A bare-bones program made to help you learn the oracle tones for the Atheon encounter in Destiny 2. This is aimed at solo players looking to read oracles using only sound. This was scrapped together pretty hastily so I could start my solo runs on Hunter, so feel free to improve your own copy if desired.
You can download an exe or source code from here
Simply run the program or the .exe file. You can enter "t" to tune, which plays the range of oracles tones in ascedning order, 1-6. After hearing an oracle tone, you can enter "r" to replay the set or "t" to tune once again. To guess, simply type the corresponding oracle numbers separated by spaces, and hit ENTER (ex: 3 2 6). To exit the program at any point, enter "q" to quit.
The audio files and (slightly edited) map are from the prophet project.