Status: [open / task assigned / completed]
Date submitted to Review Committe: [date]
Date verified by Working Group: [date]
Date completed by Tasker: [date]
Tasker / Task assigned to: [user]
Estimated time to complete (hours): [number]
Reward for completion: [amount, coin]
TL;DR: [summary of Task, timeline, reward amount and coin]
Link to repository:
Other Links:
- Specification 1: [text]
- Specification 2: [text]
- Specification 3: [text]
- Milestone 1: [text]
- Milestone 2: [text]
- Milestone 3: [text]
- Final Output: [text]
Milestone 1
- Objective:
- Reward upon completion:
- Status: [open / task assigned / completed]
- Date of completion: [date]
Milestone 2
- Objective:
- Reward upon completion:
- Status: [open / task assigned / completed]
- Date of completion: [date]
Milestone 3
- Objective:
- Reward upon completion:
- Status: [open / task assigned / completed]
- Date of completion: [date]