v2.4.17 (04/02/2021)
- blueprints - use formatted styles for height change check
v2.4.16 (31/01/2021)
- Handle oneRow styleParam with designedPreset selected
- improve (item): allow setting an external seed
v2.4.15 (25/01/2021)
- improve: pass gallery item on CURRENT_ITEM_CHANGED event
v2.4.14 (24/01/2021)
- fix: use galleryWidth when calculating cssScroll for horizontal animations
- fix: wrap console.log
- Update README.md
v2.4.13 (17/01/2021)
- (galleryContainerNew): in debouncedReCreateGallery, call reCreateGalleryExpensively with the correct params.
v2.4.12 (14/01/2021)
- fix blueprints: height change between layouts
v2.4.11 (14/01/2021)
- layoutingIndex fix: allow looping on items using the blueprintsManager
- feature (overlayBackgroundGradient): add the option to set the gradient of the overlay
v2.4.10 (13/01/2021)
- Presets: Handle designed presets with new 'jsonStyleParams'
v2.4.9 (07/01/2021)
- fix: black stripes in videos in grid fill
v2.4.8 (07/01/2021)
- Added new designed presets
- Added rotatingScatter
- Added alternate placement
- fix (strip): do not allow incomplete strips with fixed groups per row
v2.4.7 (04/01/2021)
- fix: jumpy animations with scrollSnap in slider
- fix (galleryContainer): add the customNavArrowsRenderer to the non-blueprints flow
- fix (galleryContainer): do not create layoutCss if avoidingInlineStyles
- feature (overlayBackgroundGradient): add the option to set the gradient of the overlay
- improve (galleryContainer): allow gradient overlay background
v2.4.6 (29/12/2020)
- fix (imageItem): remove opacity:0 when image is not loaded
- improve (horizontalScroll): dispatch an event to the scrollIndicator while scrolling horizontally
v2.4.5 (23/12/2020)
- fix: remove extra play button in placeholder
v2.4.4 (23/12/2020)
- fix: video play button doesn't show when needed
v2.4.3 (22/12/2020)
- feature (imageItem): add the option to pass a customImageRenderer as a prop
v2.4.2 (21/12/2020)
- improve: added description to isRelevant in settings
- improve: add docs for the isPrerenderMode to the readme
- improve: update enableInfinitScroll settings and changed behavior in the playground
- improve (layoutFixer): remove deprecated layoutFixer code
v2.4.1 (17/12/2020)
- improve (prerender): render highres image on prerender and set a prerender class
v2.4.0 (16/12/2020)
- bump node version
v2.3.11 (16/12/2020)
- feature (slideshowView): add the option to pass navArrows render function
- fix (layoutFixer): use react class instead of function
- This reverts commit 7f6bd4ccd42d37b0c15291b7f818e36c6e3a6953.
- bump node version in .nvmrc files
- fix (loadMoreAmount): fix functionality in the playground
- fix (layoutFixer): use react class instead of function
v2.3.10 (15/12/2020)
- videos will load after first interaction. fix streched posters
v2.3.9 (14/12/2020)
- fix (layoutFixer): make the createLayout async (to be remote)
v2.3.8 (14/12/2020)
- fix (layouter): fix columnsWidth logic when more columns are defined
- loadMoreButton mobile styles will be set via Wix dynamic css, as the rest of font & color styles.
v2.3.7 (13/12/2020)
- loadMoreButton mobile styles will be set via Wix dynamic css, as the rest of font & color styles.
- reverted video changes in 2.3.6
- fix (settings): remove itemClick from playground and fix isRelevant for loopImages
v2.3.6 (10/12/2020)
- improve (video): improve video loading flow for smoother play start
v2.3.5 (09/12/2020)
- Remove leanGallery usage and imports from Gallery package
v2.3.4 (08/12/2020)
- Initial commit for new lean-gallery pacakge
v2.3.3 (07/12/2020)
- fix wrap createBlueprints function
[v2.3.2]--broken(https://pro-gallery-2-3-2.surge.sh) (07/12/2020)
- correct export for blueprints
- exporting blueprint and allowing for passing a createBlueprintsImp
- delete old settings
- feature: add (and fix) the columnsWidths feature to the playground
- delete tests script before patch/minor/major
- fix: do not create blueprint if one param is missing
- fix: fix request for blueprint on server - when cors is disables credentials must be omitted
- feature: add the option to use blueprints server
v2.3.1 (02/12/2020)
- itemClick will default to 'nothing'
v2.3.0 (30/11/2020)
- prerender changed from viewMode to prop (isPrerenderMode boolean)
v2.2.28 (25/11/2020)
- improve (galleryContainer): allow using getVisibleItems in ssr
v2.2.27 (24/11/2020)
- improve: separate Travis ci build to stages
- added lint script.
v2.2.26 (24/11/2020)
- removed yoshi from packages/gallery.
v2.2.24 (23/11/2020)
- fix (slideshowView): pin autoSlideshow scroll duration to 800ms
v2.2.23 (23/11/2020)
- improve (slideshowView): add support for scrollDuration param
- fix: add UNSAFE to componentWillReceiveProps
v2.2.22 (18/11/2020)
- feature (imageItem): avoid using preload image until first scroll event
v2.2.21 (17/11/2020)
- removed yoshi from layouts.
v2.2.20 (17/11/2020)
- removed yoshi from lib.
v2.2.19 (11/11/2020)
- fix (videoItem): add namespace webpack chunk names (to avoid react-player imports collisions)
v2.2.18 (11/11/2020)
- fix: keep old hashToInt logic for grouping
- moved CI to travis-ci.com
v2.2.17 (11/11/2020)
- fix (slideshowview): load non-visible items before thumbnail navigation
- fix (itemView): remove double borderRadius for attached background
- improve (scrollAnimations): enable and fix scroll animations in horizontal galleries
- improve: better scatter calculation
v2.2.16 (09/11/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): remove default preload option
v2.2.15 (08/11/2020)
- Fixed condition to preview the hover element.
- improve: add scroll animations for horizontal galleries
v2.2.14 (05/11/2020)
- fix fade animation and thumbnail layout for text item
- add special handling for fadeAnimation for slideshow
v2.2.13 (02/11/2020)
- fix (layoutFixer): fix the element creation for multiple galleries
v2.2.12 (01/11/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): hide elements that are not in view in the layoutFixer
v2.2.11 (01/11/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): merge disableAfterMount and add nopreload experiment
- fix (slideshowView): fix prerender mode in horizontal galleries
v2.2.10 (28/10/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): add url toggles to layoutFixer (to test in production)
v2.2.9 (28/10/2020)
- Fix: Added 'aria-hidden' to hidden items in slider infinite loop
- fix (item): return the roundedStyles as a seperate key. roundedStyles cause a blank 1px strip sometimes
v2.2.8 (27/10/2020)
- fix (item): round the item's style instead of flooring it
- improve (layoutFixer): fix existing media url instead of creating a new one
- improve (imageItem): remove the opacity transition on the high res image
v2.2.7 (26/10/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): render high-res images on fix + get blueprint data before first render
v2.2.6 (25/10/2020)
- fix (galleryContainer): set the avoidInlineStyles default to false
- fix (layoutFixer): disable any dom effect when the layoutFixer is off
v2.2.5 (25/10/2020)
- fix (layoutFixer): render the layoutFixer in prerenderMode (ssr and csr) to avoid ssr mismatches
v2.2.4 (25/10/2020)
- fix (yoshi): fix the version of ab-translate to avoid trying to import a private module
- fix (yoshi): fixate yoshi's version to ~4.25.0
- fix (prerenderMode): re-enable margin in prerender mode and disable only for layoutFixer
- fix (galleryItem): fix videos preload image creation
v2.2.3 (22/10/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): fix blick after ssr and pass layoutFixer data to the gallery
v2.2.2 (21/10/2020)
- fix: fixed isScrollEnd function in slideshow (arrows issue)
- improve (layoutFixer): prevent the layoutFixer from running more than once
v2.2.1 (19/10/2020)
- fix RTL get more items calculation
- autoSlideshow - stop loop if its turned off, work with RTL
v2.2.0 (18/10/2020)
- improve (imageMargin): stop dividing the imageMargin by 2 in process styles (styleParams should not be mutable)
- fix (layoutFixer): do not modify receive styles
v2.1.47 (18/10/2020)
v2.1.46 (18/10/2020)
- fix (layoutFixer): retry if elements do not exist
v2.1.45 (18/10/2020)
- add urlSize to itemResizer
- improve (galleryContainer): add an option to disableSSROpacity
- fix (layoutFixer): measure the container correctly
v2.1.44 (15/10/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): preload the layout fixer and use opacity:0 always
- fix (galleryhelpers): add try catch to viewport calculation (IE11 issues)
v2.1.43 (14/10/2020)
- fix (item): return rounded dimensions (without fractions)
- improve (index): add a playground link for debugging
v2.1.42 (12/10/2020)
- blueprints manager - dont keep params of failed blueprints as baseline
- blueprints - add handle gallery structure on mount
- preload blurry images with eager prop instead of lazy
- load-more button: prevent focus on the button onMouseDown
- improve (settings): add videoSpeed to playground
v2.1.41 (11/10/2020)
- catch errors on blueprint fail. dont blow up the gallery (wait for next props)
v2.1.40 (11/10/2020)
- blueprints - call GALLERY_CHANGED in handleNewGalleryStructure after receiving new props.
v2.1.39 (11/10/2020)
- Gallery Items - allow download links to include queryParams
v2.1.38 (04/10/2020)
- added findNeighborItem from the layouter to the gallery
v2.1.38 (04/10/2020)
- fix rebase error
- feat (GalleryContainer): added findNeighborItem from the layouter to the gallery
v2.1.37 (01/10/2020)
- improve (layoutFixer): export the layoutFixer as a seperate component
v2.1.35 (30/09/2020)
- Add onKeyDown event to handle case of opening FullScreen with Screen-Reader
- fix: slideshow RTL and current idx fixes
- upgrade react-player 2
v2.1.34 (23/09/2020)
- upgrade react-player to ^2.6.0
v2.1.33 (23/09/2020)
- Add title and description as item changed params
v2.1.32 (23/09/2020)
- fix (itemView): remove animations from preview mode
- feature (slideshow): add support for fade animation is horizontal galleries
- improve (layoutFixer): createLayoutFixer as soon as possible.
v2.1.31 (22/09/2020)
- Added 'resizeMediaUrl' func to debouncedReCreateGallery (fix broken images in albums upload)
- tests: added a custom tests reporter
- improve (itemView): use item transitions in preview mode
v2.1.30 (17/09/2020)
- fix (galleryContainer): item slice
v2.1.29 (15/09/2020)
- add a layoutFixer for prerenderedMode
v2.1.28 (15/09/2020)
- leanGallery: use processLayouts
v2.1.27 (15/09/2020)
- use visibale items only for prerender mode.
v2.1.26 (14/09/2020)
- : travis: run "test:all" (instead of "test") before running build.
v2.1.25 (14/09/2020)
- leanGallery: fix mobile settings to apply on gallery
- fix (itemView): use isEditMode as a function
- improve (styleParams): support colors as rgba / hex string (keep legacy {value: ...} support)
- improve (itemView): use item transitions only in edit mode
v2.1.24 (14/09/2020)
- leanGallery: fix mobile settings to apply on gallery
- fix (itemView): use isEditMode as a function
- improve (styleParams): support colors as rgba / hex string (keep legacy {value: ...} support)
- improve (itemView): use item transitions only in edit mode
v2.1.23 (13/09/2020)
- Handle case of video autoplay on ios devices
- improve (scatter): refactor scatter to be a part of the layout
v2.1.22 (08/09/2020)
- Added resettemLooping to blueprintsManager
v2.1.21 (08/09/2020)
- fixed createDynamicStyles of overlayBackground (will receive it as an arg), fixed itemHover -> shouldRenderHoverInnerIfExist (when alwaysShowHover, it is true).
- Refactor infinate loop in slideshow, slider, thumbnails loop. Fix slideshowLoop SP is not relevnt for layouts that are not slideshow, slider, thumbnails (as was supposed to be).
- REVERT: tests (.travis.yml): run all tests in travis
v2.1.20 (08/09/2020)
- temporarily remove test:e2e script
v2.1.19 (08/09/2020)
- Revereted code. stabilizing PG.
v2.1.18 (07/09/2020)
- Refactor infinite loop in slideshow, slider, thumbnails loop.
- Fix slideshowLoop SP is not relevnt for layouts that are not slideshow, slider, thumbnails (as was supposed to be).
v2.1.17 (07/09/2020)
- REVERTED changes done in 2.1.16.
v2.1.16 (07/09/2020)
- Refactor infinate loop in slideshow, slider, thumbnails loop.
- Fix: slideshowLoop SP is not relevnt for layouts that are not slideshow, slider, thumbnails (as was supposed to be).
v2.1.15 (02/09/2020)
- fix: arrows are not showing for galleries below the page fold
v2.1.14 (01/09/2020)
- Fix an issue where blueprints did not get the formFactor for viewModeWrapper and styles were not fitted for mobile view
v2.1.13 (31/08/2020)
-improve dynamic css / animations creation flow
v2.1.12 (26/08/2020)
- fix: removed getMoreItems call from willRecieveProps
v2.1.11 (25/08/2020)
Remove size transitions until item is loaded (looks bad in SSR)
v2.1.10 (25/08/2020)
- Block download on iOS when not allowed
- fix (galleryContainer): fix 'false' strings in dynamic styles
- Add protection for highres image onLoad not called
- blueprints flow: allow requesting blueprints from node server(local only)
v2.1.9 (23/08/2020)
- Hide the code generator button if the sidebar is hidden
v2.1.8 (23/08/2020)
- leanGallery: update tests
- enable access to totalItemsCount from URL query param
v2.1.7 (23/08/2020)
- (isNew) check if watermark changed
- fix: return all items instead of visible items when there's currentIdx
- fix: fix getMoreItems is not called when dimensions are unknown
- improve (settings): add allowLeanGallery option settings
v2.1.6 (19/08/2020)
- : itemView: do not perform e.preventDefault() on item-container 'onKeyDown' (will allow onClick flow on accessible items in the info)
v2.1.5 (18/08/2020)
- fix (settings): rename RCP to allowContextMenu
- fix (styleParams): use default style params in context
- fix (sidebar): fix disappearing styleParams after change
- Fix: Title underline in mobile view
- fix (galleryContainer): typo
- fix (galleryContainer): merge dynamic styles and fix background overlay css
- fix (layouter): fix calculation of cropped items in vertical galleries with large spacing
v2.1.4 (16/08/2020)
- Protect looping on single video items. listen to errors sent on play.
v2.1.3 (10/08/2020)
- LeanGallery: change the gallery key between lean and pro gallery
- Feature (overlayBackground): add support for dynamic styles - overlayBackground
- Fixed imageItem: remove gallery-item-hidden class in SEO
- Layouter will throw an error if !galleryWidth or if !targetItemSize.
v2.1.2 (05/08/2020)
- fix: targetItemSize calculation
- fix isInfinite
v2.1.1 (04/08/2020)
- improve (settings): move the settings management to the lib and remove the old settings configuration
- feature (itemView): add styleParams to block right click
v2.1.0 (04/08/2020)
v2.0.43 (03/08/2020)
- leanGallery: fix isEligible to consider totalItemsCount
v2.0.42 (03/08/2020)
- fix (leanGallery): fix linter error (unknown var)
- improve: rename gallerySize to targetItemSize for inner calculations
v2.0.41 (03/08/2020)
- fixed version 2.0.40: itemHover will be created always (when needed) when there is an overlayAnimation. The inner part of itemHover will be rendered only when needed as well.
v2.0.40 (02/08/2020)
- itemHover will be created always (when needed) when there is an overlayAnimation. The inner part of itemHover will be rendered only on first hover an on.
v2.0.39 (02/08/2020)
- better isUsingCustomElement for blueprints
v2.0.38 (02/08/2020)
- Created an entry for a non-breaking blueprints-using gallery
- leanGallery: update calcItemSize function and added titlePlacement fix for isEligible
v2.0.37 (29/07/2020)
- remove unknown dimensions
v2.0.36 (28/07/2020)
- update changelog.md
- update changelog.md
- leanGallery: added logic of calcNumberOfColumns
- utils: disable cache on SSR
v2.0.36 (28/07/2020)
- update changelog.md
- leanGallery: added logic of calcNumberOfColumns
- utils: disable cache on SSR
v2.0.36 (28/07/2020)
- leanGallery: added logic of calcNumberOfColumns
- utils: disable cache on SSR
v2.0.35 (27/07/2020)
- Add a report an issue link
- Remove css lazy load code
v2.0.34 (23/07/2020)
- moved GALLERY_CONSTS, GalleryItem, utils, windowWrapper, viewModeWrapper, Blueprints, presets, defaultStyles, dimensionsHelper, ItemsHelper, processLayouts, versionsHelper, GalleryGroup to pro-gallery-lib.
v2.0.33 (22/07/2020)
- fix (videoScrollHelper): do not init scroll helper in ssr
v2.0.32 (22/07/2020)
- avoid using window in videoItem
v2.0.30 (21/07/2020)
- mobile 1st tap hover only if has title or description
v2.0.29 (21/07/2020)
- item-container opacity 0 on prerender mode
- fix: gaps in vertical layouts
v2.0.28 (21/07/2020)
- leanGallery: use isVerbose, fix cursor style, and block 'isAccessible'
- load video code dynamically
v2.0.27 (20/07/2020)
- getScrollCss will be called only whe needed (!isSEOMode() && (isEditMode() || gotFirstScrollEvent|| showMoreClickedAtLeastOnce)
v2.0.26 (19/07/2020)
- leanGallery: fix image size in ssr
v2.0.25 (19/07/2020)
- add blueprints to lib
- remove preset components
- ssrSimulator: update number of testItems
- improve (leanGallery): improve rendering of lean galleries in SSR
v2.0.24 (19/07/2020)
- revert export blueprints in the lib.
v2.0.23 (16/07/2020)
- SSR improve: item dimension
v2.0.22 (16/07/2020)
- export blueprints in the lib
v2.0.21 (16/07/2020)
- blueprint manager is no longer a singleton
- reverted "changed pro-gallery/lib to be only ESM."
v2.0.20 (15/07/2020)
- changed pro-gallery/lib to be only ESM.
v2.0.19 (15/07/2020)
- render videoItemPlaceholder in videoItem
- LeanGallery supported in Ssr
v2.0.18 (15/07/2020)
- SSR refactor
v2.0.17 (14/07/2020)
- fix: gallery is not visible when only first item is in view
v2.0.16 (13/07/2020)
- fix (itemView): avoid inline styles in non-blueprints flow
v2.0.15 (13/07/2020)
- fix (galleryContainerNew): use layoutCss in non-blueprints flow
v2.0.14 (13/07/2020)
- remove inline styles tags
v2.0.13 (13/07/2020)
- fix (slideshowView): fix isLastItem and isScrollEnd for infiniteScroll galleries
- connect blueprints
v2.0.12 (12/07/2020)
- fix leanGallery broken styleParams
- fix leanGallery isEligible reasons
- update getVisibleItems in containerExtraNew
- improve: add viewMode settings to the simulators tab
v2.0.11 (05/07/2020)
- fix: (containerNew) getVisibleItems - dont render less then 2 items
v2.0.10 (05/07/2020)
- set gotFirstScrollEvent on horizontal scroll in oneRow gallery
v2.0.9 (02/07/2020)
- bug fix (ContainerNew) getMoreItems on didMount
- REVERT: changed pro-gallery/lib to be only ESM.
v2.0.8 (01/07/2020)
- changed pro-gallery/lib to be only ESM.
v2.0.7 (01/07/2020)
- **** Removed all info from the gallery ****
v2.0.6 (01/07/2020)
- fix: getVisibleItems only in viewMode site
v2.0.5 (30/06/2020)
- ItemView: Add setState with setTimeout for text line fixer
- improve: removed unused cod
v2.0.4 (30/06/2020)
- Fix (galleryContainer): fix visibleItems calc for galleries with infinite scroll
- ItemView: removed onMouseOver onMouseOut attrs from externalInfo (they are already on the whole item-container).
- Performence: Remove loaded and displayed states from ItemView
- Improve (galleryContainerNew): getVisibleItems
- Upgrade pro-gallery
- Fix import from pro-gallery
- Fix missing style loaders on external sources
v2.0.2 (25/06/2020)
- Move antd css import from main entry point to side bar component
- reactDriver add getVisibleItems
- (performance) render only visibleItems on first render
- Removed some unused code
- (isNew.js) use Object.entries
- galleryContainer remove reCreateGalleryExpensively on didMount
v2.0.1 (23/06/2020)
- improve: Lazy load side bar
- (isNew.js) fix stylesHaveChanged
v2.0.0 (22/06/2020)
improve (calcVisibilities): remove deprecated calcVisibilities
- improve (sidebar): lazy load the sidebar code