Send a coffee to woheller69@t-online.deOr via this link (with fees)
LavSeeker shows toilets listed in OpenStreetMap. A long click on a toilet in the list will show the toilet in a map application. You can also allow the app to use GPS. The toilets for your current location are then displayed in the first tab in the app. (This will overwrite the city in your first tab.)
The data is provided by OpenStreetMap.
This app is licensed under the GPLv3, © woheller69.
The app also uses:
- Data is provided by OpenStreetMap under Open Database Licence, Open Database License
- Data from OpenStreetMap is retrieved via Overpass-API (AGPL 3.0 License) and Nominatim (GPL 2.0 License)
- The code is based on Privacy Friendly Weather (, which is published under GPLv3
- Icons from Google Material Design Icons licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Material Components for Android ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Android Volley ( ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- AndroidX libraries ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- AutoSuggestTextViewAPICall ( which is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
- Search-as-you-type location search is provided by Open-Meteo, under Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
- AndroidAddressFormatter library ( licensed under MIT License, which is based upon the work of OpenCage and Placemarkt
- osmdroid ( licensed under Apache License Version 2.0
If you find a bug, please open an issue in the Github repository, assuming one does not already exist.
- Clearly describe the issue including steps to reproduce when it is a bug. In some cases screenshots can be supportive.
- Make sure you mention the Android version and the device you have used when you encountered the issue.
- Make your description as precise as possible.
If you know the solution to a bug please report it in the corresponding issue and if possible modify the code and create a pull request.