Dokdo. Easy Discord bot debuging tool.
It's debugging tool for discord.js
Using Discord.js v12?
You could install dokdo@0.4.1
npm i dokdo@djsv12
Using Discord.js v13?
You could install dokdo@0.5.1
npm i dokdo@djsv13
npm i dokdo@latest
npm i wonderlandpark/dokdo#main
const Discord = require('discord.js')
const client = new Discord.Client({ intents: ['GUILDS', 'GUILD_MESSAGES'] })
const Dokdo = require('dokdo')
const DokdoHandler = new Dokdo.Client(client, { aliases: ['dokdo', 'dok'], prefix: '!' }) // Using Bot Application ownerID as default for owner option.
client.on('messageCreate', async message => {
if (message.content === 'ping') return'Pong') // handle commands first // try !dokdo
client.login('super secret token')
You can set the Dokdo prefix including mentions. This allows the client to read the message content.
new Dokdo(client, { prefix: '<@285185716240252929>' })
// Commmand Usage: <@285185716240252929>dokdo
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