NaviController is a tree based view controller container.
Requires: ios target >= 5.0
. Make complicated view controller's switch simple (Push,Pop,PopTo,Jump)
. Enable push a view controller as many time as you like.
You can choose to push it as a new VC or as a REF by setting identifier.
. Make custom view transition animations easily.
. Android style's view controller's communication(such as value pass and call back).
Keep away from annoying custom init and Delegate callbacks.
NaviController provide 3 types of ViewController's transition:
//First init a naviController like UINavigationController and provide a root view controller.
//In any view controller pushed by naviController, you can push/pop/jump to other view controller
[self.naviController pushViewController:vc];
//or if you like a present animation
[self.naviController pushViewController:vc animation:ViewAnimationPresent];
//and if you want to pass value to next view controller
[self.naviController pushViewController:vc intent:@{@"input":@100}];
//in the next view controller you can use self.intent to get the params passed by previous view controller.
//when your view controllers done a job in a series view controllers,
//you may want to pass result to the job assigner.
[self sendResponseWithResultCode:SomeCodeSuccess intent:myInfo];
//parent view controller will receive this message and return YES to consume the message,
//or NO passing to his parent. In order to accomplish this,
//you'd implement this method in the view controllers who want to receive these message.
-(BOOL)didReceiveResponseFromViewController:(UIViewController*)vc resultStatus:(int)statusCode intent:(NSDictionary*)intent{
if(intent[@"job"] == JOB_I_ASSIGNED){
if(statusCode == SomeCodeSuccess)
return YES;
return NO;
push a view controller(new or referrence) will add a node to current navigationTree. Push a view controller several times is allowed.
-(void)pushViewController:(UIViewController *)vc;
-(void)pushViewController:(UIViewController *)vc animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)pushViewController:(UIViewController*)vc intent:(NSDictionary*)intent;
-(void)pushViewController:(UIViewController *)vc animated:(BOOL)animated intent:(NSDictionary *)intent;
jump to a exsiting vc. Jump do not add node to navigation tree, it simply moves current node to jump target.
- (void)jumpToViewControllerIdentifiedBy:(id<NSCopying>)identifier animation:(ViewAnimation)animation intent:(NSDictionary*)intent;
- (void)jumpToViewController:(UIViewController*)controller animation:(ViewAnimation)animation intent:(NSDictionary *)intent;
pop to a target will cause navigation tree release subnode under target vc.
- (void)popViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)popViewControllerWithAnimation:(ViewAnimation)animation;
- (void)popToViewController:(UIViewController*)controller animation:(ViewAnimation)animation;
- (void)popToViewControllerIdentifiedBy:(id<NSCopying>)identifier animation:(ViewAnimation)animation;
A unique identifier is added to view controller when you push a view controller with no identifier specified. So you can always leave identifier nil. But identifier is a recommended way to identify view controller instead of VC instance variables. You can define identifier & viewcontroller's name in a global header file. Create viewcontroller using NSClassFromString. Reference viewcontroller using identifier. You can set identifier='view controller name' when this view controller is a singleton instance. This is a good way to sperate class implemetion and classes' interactions.
Usually we use a VC to push other VCs to finish a job. When those VCs finish this job, you'll want to notify the job owner and let owner handle all these stuffs.
. Send a callback : A response should be send when you finish a job, and let parent controller do the dismiss job. Use 'sendResponseWithResultCode' to send a response to parent controllers who want recieve this message. callback will pass from parent controller to root controller until some one catches this callback.
. Receive callback: A VC should implement method didReceiveResponseFromViewController
to handle event from sub controllers.
This method has a return value of which YES means it can handle this callback and NO to continue pass on callback to parent controller.