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Releases: willie68/ReCoS-Remote-Command-Service

Übersetzung in Deutsch, Translation in German

27 Sep 08:08
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heute schreibe ich zuerst mal in Deutsch. denn der Kern dieses Releases ist die Übersetzung der Dokumentation in Deutsch. Nun gibt es eine deutsche Hilfe PDF. SChaut euch das mal an und bei Fragen einfach mal fragen. Weiteres grosses Feature sind die vordefinierten Templates für verschiedene Endgeräte-
Kleiner Änderungen weiterhin:

  • BUG: Screenshots haben nun die Endung png
  • FEATURE: Nun können auf Basis von Templates bereits an das Clientgerät angepasste Profile erstellt werden.

Und nun wünsch ich euch viel Spass mit der Version.

And now in english...

today I'll first write in German. because the core of this release is the translation of the documentation into German. Now there is a German help PDF. Check it out for yourself and just ask if you have any questions. Another big feature are the predefined templates for different end devices
Small changes still:

  • BUG: Screenshots now have the ending png
  • FEATURE: Profiles adapted to the client device can now be created on the basis of templates.

And now I wish you a lot of fun with the version.

Release V0.3.98

08 Sep 10:24
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Release V0.3.98 Pre-release

Hallo Leute,

heute mal in Deutsch, english below.

Es gibt was neues. Ich war mal wieder etwas fleissig und hab für euch ein paar Neuerungen eingebaut. Nicht viele, aber doch ein paar.

  1. Ihr könnt jetzt auch ganze Seiten mit euren Freunden austauschen. Dazu gibt es jetzt neue Funktionen zum Export und Import einer Seite. Macht den Austausch von vorkonfigurierten Seiten einfacher.
  2. Ihr könnt nun auch das Passwort des Service aus dem WebAdmin ändern. Nach der Änderung müsst ihr allerdings einmal den Service und den Client neu starten, damit es wirksam wird.
  3. Ich habe angefangen eine deutsche Doku zu schreiben. Leider bin ich noch nicht ganz fertig geworden, aber einen Teil könnt ihr jetzt schon mal lesen. Nach der Installation erscheinen nun beide READMEs. Einmal in Englisch und einmal in Deutsch.

So weit erstmal von mir
Viel Spass mit den neuen Funktionen.

Hello folks,

There is something new. Once again I was a little busy and built in a few new features for you. Not many, but a few.

  1. You can now exchange entire pages with your friends. There are new functions for exporting and importing a page. Makes the exchange of preconfigured pages easier.
  2. You can also change the password of the service from the WebAdmin. After the change, however, you have to restart the service and the client to take effect.
  3. I also started to write a German documentary. Unfortunately I haven't finished yet, but you can read part of it now. After the installation, both READMEs appear. Once in English and once in German.

Have fun with the new functions.

New Release 0.3.97

10 Aug 08:06
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New Release 0.3.97 Pre-release

it's quit a time ago, that i have made the last release.
In this release i made some changes in the WebClient, adding ui framework primevue to it. Now there is a new toolbar for selecting profile and pages.
In admin client you can now export and import profiles and single actions.
All parts of the ReCoS system are now versioned. So you can see the version of every part of the system, in webclient, admin client and the service.
Have fun with this release.

Minor changes, a little makeup on admin client

04 Jul 07:01
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THis is just only a little release.
nly one bug in delay, not recognising the parameter. And a little makeup on the admin client.


OBS Studio Integration

05 Jun 10:58
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it's me again. Now, beside some minor fixes, the main purpose of this release was to integrate OBS Studio to the ReCoS.
Now with this integration you can controll some aspects of your obs.

  • start/stop recording/streaming
  • switching profiles, scene collections and of course scenes.

And from now on, i use a different versioning scheme.

contact me, if you need other things to control.


Adding support for the elgato stream deck

30 May 06:12
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good news for all of you, who already have an elgato stream deck. Now you can use this as a client with ReCoS.
On the settings tab you only have to tick the streamdeck integration active.
The ReCoS will automatically start (on the next restart) a serivce called StreamdeckService (it will automatically be installed with the ReCoS itself.)
In the settings you can determine the profile that should be displayed on the stream deck. If the field remains empty, a profile suitable for the connected deck is automatically searched for.
For a normal streamdeck (15 Button version, no matter whether revision 1 or 2) the default profile is called streamdeck. A profile with the name streamdeck_mini is expected for the Streamdeck mini. The streamdeck_xl profile is expected for the XL.'

Now have fun with this.

Settings dialog for the service adminitration

16 May 09:45
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In this release everything is done to make the administartion of the integration, which are normally configured directly in the settins file, easier. So, from now on, you can configure the integrations via the settings dialog in the admin client. (But don't forget to do a restart on the service itself. It's in the Taskicon menu. )

Have fun with this small release.

best regards

Just a little bit of make up for the icons

27 Apr 07:29
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I just changed my iconset. Not the symbols themselves, but the format. Now all the icons in all sizes are rendered beautifully.
And I added a little command to change the text part of a button. You can add this command after a series of commands (or in the middle) for further feedback to the user.

If you reinstall ReCoS don't forget that profiles are permanent. And the symbols are displayed in the profile. So if you don't see an icon, please check the profile setting. Maybe there is a * .png. From now on there should be an * .svg. You can change this individually in the admin client or simply change all symbols in the profile files ( \ appdata \ roaming \ ReCoS \ profile). Don't forget to restart the service afterwards.

If you have any questions, you know how to contact me.

best regards

Version 0.65 adding support for homematic

23 Apr 13:45
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just as I love my homematic system, i liked to have some Actions for that. I have added 3 diffeent Commands.
One for starting a Program on the homematic system.
One for a switch. With optical response and state with 2 configurable icons
One for a Dimmer (or a shutter): here you can set directly the value from 0 to100%, or you can have inc and dec Butoons. (With configurable % delta value) All with textual response of the % Value.
Adding your own homematic system you'll have to do 2 things.
First add the ip adress of your homematic system in the system config:

        active: true
        updateperiod: 5

Second you have to add the xmlapi addon to your homematic.

Philips Hue Integration

15 Apr 09:17
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I proudly present the Philips Hue Integration. Mainly doing this in to commands.
PHUELIGHTS: doing every thing with lights , groups, rooms, zones...
PHUESCENES applying a sene to a group.

Don't forget the Installation part of the Philips Hue Integration. You will find this in the documentation folder.
And don't forget to add the relevant parts into the config.yaml
Sorry, there isn't an automated installation for Philips Hue at this time.
Have fun