Interactive map for the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association primary website.
Zach Cooper | Github: CooperZA | ( | Developer
Juniper Still | Github: stillj2 | ( | Designer
Taichen Rose | Github: willsower | ( | Developer
Email for questions about the project or the codebase
This application setup assumes you know the basics of using a bash terminal. Codeblocks below will be examples of what you would use in the terminal. If you don't know how to use a bash terminal, this guide will do it's best to make sure you have what you need.
You can find this online.
You can find the Github credentials (login) in the documentation file that was sent to you.
When logged into NSEA-Whatcom github, you can either continue to work on this project on that account, or make yourself a contributor. If you wish to make yourself a contributor, invite your own github to this project. (You can find this under the Settings tag)
git clone
Go into the app folder
cd app
Download node_modules
npm install
Go into app/client folder
cd client
Download node_moduels in that folder aswell
npm install
Go to MongoDB on google. Login to it using NSEA's credentials. (You can find these credentials in the documentation file that was sent to you.)
Once logged in, you'll be on a Clusters page. Look on the left navigation bar for "Network Access"
Click on the Green "Add IP Address" button, then add in your ID address. (They have a button that will automatically input your current IP address, so you don't have to manually type it in).
In your app file, create a file named .env
Paste in the 6 lines of code to this .env file. You can find the 6 lines of code in the documentation file that was sent to you.
In your app/client file, create a file named .env
Paste in the 2 lines of code to this .env file. You can find the 2 lines of code in the documentation file that was sent to you.
You will need to open up 2 seperate terminals for this. Open a terminal in your app folder, then open a file in your app/client folder.
In the app folder, run the command nodemon server
Note: If you get an error running the above command, try using npx nodemon
instead. If both don't work, double check to see if you have nodemon downloaded.
In the app/client folder, run the command npm start
Note: If you get an error running the above command, delete the node_modules folder in app/client folder. Then reinstall them by typing in npm install
, then do npm start
When both your terminals have accepted the command inputs. A lcoalhost webrowser will show up in your search browser with the map.