April test task for GameSys. Based on Java Spring Boot 2.2.6, Hibernate, JDBC, no JPA usage.
I use BitPay service as data source: that brings currency rate json data, because rate changes very often.
BitPay API documentation
Scheduled service download fresh currency rate every minute and fills up the local database.
to show list of items in json format: http://localhost:8080/showLatestRates?limit=10
to get item by Id in json http://localhost:8080/getById?id=1
UI web page have been made just for testing issues http://localhost:8080/
to start application with console: java -jar -Dserver.port=8080 target/task-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Also made a lot of unit and mock tests.
(optional) Also I have created the Docker file, so it could be opened with the command:
docker load --input apriltask.tar
docker run -p 3333:8080 apriltask
Image Docker file available with this URL: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/53HD/3cn4cidGW