Releases: webgem-xyz/UVA-React
Update 3.0
This updates puts in the last changes for UVA.
This changes are mostly "beauty problems", We also however decided to make the edit functionally working.
This will if everything goes right probably be our last release.
Kind regards,
Yannick, Thijs & Coen.
You can check out our other works as a team at
Our check out our github accounts
Yannick Frisart
✏️ Changing Tempature in measurements to Temperature
✏️ Changed Ph to pH in measurements
✏️ Editable now uses 30 days instead of random number.
🐛 Fixed remove item in add measurement to remove the proper added field.
🐛 Input fields now also allow . and ,
✨ Now warning when signing out.
✨ In edit added input type date
✨ In editMedia added input type date.
✨ Added remove button in editmedia
✨ Edit now saves changes.
🎨 Removed unused comments
💚 Updates to eslint config
🎉 🎊 Version 3.0.0.
The great update 3.0.0
This version changes the look of the application completely.
This will also be the final release this project will have.
As our work here is done. We might work more on this project in the future but this will be done by Webgem not in collaboration with UVA as we do not wish to work with them again.
It was a amazing experience to work with my team @Coen and @ThijsvanRijn on a react project together.
Putting us and the way we write code to the test by adding Codeclimate and Travis.
This project was a learning experience for all of us.
We learned the benefits of making our code maintainable and writing good documentation.
We will take what we learned and use it in future projects.
By having to update the project a lot we learned the importance of writing maintainable code.
By all means feel free to fork the code and work further on it. Just be sure to follow our license.
This project is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 license.
🎉 Release V2.0.0.
Added all the changes for V2.0.0
Bug fixes and documentation updates will come in V2.1
Login fix Release
Fixes issue with remove button on ios.
Version 1.0 🎊
First Release