- Adjust the
declaration for the service you want to proxy. In this case, this is PlantUML. Make sure your service is listening on port 9999.
JAVA_OPTIONS: "-Djetty.port=9999"
image: plantuml/plantuml-server:jetty
container_name: proxied-server
- 9999
- Start up the composition via docker-compose:
$ docker-compose -d up
Creating network "ssl-proxy_default" with the default driver
Creating proxied-server ... done
Creating nginx-proxy ... done
At this point, your service should be available at https://machine-name/
You'll have to add a security exception in your browser the first time you access it.
Happy Proxying!
Build the nginx container with a self-signed ssl certificate with a lifetime of ten years.
From the project root:
cd nginx
docker build -t nginx:ten-year-cert .
This will take a base Alpine container, add openssl and generate a ten year certificate for localhost. It will also copy any *.conf
file in the nginx/conf.d
folder to /etc/nginx/conf.d
in the image.
It also makes a few assumptions; one being that the proxied service container will have an HTTP listener on port 9999.
Use the docker-compose.local.yml if you want to build your own nginx from the Dockerfile.