| A role to install and configure Cronie / Crontabs.
Cronie contains the standard UNIX daemon crond that runs specified programs at scheduled times and related tools. This role will help with the setup and optional hardening of Cron.
Install from Ansible Galaxy
ansible-galaxy install while_true_do.cronie
Install from Github
git clone https://github.com/while-true-do/ansible-role-cronie.git while_true_do.cronie
Used Modules:
# defaults/main.yml for cronie
# You can set the state to ["present"|"absent"|"latest"]
wtd_cronie_state: "present"
wtd_cronie_packages: ["cronie"]
# Hardening related Variables
# All user listed in cron.allows will be allowd to use cron
# cron.denys will be ignored, if cron.allows is used
# cron.allow will always "beat" cron.deny
wtd_cronie_allows: ["root"]
# All users listed in cron.denys will be forbidden to use cron
wtd_cronie_denys: []
Simple Example:
- hosts: servers
- { role: while_true_do.cronie }
All tests are located in test directory.
Basic testing:
bash ./tests/test-spelling.sh
bash ./tests/test-ansible.sh
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This work is licensed under a BSD License.
Blog: blog.while-true-do.org
Mail: hello@while-true-do.org