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Thomas Diesler edited this page Jul 9, 2020 · 81 revisions

Release Procedure

  1. Close the issue milestone
  2. Generate the changelog mvn clean install -f docs -Drelease
  3. Write the release notes
  4. Add the release to the compatibility matrix in the user guide
  5. Verify that the examples work with the latest snapshot
  6. Verify that all new features are covered in the user guide
  7. Prepare the release mvn release:prepare -Ddocker -Dts.all -DdevelopmentVersion=...
  8. Perform the release mvn release:perform -Ddocker -Dts.all
  9. Prepare/Release the wildfly-camel-examples
  10. Release the artefacts in the Nexus Repository
  11. Draft a new release in GitHub
  12. Add release notes to the GitHub release
  13. Attach the wildfly-camel-patch to the GitHub release
  14. Attach the wildfly-camel-docs-userguide to the GitHub release
  15. Publish the GitHub release

Update the project documentation

  1. Sync the wildfly-camel-docs-userguide with the gh-pages branch
  2. Commit and push changes

Publish the docker images

The Maven build docker profile (activated with -Ddocker) will produce a number of images. To push these images (or a selection of them) run the following command from within the project root directory:


Then follow the prompts to select the image(s) you wish to push to Docker Hub. Once complete, you can verify that everything is as expected by visiting the wildflyext profile page.

NOTE: The example-camel-rest docker image referenced from the OpenShift documentation is produced by the camel-cxf-jaxrs example project.

Announce the release

  1. Post a message to
  2. Post a message to
  3. Post a message to
  4. Post a message to
  5. Go and have a celebration

Note: Post individual messages.