Version 1.3.0
Personalize MEG - Add support for Personalize rules within
Mutually Exclusive Groups
Segmentation module
- Modify how context and settings are being used inside modular segmentor code
- Cache location / User-Agent data per
API - Single endpoint for location and User-Agent at gateway-service so that at max one call will be required to fetch data from gateway service
- If userAgent and ipAddress both are null, then no need to send call to gatewayService
- Add support for DSL where featureIdValue could be
Context refactoring - context is now flattened out
[ 'id' => $userId, 'ipAddress' => '', 'userAgent' => '', // For pre-segmentation in campaigns 'customVariables' => [ 'variable' => 'value' ] ]
Code refactoring - source code is refactored to have error-handling, model-driven code, and inline documentation.