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WM Blazor History Manager

Add Back and Foward links for your Blazor Wasm or Blazor Server aplication.

It is a Blazor history API implementation using either native HTML5 History API or custom behaviors implementation with more features.

When the implementation of the custom behavior is turned off, the HTML 5 History API will be used as a background for the functioning of the component.

But, when the custom behaviour implementation is on, the component will work based on the sessionStorage to manage the navigation history. Here, more functionalities will be add to the navigation manager.

Live Demo

NuGet Package


First, import the namespaces in _Imports.razor

@using  WMBlazorHistoryManager.WMBHM

Then, inside your main Startup/Program, call AddWMBOS.


Above, the custom behaviour implementation is on.

Here, by default, the custom behaviour implementation will be used. But, if you want to use the native HTML 5 History API instead, but pass the true value as parameter. Example:


Above, the custom behaviour implementation is off.

The History Manager component

Now, inside your App.razor file, below the Router component, add the WMHistoryManager component.

<WMHistoryManager />

Here, you can set if the history must clear on page reload or not and the max size of the history entries. Works just when custom behaviour implementation is on. You can do that by the parameters: ClearOnReload and MaxSize. Example:

<WMHistoryManager ClearOnReload="true" MaxSize="100" />

Available attributes

The default values are:

Attibute value Description
ClearOnReload false Defines if the history will be cleaned on pages refresh.
MaxSize 1000 Defines the max size of the history array.

The Back and Forward components

To get a link to previous or next page, you can use the WMHistoryBack and WMHistoryForward components respectivally.

<WMHistoryBack Label="Back" />

<WMHistoryForward Label="Forward" />

You may want to set the page title in Blazor applications:

By using the WMPageTitle component:

<WMPageTitle  PageTitle="your-page-title-here" />

Or, by using the SetPageTitle attribute:

	Label="Back to: " 
	SetPageTitle="your-page-title-here" />

The next options works just when custom behaviour implementation is on

You can use the page title as a label, or concatenate both:

<WMPageTitle  PageTitle="your-page-title-here" />

<WMHistoryBack Label="Back to: " ConcatPageTitle="true" />

<WMHistoryForward Label="Forward to: " ConcatPageTitle="true" />

By default, the component will not be shown if there are no history entries. But you can change this behaviour by force the visibility:

	Label="Back to: "
	AlwaysVisible="true" />

But, if the AlwaysVisible is false, you can provide a custom element to be rendered when there are no history entry:

	Label="Back to: "
		<a  href="/"  class="btn btn-primary">Go to Home.</a>

There are two available themes: default and classic. You can use them if you want to:

	Label="Back to: "
		<a  href="/"  class="btn btn-primary">Go to Home.</a>

But, you want to customize your button, you can pass a css class:

	Label="Back to: "
	class="your-custom-class" />

Available attributes

Attibute Default value Description
Label Sets the text of the button.
ConcatPageTitle false If true, concatenates the button text with the page title.
AlwaysVisible false If true, the button always will be shown even when there are no entries.
Theme Applies built in themes. Possible values: default and classic.
SetPageTitle Defines the page title updating the browser tab title.

The Go component

Works like the WMHistoryBack and WMHistoryForward, but, here, you can choose the index of the desired history item:

	Label="Go -1 to: "
		<a  href="/"  class="btn btn-primary">Go to Home.</a>

	Label="Go +1 to: "
		No go +1

Available attributes

All attributes as the WMHistoryBack and WMHistoryForward componentes plus:

Attibute Default value Description
Index A negative or positive integer. Zero is not allowed.


You can call some methods directilly from the History Manager Core. To do this, you must to inject the IWMHistoryManager interface into your page:

@code  {
	[Inject] IWMHistoryManager  historyManager { get; set; }

Available methods

Method Parameters Return Description
Back void Navigates to the previous history item.
Forward void Navigates the next history item.
Go int index void Navigates to the history item correspondent to the index param.
HasBack boolean Checks if there is a previous history item.
HasForward boolean Checks if there is a next history item.
CanNavigate int index boolean Checks if there is a history item correspondent to the index param.
Clear void Clears the history array and reset the history manager state.
StopWatch void Freezes the history manager.
RestoreWatch void Reactivates the history manager.
SetPageTitle string pageTitle void Sets the page title.
GetBackTitle string Returns the previous page title if it exists.
GetForwardTitle string Returns the next page title if it exists.
GetGoTitle int index string Returns the page title correspondent to the index param if it exists.
Refresh void Reload the window.
IsUsingBrowserNativeBehavior boolean Returns true if the custom behaviour implementation is off.
SetCallback Action void Subscribes the given method to be called when the History Manager was done.
RemoveCallback Action void Unsubscribes the given method when the History Manager is dispose.


<button @onclick="@(e  => historyManager.Back())">Back</button>

@code  {
	[Inject] IWMHistoryManager  historyManager { get; set; }

Back and Forward programmatically

The following is an example of implementing the back and forward links programmatically:

@page  "/your-path-here"

@if (hasBack)
	<button class="btn btn-outline-primary" @onclick="@(e => historyManager.Back())">
		Back to: @backLabel
	<a  href="/" class="btn btn-primary">Go to Home.</a>

@if (hasForward)
	<button class="btn btn-outline-primary" @onclick="@(e => historyManager.Forward())">
		Forward to: @forwardLabel
	<span>No forward</span>
@implements  IDisposable

@code  {
	[Inject] IWMHistoryManager  historyManager { get; set; }
	string  backLabel { get; set; }
	string  forwardLabel { get; set; }
	bool  hasBack { get; set; } = false;
	bool  hasForward { get; set; } = false;
	protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
		if (firstRender)
			historyManager.SetPageTitle("Step Three");

	public async void SetInfos()
		backLabel = historyManager.GetBackTitle();
		forwardLabel = historyManager.GetForwardTitle();
		hasBack = await historyManager.HasBack();
		hasForward = await historyManager.HasForward();

	public void Dispose()

Note that some informations must be get into a callback method which is set into method SetCallback. It is important to remove this callback in on dispose of the page.

Other methods example

@page  "/your-path-here"
<WMPageTitle PageTitle="your-page-title-here" />

@if (canNavigate)
	<button class="btn btn-outline-primary" @onclick="@(e => historyManager.Go(goIndex))">
		Back to: @goLabel
	<span>No go -1</span>

<button class="btn btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => historyManager.Clear())">
<button class="btn btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => historyManager.StopWatch())">
	Stop Watch
<button class="btn btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => historyManager.RestoreWatch())">
	Restore Watch
<button class="btn btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => historyManager.Refresh())">
<button class="btn btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => ChangePageTitle())">
	Change Page Title
<button class="btn btn-secondary" @onclick="@(e => IsNative())">
	Is native? @isNativeBehavior
@implements  IDisposable

@code  {
	[Inject] IWMHistoryManager historyManager { get; set; }
	int goIndex = -1;
	string goLabel { get; set; }
	bool canNavigate { get; set; } = false;
	string isNativeBehavior { get; set; } = "";

	protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
		if (firstRender)

	public async void SetInfos()
		canNavigate = await historyManager.CanNavigate(goIndex);
		goLabel = await historyManager.GetGoTitle(goIndex);

	public async void ChangePageTitle()
		await historyManager.SetPageTitle("Page title changed!");

	public void IsNative()
		isNativeBehavior = (historyManager.IsUsingBrowserNativeBehavior()) ? "Is native" : "is not native";

	public void Dispose()