I was following a pretty interesting code-along series by Java Brains on Youtube https://youtu.be/LxVGFBRpEFM
. Check it out!
However, I feel like some things can be modified to be more suitable
This repository is dedicated to my thoughts on what can be changed and why.
I will be making continuous modification as I go through the project.
This is also a documentation for what I've learned.
In the video, a lot of the parsing, retrievals are written under the main class with @PostConstruct. In my opinion, this is barely justified. Instead I moved a lot of the logics to a new class:
public class LoadData {
// All Author / Book creation logics
As mentioned in the previous section, after moving everything out of the main class, I modify the use of JSONObjects.
Instead of JSONOjbect, I resort to GSON and added a custom PostProcessable.PostProcessingEnabler
class that implements TypeAdapterFactory
See the custom TypeAdapter here
And then have the Author
and Book
beans implement PostProcessable
interface and hide all the data processing in each Bean's gsonPostProcess()
and isPostProcessOk()
. Therefore you only need to call methods like the following snippet:
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().registerTypeAdapterFactory(new PostProcessable.PostProcessingEnabler()).create();
Author gsonAuthor = gson.fromJson(jsonString, Author.class);
In my honest opinion, there's no reason to use System.out.println() directly in code. Quoting from Baeldung page https://www.baeldung.com/logback
Unlike the messages in the sample snippets above, most useful log messages require appending Strings. This entails allocating memory, serializing objects, concatenating Strings, and potentially cleaning up the garbage later.
Consider the following message:
log.debug("Current count is " + count);
We incur the cost of building the message whether the Logger logs the message or not.
Logback offers an alternative with its parameterized messages:
log.debug("Current count is {}", count);
The braces {} will accept any Object and uses its toString() method to build a message only after verifying that the log message is required.
I like lombok. It saves me a lot of time
I honestly like to follow the saying One stream, one purpose / operation
(from my boss).
So I rewrote the stream section that finds the ID from Cassandra db.
private void populateBookAuthorNames(Gson gson, Book gsonBook) {
Optional<Author> authors = gsonBook.getAuthorIds().stream()
.map(id -> authorRepository
authors.ifPresentOrElse(author -> gsonBook.getAuthorNames().add(author.getName()),
() -> {gsonBook.getAuthorNames().add("Unknown Author");});
GSON requires this when serializing / deserializing LocalDateTime
, LocalDate
. This is something new I learned.
private static final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yyyy");
public LocalDate deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context)
throws JsonParseException {
return LocalDate.parse(json.getAsString(), formatter.withLocale(Locale.ENGLISH));
Changes - Moved Book
and Author
to package io.jdevelop.DTO
and BookRepository
and AuthorRepository
to io.jdevelop.repository
package standards man, package standards
For bookkeeping
According to DataStax Documentation, the description for LIST is of the following:
Lists have limitations and specific performance considerations. Use a frozen list to decrease impact. In general, use a set instead of list.
So I changed it to SET
and it's completely fine for the context of this project.
// Process description and set post processed result to descriptionStr
if (null != this.getDescription()) {
for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : this.getDescription().entrySet()) {
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.getDescriptionStr())) {
} else {
this.setDescriptionStr(this.getDescriptionStr() + " " + EncodingUtil.encodeValue(entry.getValue()));
Because we're using GSON, we have to parse the authorIds a little differently than what was shown in the video. However, if you analyze the data first, then you will realize a simple pattern:
- Author Ids will (most likely) end with the letter 'A'
- Books (Works) will (most likely) end with the letter 'W'
String parsedAuthorId = this.getAuthors().toString();
String beforeSplit = parsedAuthorId.substring(parsedAuthorId.indexOf("/authors/"), parsedAuthorId.indexOf("A", parsedAuthorId.indexOf("/authors/")) + 1).replaceAll("/authors/", "");
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(beforeSplit)) {