DragonWars is a turn-based aerial combat miniatures game, inspired by convention-style wargames. It emphasizes precise movement, quick play, and genuine vertical height. Players control a set of dragon units, each with its own movement and combat capabilities, in a race to capture a central objective or simply outmaneuver and outlast opposing dragons.
Fully 3D-printable - everything is 3D-printable on a standard Ender-3 size FDM printer
2-6 Players
4 Dragon Types: Four distinct units (Wyrmling, Drake, Elder, Ancient) each with unique speed, size, and combat abilities.
3 Vertical Height Systems:
3 Game Modes:
- Capture the Egg – A race to retrieve the dragon egg from the summit of the mountain and return it to your lair.
- Deathmatch – A fight to the death, destroy all enemies and be the last dragon standing.
- Colors vs Chromatics – A team-based deathmatch variant where colored dragons and metallic dragons face off.
Customizable 3D Terrain A modular hex system supports custom 3D map layouts. Optional chipboard terrain pieces (via laser-cutting or similar approach) for maximum visual appeal.
Intuitive Action Plotting System Enables fast plotting of 3 turns of movement and combat actions for 4 dragons
Simple Stats Tracking Allows easy assessment of the state of the game
- Set Up the Board and Lairs: Arrange hex-based terrain. Each player places their four dragons (Wyrmling, Drake, Elder, Ancient) in their designated lair hexes.
- Plot Actions: Each Round consists of three Turns. Players simultaneously and secretly plot movement and combat for all three Turns on their plotting boards.
- Resolve Movement and Combat:
- Movement: Once plotting boards are revealed, execute each dragon’s plotted moves. Track height changes using the riser system or carbon rods. Illegal moves (e.g., crashing into terrain) may cause a dragon to fall and take damage.
- Combat: After movement, all valid plotted combat actions are resolved. Dragons sharing a hex at the same height may also engage in melee attacks.
- Victory Conditions: Vary by mode.
- Capture the Egg – Retrieve the egg token from the summit and return it to your lair.
- Deathmatch – Eliminate all other players’ dragons.
- Colors vs Chromatics – Eliminate all other team's dragons.
For full details, including diagrams, movement and combat resolutions, and advanced rules, consult the DragonWars v0.9 Rules Guide.
Dragon Minis and Bases:
- For each player color:
- 1x wrymling.stl (or wyrmling_with_hole.stl if using sliding pole height system)
- 1x drake.stl (or drake_with_hole.stl)
- 1x elder.stl (or elder_with_hole.stl)
- 1x ancient.stl (or ancient_with_hole.stl)
- 1x small_base.stl (or small_base_with_hole.stl)
- 2x medium_base.stl (or medium_base_with_hole.stl)
- 1x large_base.stl (or large_base_with_hole.stl)
- For each player color:
Player Boards:
- For each player color:
- 1x plotting_board.stl
- 1x tracking_board.stl
- 4x slider.stl (in color red)
- 4x slider.stl (in color blue)
- 72x plotting_peg.stl
- For each player color:
Terrain Hexes and Connectors:
- 5x hex_connector.stl
- 37x hex_holder.stl
- 108x leg_length_1.stl
- 72x leg_length_3.stl
- 36x leg_length_6.stl
- 9x leg_length_9.stl
- 8x short_wall.stl
- 6x long_wall.stl
- 6x a-shape_hex_grid.stl
- 6x c-shape_hex_grid.stl
If not using laser-cut chipboard:
- 129x terrain_hex.stl (1 Summit, 18 Mountain, 18 Forest, 62 Field, 12 Scorched, 18 Lair [3 of each player color])
Risers or Poles for Height:
If using telescoping risers (recommended):
- For each player:
- 12x telescoping_riser_bottom.stl
- 8x telescoping_riser_top.stl
- 4x telescoping_riser_layer1.stl
- 4x telescoping_riser_layer2.stl
- 4x telescoping_riser_layer3.stl
- 4x telescoping_riser_layer4.stl
- 4x telescoping_riser_layer5.stl
- 4x telescoping_riser_layer6.stl
If using basic risers:
- For each player:
- 36x basic_riser.stl
- For each player:
Miscellaneous Components:
- 1x egg.stl (if playing "Capture the Egg" game mode)
If you do not have access to a laser cutter, 3D-printed terrain hexes alone will suffice for normal gameplay.
A total of 128 terrain hexes are needed: 1 Summit, 18 Mountain, 18 Forest, 62 Field, 12 Scorched, 18 Lair [3 of each player color, or can use Scorched]
Images are provided for printing on 4"x6" photo paper or 8.5"x11" photo paper at 300dpi.
If cutting a 4"x6" print:
- 4x6_with_2_hexes.svg
If cutting a 8.5"x11" print:
- 8p5x11_with_11_hexes.svg
Thank you for trying DragonWars! If your group makes any tweaks or improvements, please reach out and let me know!
For a detailed blog post describing the design and testing process, go here.