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The NSCA-ng Protocol, Version 1

Holger Weiss
February 2013

This is an informal description of the NSCA-ng Protocol, Version 1, used for transmitting "monitoring commands" from NSCA-ng clients to NSCA-ng servers.

The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Connection Initiation

The NSCA-ng server listens on TCP port 5668. As soon as an NSCA-ng client connects, a TLS handshake is initiated in order to establish a secure connection. Implementations MUST support TLS v1.0 as per RFC 2246. Also, the pre-shared key cipher suite TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA as defined in RFC 4279 MUST be offered by clients and accepted by servers. However, implementations MAY attempt to negotiate newer versions of the TLS protocol and/or other TLS cipher suites during the TLS handshake. When the TLS connection is established successfully, the client can initiate the first NSCA-ng request. All NSCA-ng data MUST be transmitted as TLS "application data".

NSCA-ng Session

Let's begin with an example where the client successfully transmits the ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS command to the server (C: and S: indicate lines sent by the client and server, respectively):

C: MOIN 1 Zm9vYmFy
C: PUSH 34

An NSCA-ng session is a sequence of one or more request-response pairs and zero or more "monitoring command" submissions. Requests and responses are CRLF-terminated lines (though implementations SHOULD also accept LF-terminated lines). The length of such a line MUST NOT exceed 1024 octets, including the CRLF-termination.

Requests can only be issued by clients. A request consists of a case-insensitive four-character keyword followed by zero or more arguments. Keywords and arguments consist of printable US-ASCII characters, and are each separated by a single space character.

Responses are emitted by servers and consist of a four-character keyword, which MUST be sent in all uppercase letters.

The first request issued by the client (after establishing the TLS session) MUST be a MOIN, PING, or BAIL request. If the first request is a MOIN request, the last request issued by the client MUST be a QUIT or BAIL request.

The remaining part of this document describes the possible client requests and server responses. "Monitoring command" submissions are described in the context of the PUSH request.

MOIN Request

Synopsis:   MOIN <version> <session-id>
Example:    MOIN 1 Zm9vYmFy

The client issues a MOIN request in order to negotiate the protocol <version> and to specify a <session-id>.

The protocol <version> is a positive decimal number, currently always 1.

The <session-id> is an arbitrary string consisting of 2--64 printable US-ASCII characters. Clients SHOULD strive for uniqueness when generating the <session-id>, though it's currently not referenced anywhere else in the NSCA-ng protocol. Implementations might mention the <session-id> when logging connection data.

If a MOIN request is sent, it MUST be the first request of an NSCA-ng session; except that the MOIN request MAY be retried with different parameters after the server replied to a MOIN request with a FAIL response.

On success, the server replies with a MOIN response.

See also:

PING Request

Synopsis:   PING <version>
Example:    PING 1

The protocol <version> is a positive decimal number, currently always 1.

If a PING request is sent, it MUST be the first request of an NSCA-ng session; except that the PING request MAY be retried with different parameters after the server replied to a PING request with a FAIL response.

On success, the server replies with a PONG response. The TLS connection is then shut down (cleanly) by both sides.

PUSH Request

Synopsis:   PUSH <size>
Example:    PUSH 42

The client issues a PUSH request in order to initiate a "monitoring command" submission. The "monitoring command" is expected to be in the format described in the Nagios documentation. The trailing newline character MUST be included, and the submitted "monitoring command" MUST NOT be CRLF-terminated. Newline characters within the "monitoring command" (except for the trailing newline) MUST be replaced with the literal string \n, and backslash characters MUST be escaped with another backslash.

The <size> parameter specifies the size of the "monitoring command" in octets, including the trailing newline character.

On success, the server replies with an OKAY response. The client then transmits the "monitoring command". On success, the server replies with another OKAY response.

The client MUST NOT submit multiple "monitoring commands" via a single PUSH request. The client MAY issue multiple PUSH requests per NSCA-ng session, though.

NOOP Request

Synopsis:   NOOP
Example:    NOOP

A NOOP request has no effect, with the exception that any connection timeout timers on the server SHOULD be reset.

On success, the server replies with an OKAY response.

QUIT Request

Synopsis:   QUIT
Example:    QUIT

The client issues a QUIT request in order to close the NSCA-ng session.

On success, the server replies with an OKAY response. The TLS connection is then shut down (cleanly) by both sides.

BAIL Request

Synopsis:   BAIL <message> ...
Example:    BAIL I'm feeling bad

The client may transmit a BAIL request for any reason at any time. An arbitrary, human-readable <message> MUST be specified.

The TLS connection is then shut down immediately and unconditionally (but cleanly) by both sides.

MOIN Response

Synopsis:   MOIN <version>
Example:    MOIN 1

The server accepts a MOIN request by sending a MOIN response. If the server doesn't support the protocol <version> suggested in the client's MOIN request, the server MUST either specify a supported protocol <version> in the MOIN response or generate a BAIL response. In the former case, the client MUST either accept the protocol <version> suggested in the server's MOIN response or generate a BAIL request.

The protocol <version> is a positive decimal number, currently always 1.

PONG Response

Synopsis:   PONG <version>
Example:    PONG 1

The server replies to a PING request with a PONG response.

The protocol <version> is a positive decimal number, currently always 1.

The TLS connection is then shut down (cleanly) by both sides.

OKAY Response

Synopsis:   OKAY
Example:    OKAY

The server acknowledges the current client request or "monitoring command" submission by sending an OKAY response.

FAIL Response

Synopsis:   FAIL <message> ...
Example:    FAIL You're not authorized to submit this command

The server sends a FAIL response to reject the current client request or "monitoring command" submission. An arbitrary, human-readable <message> MUST be specified.

The client then sends a new request.

BAIL Response

Synopsis:   BAIL <message> ...
Example:    BAIL I'm feeling horrible

The server may transmit a BAIL response for any reason at any time. An arbitrary, human-readable <message> MUST be specified.

The TLS connection is then shut down immediately and unconditionally (but cleanly) by both sides.