Exincore is introduced in last chapter, you can exchange many crypto asset at market price and receive your asset in 1 seconds. If you want to trade asset at limited price, or trade asset is not supported by ExinCore now, OceanOne is the answer.
Ocean.one is a decentralized exchange built on Mixin Network, it's almost the first time that a decentralized exchange gain the same user experience as a centralized one.
You can list any asset on OceanOne. Pay the asset you want to sell to OceanOne account, write your request in payment memo, OceanOne will list your order to market. It send asset to your wallet after your order is matched.
- No sign up required
- No deposit required
- No listing process.
You should have created a bot based on Mixin Network. Create one by reading Ruby Bitcoin tutorial.
This tutorial dependent msgpack5 and mixin-node-client , chapter 4, assume them had installed before.
The Ocean.one can match any order. Here we exchange between USDT and Bitcoin, Check the wallet's balance & address before you make order.
- Check the address & balance, find it's Bitcoin wallet address.
- Deposit Bitcoin to this Bitcoin wallet address.
- Check Bitcoin balance after 100 minutes later.
Omni USDT address is same as Bitcoin address
if cmd == "aw"
assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_assets()
p "--------The Wallet Assets List-----------------"
assetsInfo["data"].each { |x| puts x["symbol"] + " " +
x["balance"] + " " + x["public_key"] +
x["account_name"] + " " + x["account_tag"]}
p "----------End of Wallet Assets --------------"
How to check the coin's price? You need understand what is the base coin. If you want buy Bitcoin and sell USDT, the USDT is the base coin. If you want buy USDT and sell Bitcoin, the Bitcoin is the base coin.
if ocmd == "1"
Utils.OceanOneMarketPriceRequest(BTC_ASSET_ID, USDT_ASSET_ID)
def self.OceanOneMarketPriceRequest(asset_id, base_asset_id)
full_url = "https://events.ocean.one/markets/" + asset_id + "-" + base_asset_id + "/book"
data = HTTP.get(full_url).body
body = ""
redData = data.readpartial
while redData != nil
body = body + redData
redData = data.readpartial
result = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(body).with_indifferent_access
result["data"]["data"]["asks"].each { |x|
puts x["side"] + " " + x["price"] + " " +
x["amount"] + " " + x["funds"]
result["data"]["data"]["bids"].each { |x|
puts x["side"] + " " + x["price"] + " " +
x["amount"] + " " + x["funds"]
The chapter two: Echo Bitcoin introduce transfer coins. But you need to let Ocean.one know which coin you want to buy.
- side "B" or "A", "B" for buy, "A" for Sell.
- targetAsset UUID of the asset you want to buy
- price If Side is "B", Price is AssetUUID; if Side is "A", Price is the asset which transfer to Ocean.one.
def self.GenerateOceanMemo(targetAsset,side,price)
memo = Base64.encode64(MessagePack.pack({
'A' => UUID.parse(targetAsset).to_raw,
'S' => side,
'P' => price,
'T' => "L"
return memo.sub("\n","")
The code show you how to buy BTC:
if ocmd == "b1"
p "Input the price of BTC/USDT: "
bprice = gets.chomp
p "Input the amount of USDT: "
amount = gets.chomp
memo = Utils.GenerateOceanMemo(BTC_ASSET_ID,"B",bprice)
p memo
assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(USDT_ASSET_ID)
if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= 1 && assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= amount.to_f
transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN),
asset_id: USDT_ASSET_ID,
opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT,
amount: amount,
trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
memo: memo
p transInfo
p "The Order id is " + transInfo["data"]["trace_id"] + " It's needed by cancel-order!"
p "Not enough USDT"
Transfer XIN(XIN_ASSET_ID) to Ocean.one(OCEANONE_BOT), put you target asset uuid(USDT) in the memo.
if ocmd == "s1"
p "Input the price of BTC/USDT: "
bprice = gets.chomp
p "Input the amount of BTC: "
amount = gets.chomp
memo = Utils.GenerateOceanMemo(USDT_ASSET_ID,"A",bprice)
p memo
assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(BTC_ASSET_ID)
if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f > 0 && assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f >= amount.to_f
transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN),
asset_id: BTC_ASSET_ID,
opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT,
amount: amount,
trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
memo: memo
p transInfo
p "The Order id is " + transInfo["data"]["trace_id"] + " It's needed by cancel-order!"
p "Not enough BTC"
A success order output like below:
Make your choose(eg: q for Exit!):
"Input the price of BTC/USDT: "
"Input the amount of USDT: "
{"data"=>{"type"=>"transfer", "snapshot_id"=>"10178f11-4e05-4076-b7c9-006e95919a1b",
"opponent_id"=>"aaff5bef-42fb-4c9f-90e0-29f69176b7d4", "asset_id"=>"815b0b1a-2764-3736-8faa-42d694fa620a",
"amount"=>"-1", "trace_id"=>"89025aab-598f-43e5-834a-2feaa01797ff",
"memo"=>"hKFBxBDG0McoJiRCm44N2dGbZZL6oVOhQqFQpDc3NzehVKFM", "created_at"=>"2019-05-27T06:53:07.135709255Z", "counter_user_id"=>"aaff5bef-42fb-4c9f-90e0-29f69176b7d4"}}
"The Order id is 89025aab-598f-43e5-834a-2feaa01797ff It's needed by cancel-order!"
To cancel order, just pay any amount of any asset to OceanOne, and write trace_id into memo. Ocean.one take the trace_id as the order id, for example, 89025aab-598f-43e5-834a-2feaa01797ff is a order id, We can use it to cancel the order.
if ocmd == "c"
p "Input the Order ID: "
orderid = gets.chomp
memo1 = Base64.encode64(MessagePack.pack({
'O' => UUID.parse(orderid).to_raw
memo = memo1.sub("\n","")
assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_asset(CNB_ASSET_ID)
if assetsInfo["data"]["balance"].to_f > 0
transInfo = walletAccount.create_transfer(walletAccount.encrypt_pin(DEFAULT_PIN),
asset_id: CNB_ASSET_ID,
opponent_id: OCEANONE_BOT,
amount: "0.00000001",
trace_id: SecureRandom.uuid,
memo: memo
p transInfo
p "Not enough CNB!"
Check the wallet's balance.
if cmd == "aw"
assetsInfo = walletAccount.read_assets()
p "--------The Wallet Assets List-----------------"
assetsInfo["data"].each { |x| puts x["symbol"] + " " +
x["balance"] + " " + x["public_key"] +
x["account_name"] + " " + x["account_tag"]}
p "----------End of Wallet Assets --------------"
- ruby bitcoin-wallet-ruby.rb run it.
Commands list of this source code:
- 1: Fetch BTC/USDT Order Book
- 2: Fetch XIN/USDT Order Book
- 3: Fetch ERC20/USDT Order Book
- s1: Sell BTC/USDT
- b1: Buy BTC/USDT
- s2: Sell XIN/USDT
- b2: Buy XIN/USDT
- s3: Sell ERC20/USDT
- s3: Buy ERC20/USDT
- c: Cancel the order
- q: Exit Make your choose(eg: q for Exit!):