- in the
directory, dosbt publish-local
You may have to delete the wolfe directory in the ivy cache to make sure you get the newest version.
Initialize sub-modules (1), setup configuration file (2), compile the project (3) and wolfe (4) and run moro (5-6).
git submodule update --init --recursive
cp naacl-moro.conf moro/conf/application.conf
sbt compile
cd wolfe; sbt compile; cd ..
cd moro; git checkout master
sbt run
Maybe (most definitely?) you'll need to clone htmlgen and scalaplot and install them to a local repository by running
mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true
To download the OHHLA files
scripts/download_ohhla j_live
You can write code in IntelliJ and access it from moro after you compile it (either through IntelliJ or sbt)