Name",
email: "", // Should be the same email used in Okta !
wins: 0,
losses: 0,
elo: 1500,
previous_elo: [], //empty array
current_game: {}, //empty object
games: [],
friends: []