All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.0.2 (2023-11-03)
- update readme (dcf58da)
0.0.1 (2023-11-03)
- add aurora theme (81e139f)
- add a storybook support (096a9fd)
- add basic navbar and layout (d187d5c)
- add box-shadow style to input and textarea in the add new tak modal (e583863)
- add claymorphism theme styles (1cd364d)
- add completed/rejected/todo screens and configure client side routing (ac7d4fc)
- add config (e8a7bf5)
- add content and search box and add a task button (e34d8f0)
- add display task modal content (af5b51b)
- add emotion styled library (e9e4213)
- add file styles to newly added styles tiles (16e50f2)
- add glassmorphism theme (6ed0da9)
- add hero icons (4b54b36)
- add input atom, change files places, add atoms to all places (417f3ad)
- add keep selected theme functionality (a1deaaf)
- add list item action buttons (4b96d5f)
- add local storage and save theme in it (66ac750)
- add mark as done functionality (f4a5a77)
- add mobile menu container and close button (4eefaae)
- add modal provider and window (14caf35)
- add navbar links (871468b)
- add neumorphims styles (b48882b)
- add new fonts (2d70a51)
- add new task modal content (3132416)
- add prettier rules and config files (adaf71e)
- add react form hook to add new task modal (7ee2866)
- add react hook forms (c5449c6)
- add saving the tasks in the local storage (15d9a22)
- add search bar logic (7c26948)
- add selected theme button highlight (874a130)
- add settings button in the desktop navbar (6c03c9c)
- add settings button to mobile menu (075a830)
- add snapshots (b4f354f)
- add storybook for button (50f383d)
- add styles to mobile and desktop navbars (6549d07)
- add task description to the list item (5fae781)
- add test (b54f281)
- add tests (b02107b)
- add tests (749a227)
- add tests (626769c)
- add tests (63bde0f)
- add tests (bcc7d9c)
- add tests (30e5f94)
- add theme tiles in the settings modal (74f1431)
- add title atom (fb5f046)
- add vfd display style (8e8e862)
- add vite pwa plugin (790e48d)
- add X when expanded and improve layout (0b62b4b)
- apply unified style to the search input field (6a35369)
- change cursor on tile hover (38e6437)
- change heroicons to lucide (af5bac1)
- change main container max width (dbd6884)
- change union type to enum const type and add new themes (db647f5)
- cover all dump component in the tests (1dfb643)
- extend links to 100% width and change mobile menu background color (16a01a0)
- fix task store logic (5ad5652)
- frontend: add neo- and bruthalism styles (fdb9300)
- generate project files (3dd7c81)
- improve claymorphism styles (dcd92af)
- improve color pallete for vcr theme (861be94)
- improve glassmorphism style (64dfa6f)
- improve styles, especially vfd style (f8ebdcd)
- instal pwa plugin to the vite (71a5017)
- install emotion library (9e63995)
- introduce a basic layout (3e54ec2)
- introduce neo- and bruthalism style (52d3ad3)
- introduce theme provider and 2 themes (621c143)
- remove google-analitycs and add vercel analitycs (94e85fb)
- remove useless code from completed/deleted views (49ae210)
- remove useless hooks (4b78c87)
- remove useless mobile navbar style (9c145d9)
- remove useless storybook folder and upgrade it (0640525)
- set a default theme (02bb8fb)
- standardize css variables (7dfe872)
- standardize file structure (edd6039)
- style desktop navbar (2068225)
- update background files to webp format (e6ffea0)
- update packages and pwa plugin (75dcf31)
- update pwa config file (5c9b537)
- update styles colors and add a new color css property (636ae14)
- update vitePWA plugin config file and add an icon (4f2c3ff)
- upgrade packages (ba1c862)