- Added a
file to track changes to the package. - Added R functions to retrieve data from the large dataset, such as: get_data(), get_FIPS(), data_overview().
- Added unit test files for data retrieval functions.
- Add functions to visualize fertilizer data in maps. Such as map_us_fertilizer()
- Add the function to prepare data plotting.
- Add website for ggfertilizer using pkgdown.
- Addressed the warnings, errors, and notes from CRAN checks.
- Fixed the errors for Travis and AppVeyor CIs.
- Add unit test for map_us_fertilizer.
- Initialize the 4 vignettes for R packages (also tutorials).
- Reformat the structure of website.
- Add quick start in Readme.rmd
- Add a north symbol and a scale bar.
- Change package name from getFertilizer to ggfertilizer.
- Remove all the package import of usfertilizer.
- Change north to add_north to fix the bug.
- Rebuilt website for package.