Shurjopay laravel integration steps
To integrate ShurjoPay you need few credentials to access shurjopay:
:param prefix: Any string not more than 5 characters. It distinguishes the stores of a merchant.
:param currency: ISO format,(only BDT and USD are allowed).
:param return_url: Merchant should provide a GET Method return url to verify users initiated transaction status.
:param cancel_url: Merchant should provide a cancel url to redirect the user if he/she cancels the transaction in midway.
:param client_ip: User's ip
:param username: Merchant Username provided by shurjopay.
:param password: Merchant Password provided by shurjopay.
:param post_address: Live shurjopay version 2 URL.
📝 NOTE For shurjoPay version 2 live engine integration's all necessary credential will be given to merchant after subscription completed on shurjoPay gateway.
To integrate the shurjoPay Payment Gateway in your Laravel project do the following tasks sequentially.
composer require shurjopayv2/laravel8
After successful installation of shurjopay-laravel-package, go to your project and open config folder and then click on app.php file. Append the following line in providers array.
After successfully doing the above steps add the following Keys in .env file with the credentials provided from shurjoMukhi Limited
Now add this line of code in your method where you want to call shurjoPay Payment Gateway. You can use any code segment of below
use shurjopayv2\ShurjopayLaravelPackage8\Http\Controllers\ShurjopayController;
$info = array(
'currency' => "",
'amount' => ,
'order_id' => "",
'discount_amount' => ,
'disc_percent' => ,
'client_ip' => "",
'customer_name' => "",
'customer_phone' => "",
'email' => "",
'customer_address' => "",
'customer_city' => "",
'customer_state' => "",
'customer_postcode' => "",
'customer_country' => "",
$shurjopay_service = new ShurjopayController();
return $shurjopay_service->checkout($info);
$shurjopay_service = new ShurjopayController();
return $shurjopay_service->verify($order_id);``
In live-server we have to change the env file's merchant username, merchant password, merchant prefix, and engine URL according to provided by shurjopay.
This document will illustrate the overall request and response flow.
For any technical assistance please contact to: