A modern full-stack application template built with Next.js 14, featuring a dashboard, authentication, and various integrations.
Authentication & Authorization
- Supabase authentication
- Protected routes
- Sign in/Sign out functionality
- Main dashboard with quick actions and metrics
- Overview page with key statistics
- Analytics page
- Audio content management
- User management
- Settings page
- System status monitoring
- Modern, responsive design
- Dark/Light theme support
- Shadcn UI components
- TailwindCSS styling
- Mobile-first approach
Development Environment
- TypeScript for type safety
- Turborepo for monorepo management
- Biome for linting and formatting
- Next.js 14 app router
- Internationalization (i18n) setup
Email Integration
- React Email templates not configured
- Resend integration pending
- Email verification flow needed
Analytics & Monitoring
- OpenPanel analytics integration pending
- Sentry error tracking setup needed
- Performance monitoring implementation required
Link Management
- Dub integration for sharable links not implemented
Background Processing
- Trigger.dev jobs configuration pending
- Background task management needed
Caching & Rate Limiting
- Upstash Redis setup required
- Rate limiting implementation needed
- Polar integration pending
- Payment processing not implemented
- Subscription management needed
Next.js - Framework
Turborepo - Build system
Biome - Linter, formatter
TailwindCSS - Styling
Shadcn - UI components
TypeScript - Type safety
Supabase - Authentication, database, storage
Upstash - Cache and rate limiting
React Email - Email templates
Resend - Email delivery
i18n - Internationalization
Sentry - Error handling/monitoring
Dub - Sharable links
Trigger.dev - Background jobs
OpenPanel - Analytics
Polar - Billing (coming soon)
react-safe-action - Validated Server Actions
nuqs - Type-safe search params state manager
next-themes - Theme manager
├── apps # App workspace
│ ├── api # Supabase (API, Auth, Storage, Realtime, Edge Functions)
│ ├── app # App - your product
│ ├── web # Marketing site
│ └── ...
├── packages # Shared packages between apps
│ ├── analytics # OpenPanel analytics
│ ├── email # React email library
│ ├── jobs # Trigger.dev background jobs
│ ├── kv # Upstash rate-limited key-value storage
│ ├── logger # Logger library
│ ├── supabase # Supabase - Queries, Mutations, Clients
│ └── ui # Shared UI components (Shadcn)
├── tooling # are the shared configuration that are used by the apps and packages
│ └── typescript # Shared TypeScript configuration
├── .cursorrules # Cursor rules specific to this project
├── biome.json # Biome configuration
├── turbo.json # Turbo configuration
└── README.md
Clone this repo locally with the following command:
bunx degit midday-ai/v1 v1
- Install dependencies:
bun i
- Copy
and update the variables.
# Copy .env.example to .env for each app
cp apps/api/.env.example apps/api/.env
cp apps/app/.env.example apps/app/.env
cp apps/web/.env.example apps/web/.env
- Start the development server from either bun or turbo:
bun dev // starts everything in development mode (web, app, api, email)
bun dev:web // starts the web app in development mode
bun dev:app // starts the app in development mode
bun dev:api // starts the api in development mode
bun dev:email // starts the email app in development mode
// Database
bun migrate // run migrations
bun seed // run seed
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.