Some ideas:
- could we do text analysis on these tweets; separated by date?
- check it out
- take all the URLs, 1.5 million URLs, and check to see what inclusion in the IA CDX
- Similarity: - used commonly for Twitter
- If this than that - drop tweets with hashtags into Google Spreadsheets
- collected 100,000 election tweets based on hashtags, over a much shorter timeframe
- can share the collection
- similarity/dissimilarity measure - Jaccard - astronomical to compare all tweets - run 100,000 randomly chosen elements to each other; then run similarity/dissimilarity measures - pair of hashtags: what's the similarity WITHIN a hashtag - scale it up - i.e. #CPC, #NDP, #LPC <- low-hanging fruit
- see how hashtags trend over time
- big themes, etc.
- NER over time, etc.
- Politics
- Client analysis
- Who's accessing by what?
- Mobile
- Desktop
- Twitterclients
- Scale of mobile devices affects the kinds of interactions people make in a given setting
- Who's accessing by what?
- Geographic coverage
- image and hashtags?
- do different images use different hashtags
- put all the images together in one directory
- machine learner between text/cartoons/photographs
- train a machine learner on small datasets, run them through, see what are all the political cartoons/face detection/etc.
- 128,462 images
- Use ImageMagick to reduce to 400px along the largest direction
- It'd be smaller
- Supervised learning, somebody has to do about 1000 photos/cartoons/etc. and drag those into clusters (could be a great RA job)
- Automatic clustering?
- (by the summer, Ian's got lots of RA team)
- and would that be better than doing day-by-day analysis? [thematic vs day-to-day]
- Bill writes up quick notebook, comparing pair of tweets from a given hashtag vs another one
- randomly-chosen tweets across hashtags
- 100 times, 1000 times, 10,000 times
- and then see how it plays out each time
- if curve looks pretty level, we know that smaller number is giving us a reasonable effort - keep upping until it converges
- thematic
- cross-hashtag might need more sampling
- Ian gets from Nick the day-by-day Twitter data
- DAY BY DAY BY DAY (eastern)
- Entity extraction
- Change over time
- Sparklines
- Could try LDA