- Install the required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Prepare RefCOCO datasets following LAVT.
Download COCO 2014 Train Images [83K/13GB] from COCO, and extract
Follow the instructions in
to download and extractrefclef.zip, refcoco.zip, refcoco+.zip, refcocog.zip
Your dataset directory should be:
│ ├── images/mscoco/images/
│ ├── refclef
│ ├── refcoco
│ ├── refcoco+
│ ├── refcocog
Dataset | P@0.5 | P@0.6 | P@0.7 | P@0.8 | P@0.9 | OIoU | Mean IoU | Weights |
RefCOCO | 85.52 | 83.02 | 78.45 | 68.53 | 36.31 | 73.46 | 75.67 | Tsinghua Cloud |
RefCOCO+ | 76.69 | 73.93 | 69.68 | 60.98 | 32.52 | 63.93 | 67.98 | Tsinghua Cloud |
RefCOCOg | 75.16 | 71.16 | 65.60 | 55.04 | 29.41 | 63.12 | 66.42 | Tsinghua Cloud |
We recommend to train VPD-RIS on 8x32G NVIDIA V100 GPUs with a total batch size of 32. We count the max length of referring sentences and set the token length of lenguage model accrodingly. The checkpoint of the best epoch would be saved at ./checkpoints/
- Train on RefCOCO
bash train.sh refcoco /path/to/logdir <NUM_GPUS> --token_length 40
- Train on RefCOCO+
bash train.sh refcoco+ /path/to/logdir <NUM_GPUS> --token_length 40
- Train on RefCOCOg
bash train.sh refcocog /path/to/logdir <NUM_GPUS> --token_length 77 --splitBy umd
- Evaluate on RefCOCO
bash test.sh refcoco /path/to/vpd_ris_refcoco.pth --token_length 40
- Evaluate on RefCOCO+
bash test.sh refcoco+ /path/to/vpd_ris_refcoco+.pth --token_length 40
- Evaluate on RefCOCOg
bash test.sh refcocog /path/to/vpd_ris_gref.pth --token_length 77 --splitBy umd