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Releases: winneon/gsu

Release: 1.3.2

14 Sep 00:20
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For installation instructions, follow the section in the README.


  • Added a --hide option to minimize the active window when capturing begins.
    • This is useful in conjunction with --terminal to hide the newly created terminal.
    • This option adds xdotool as a dependency. If you do not want to use it this option or the active value of --display, then xdotool is not required.
  • Added more terminal examples and options in the configuration file.
    • The current examples are gnome-terminal and urxvt. You are always free to edit these variables to support your own terminal.


  • Changed the xclip optional dependency to xsel for more stability.


  • Fixed commands requiring a value (i.e. --display or --countdown) throwing an error if an operand is not provided.
  • Fixed URLs not copying to the clipboard after the utility is finished using the --terminal option.

Release: 1.3.0

13 Sep 20:36
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For installation instructions, follow the section in the README.


  • Added a --dmenu option for selecting the output type.
    • Shorthand is -r. This option works with and requires dmenu or rofi.
  • Added a --list-displays option for listing your available displays to capture from.
    • Shorthand is -l.
    • This can be combined with dmenu or rofi to select a display to capture. See below for an example using rofi.
      • $ gsu -l | rofi -dmenu | gsu -d
  • Added a --notify option to display a notification when the utility is complete.
    • This option requires libnotify to be installed.
    • The notification will either have error info, the save location, or the uploaded URL.
  • Added a --terminal option to open the utility in a new terminal.
    • This option is useful when running gsu from a headless utility, such as xbindkeys or your DE/WM's keybind manager.
    • The default is gnome-terminal. To change the terminal that is opened, uncomment and edit the GSU_TERM variable in the configuration. Be sure to have the terminal you want to use installed.
    • Caveats: If you do not use this option when running in headless utility, and you are taking a video or gif, you will be unable to stop recording unless you manually run killall ffmpeg.


  • Allowed the --display option to read from stdin. If you are not piping into gsu, then the option will still require a value.
  • Removed the requirement of an operand. If no operand/file is provided, gsu will output to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gsu/imgs, with a timestamp as the filename.

Release: 1.1.2

05 Sep 08:35
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For installation instructions, follow the section in the README.


  • Added an AUDIO option to the configuration.
    • This option will allow you to change audio devices from pulseaudio, which is now the default.


  • Fixed a minor lie in the configuration.

Release: 1.1.1

05 Sep 02:27
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For installation instructions, follow the section in the README.


  • Fixed GIFs not capturing due to a forgotten case statement.

Release: 1.1.0

05 Sep 02:07
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For installation instructions, follow the section in the README.


  • Added a new --display option.
    • Set the selection to a specific display, whether it be a display number, the active display, or all displays.
  • Added a check to prevent usage of invalid extensions if a custom command is not provided.


  • FFmpeg now shows a border around your selection when capturing a video or a gif. The border itself is not visible in the resulting recording or gif.

Release: 1.0.1

04 Sep 22:05
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For installation instructions, follow the section in the README.


  • Fixed the operand not accepting forward slashes, therefore breaking paths not in your current directory.
  • Fixed no output when the operand has invalid characters.

Initial release.

04 Sep 12:05
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For installation instructions, follow the section in the README.