Releases: wmo-raf/climweb
What's Changed
- Update requirements for dependat bot security fixes
- Set fonttools==4.39.4 that works correctly with weasyprint for CAP alerts PDF generation
- Minor updates and big fixes
What's Changed
added gambia, guinea bissau and drcongo to live countries by @Grace-Amondi in #268
Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #308
Use alert slug in CAP MQTT filename instead of alert title
Initial external CAP feed integration
Refactor weatherwatch map for zooming in to country bounds immediately
Add options to configure home map forecast locations clustering
Add CTA to homepage
Fix getting SEO image for news page
Update settings for alertwise
Update requirements
Fix WDQMS Statistics
Font Awesome had a monthly cap on views. We are migrating to use svgs loaded internally with Wagtail
Implement django-axes to keep track and block suspicious login attempts
Implement 2FA
Initial otel implementation
remove future date check for aviation tool
update user guide
managing pages
finding way around
technology -
Add data preview, deleting and general error catching
Add method to get default from email
add alertwise documentation
Full Changelog: v0.9.4...v0.9.5
Aviation tool
- Remove future date check for METAR
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Wagtail 6.3.2
- Move cap related tools to one external app
- Bug fixes
Full Changelog: v0.9.4...v0.9.5beta1
What's Changed
- Project restructure by @erick-otenyo in #257
- Initial CAP alerts publishing to MQTT implementation by @erick-otenyo in #258
- update weasyprint to 62.3 by @erick-otenyo in #259
- Update translations by @erick-otenyo in #260
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #261
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #263
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #264
Full Changelog: v0.9.3...v0.9.4
What's Changed
- Project restructure by @erick-otenyo in #257
- Move all src code into climweb directory. Climweb is now a python package that can be used as a base for developing climweb plugins. Climweb will not be able to support plugins, that extend its functionality
- Rewrite docker configurations
- Add celery for async tasks. This will eventually replace tasks run with django background task package
- Use Redis for caching and celery task queueing, instead of memcache that was only a cache
- Add plugin-boilerplate for use with cookiecutter
- untrack .vscode
- climweb version now set in instead of
- Initial CAP alerts publishing to MQTT implementation by @erick-otenyo in #258
- update weasyprint to 62.3 by @erick-otenyo in #259
- Move all background tasks to use celery
- Update translations by @erick-otenyo in #260
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #263
Full Changelog: v0.9.3...v0.9.4beta1
What's Changed
- Aviation Icon Rendering by @Grace-Amondi in #254
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #255
Full Changelog: v0.9.2...v0.9.3
What's Changed
- Add legal disclaimer file by @erick-otenyo in #240
- what we do section revamp by @Grace-Amondi in #241
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #242
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #243
- update stations if metadata changes by @Grace-Amondi in #244
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #245
- Aviation tool by @Grace-Amondi in #246
- add metar-taf-parser-mivek module by @Grace-Amondi in #247
- Add public_health_check endpoint by @erick-otenyo in #248
- Updates by @erick-otenyo in #249
- Add image and pdf fields in data request form by @erick-otenyo in #250
- Fix homepage weather widget by @erick-otenyo in #251
- Add aviation menu view permission by @erick-otenyo in #252
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1
What's Changed
- Add legal disclaimer file by @erick-otenyo in #240
- what we do section revamp by @Grace-Amondi in #241
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #242
- Updates and Bug Fixes by @erick-otenyo in #243
Full Changelog: v0.8.89beta3...v0.9.1beta1