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executable file
92 lines (52 loc) · 2.92 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
92 lines (52 loc) · 2.92 KB

General notes

Make sure system name is "william" to avoid having weird file name issues when going between computers

Have a folder called "NO_BACKUP" that is excluded from both Time Machine and Backblaze. This is good for temporary/placeholder files that you don't want to devote resources to backing up. Consider doing this with the Downloads folder as well.

Do not use any software from here

Programs List

Homebrew -- Install this first to get command-line download of many important packages

KeepingYouAwake -- useful utility for preventing computer from sleeping.



XCode + Command Line Utilities


TeX / MacTeX

Sublime Text 3

Fiji / ImageJ


  • Nice general-purpose GUI utility for opening files

Install the google cloud SDK

  • watch out for the .bash_profile and .bash_rc, these likely need to be checked individually

command line utilities:

homebrew ffmpeg imagemagick istats command line gem unrar (opens rar files) sox (working with audio files, making spectrograms)

Upgrading from OSX Yosemite to macOS Sierra (10.12.4)

  • Python/Anaconda did not have any problems
  • Terminal settings remained intact
  • Mathematica needed to be updated to a version compatible with new OS ++ Did not need to re-authenticate license, just installed the new version and it worked out of the box

TeX / MacTeX broke

  • TeXshop would open, but would not compile old documents
  • Tried re-downloading and installing a more recent version of MacTeX and everything worked again (no need to uninstall previous)

Mail app broke

  • Old emails that were forwarded to my personal Gmail disappeared from However, they were still present in Gmail's web client, as well as on my iPhone. Interestingly, new emails that were forwarded to my Gmail account appeared normally
  • Try rebuilding the mailbox (takes several hours to re-index). I could not get this to work on Sierra.
  • Try going into Gmail's web client, and using custom searches to find the exact date range of missing emails. Then, "Mark all as Unread". This seems to force to acknowledge them and re-download them all as unread messages, which you can then "Mark all as Read" within the app. Spotlight will then take a little while to re-index these messages.

Programming stuff

Put this in .bash_profile

export CLICOLOR=1

export LSCOLORS=GxFxCxDxBxegedabagaced
export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

Light theme: tomorrow night Dark theme: tomorrow night eighties

Change default screenshots location

In terminal,

defaults write location /Users/william/Desktop/misc 

Or whatever folder you want screenshots to go in From here