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Dynamic card-like widgets for embedding as external websites in Google Sites using React/Firebase

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This project creates rich CSS-styled blog-like Posts or Card-like thumbnail web pages for embedding in Google Sites as external websites.

It also features a lightweight Content Management System (CMS) for creating and managing Google Site embeddable blog-like Posts and Card content.

Online App Demo

Production App

Development (Playground) App

EXAMPLE USER (Development App Only)
password: useruser

Table of Contents

Using with Google Sites

A. Embed a File Card

  1. Copy a File Card's IFrame Embed URL.
  2. Paste the IFrame Embed URL in Google Site's Embed from the web - By URL input prompt.
  3. Preview or Publish the Google Site draft page.

Google Sites Sample Web page:


B. Embed a Full Page Containing a Group of File Cards

  1. Copy a File Card's Cards Gallery URL.
  2. Create a Full page embed Google Site draft page.
  3. Press the Add embed button in the resulting blank page and paste the Cards Gallery URL in the Embed from the web - By URL input prompt.
    • This page will display all File Cards with similar "category" field value like the current Card.
  4. Preview or Publish the Google Site draft page.

Google Sites Sample Web page:



  1. Windows, Linux or Mac OS
  2. NodeJS LTS v16.14.2
  3. Firebase Project

Core Libraries/Frameworks

  1. NextJS v13.0.4 (client-side SSG)
    • NextJS is one of the @latest React frameworks officially endorsed on the website
    • NextJS's Static Side Generation (SSG) feature, combined with Incremental Static Generation (ISG) creates SEO-optimized websites fit for uploading on static hosting services such as GitHub Pages.
    • NextJS offers code automatic code-splitting, enabling a smaller download footprint per page route
  2. React 18.2.0
    • React version 18's is the latest react version as of this writing
  3. @reduxjs/toolkit v1.9.3
    • Redux offers a structured, organized, and centralized global "state management" system as a single source of truth that occasionally syncs with the database.
    • Redux states are available across all components using intuitively-named hooks.
    • Redux states are more predictable, consistent and less prone to errors by
      • promoting data normalization (which is optional), and
      • use of reducers which ensures data immutability
    • Its async data fetching mechanisms and middleware sync well with complex store states and of informing the client app of the loading state.
    • Redux states are easy to debug using the Redux Dev tools.
    • People can easily follow where the centralized data stores and async data fetching methods are located in the code base when working in teams, especially for large, complex enterprise apps.
    • Redux state management will scale well with this app's incoming feature updates containing more complex data models and states.
    • Redux has excellent documentation and a thriving community, and it has proven to be one of the most mature, albeit boilerplates and complex react state management libraries of all time.
  4. firebase v9.18.0
    • Firebase, being a Backend-as-a-Service (Baas), makes it possible to create apps without creating a separate backend server app.
      • Firebase offers a Web (JavaScript) SDK for working on the frontend (websites) and the Firebase Admin SDK for client-side scripting.
    • Firebase offers ready to use Authentication systems
    • Firestore database provides a lightweight document database for storing and querying simple data. Security is enforced using the Firebase Security Rules.
    • Firebase Storage provides an easy-to-use and access container for rich-data content. Security is enforced using the Firebase Storage Security Rules.
    • Firebase offers generous limits for testing and playing around with its Spark (standard) plan, after which users can upgrade to the Blaze (paid) Plan as needed.
  5. firebase-admin v11.5.0
    • The Firebase Admin SDK allows elevated scripting access to various Firebase services, that are not available when using the Firebase (JavaScript) SDK.


  1. Clone this repository.
    git clone

  2. Install dependencies in the /client and /server directories.

    # Install client dependencies
    cd client
    npm install
    # Install server dependencies
    cd server
    npm install
  3. Follow the instructions in the README files inside the /client and /server directories for more information on configuring and using the client and server apps.

  4. Create an account after setting up the /server .env using the instructions in its README file.

    • Navigate to the /server directory from the command line and run:
      npm run user:create --password=anypasasword --displayname="Game Tester" --emailverified=true

Run with Docker

Build Images Locally

  1. Build the images locally, then run.

  2. Follow the instructions under the Installation section for more information after spinning up a container.

    # Run on development mode
    docker compose -f build
    docker compose -f up
    docker compose -f down
    # Build and run for production mode
    docker compose -f build
    docker compose -f up
    docker compose -f down

Using the Pre-Built Docker Images

This project deploys the latest client and server development Docker images to Docker Hub on the creation of new Release/Tags. They are available at:

  1. Pull the pre-built development Docker images using any of the two (2) options:

    • Open a terminal and run:

      docker pull weaponsforge/gsites-components:client
      docker pull weaponsforge/gsites-components:server
    • Navigate to the gsites-components root project directory, then run: docker compose -f pull

  2. Follow the instructions in the README files inside the /client and /server directories for more information on configuring and using the client and server apps.

  3. Run the development image.
    docker compose -f up

  4. Create user accounts after setting up the /server .env using the instructions in its README file.

    • Navigate to the /server directory from the command line and run:
      docker exec -it gsites-client-dev npm run user:create --password=anypasasword --displayname="Game Tester" --emailverified=true

Deploy With GitHub Actions


  1. Two (2) Firebase Projects (to use for development/production environments), pre-activated with:
    • Firestore Database
    • Firebase Storage
    • Firebase Hosting
    • Authentication (Email/Address)


Refer to the server README for additional setup information

  1. Firebase configuration settings for each of the two (2) Firebase projects.

  2. Service account JSON file for each of the two (2) Firebase projects.


Follow the steps to self-host the project in your own repository and Firebase projects.

1. GitHub Secrets

Create the following GitHub Secrets, using values from the Firebase (web) configuration and settings from the requirements.

GitHub Secrets

GitHub Secret Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_PATH Root directory path name that NextJS uses for assets, media and client-side routing for the app.

Set its value to blank '' when working on development mode in localhost.

Set its value to the sub-directory name where the exported NextJS app is to be deployed, i.e. /<YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME> when
deploying on a repository (sub-directory) of a root GitHub Pages site, i.e, on https://<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME><YOUR_REPOSITORY_NAME>
FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY_DEV Firebase web API key from the Firebase Project Settings configuration file for the (development) environment.
FIREBASE_WEB_AUTHDOMAIN_DEV Firebase web auth domain key from the Firebase Project Settings configuration for the (development) environment.
FIREBASE_WEB_PROJECT_ID_DEV Firebase web project ID from the Firebase Project Settings configuration file for the (development) environment.
FIREBASE_WEB_STORAGE_BUCKET_DEV Firebase web storage bucket key from the Firebase Project Settings configuration file for the (development) environment.
FIREBASE_WEB_API_KEY_PROD Firebase web API key from the Firebase Project Settings configuration file for the (production) environment.
FIREBASE_WEB_AUTHDOMAIN_PROD Firebase web auth domain key from the Firebase Project Settings configuration for the (production) environment.
FIREBASE_WEB_PROJECT_ID_PROD Firebase web project ID from the Firebase Project Settings configuration file for the (production) environment.
FIREBASE_WEB_STORAGE_BUCKET_PROD Firebase web storage bucket key from the Firebase Project Settings configuration file for the (production) environment.
FIREBASE_TOKEN Firebase CLI deploy token, retrieved with "firebase login:ci"
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME (Optional) Docker Hub username. Required to enable pushing the development image to Docker Hub.
DOCKERHUB_TOKEN (Optional) Deploy token for the Docker Hub account. Required to enable pushing the development image to Docker Hub.

GitHub Variables

GitHub Variable Description
DOCKERHUB_USERNAME (Optional) Docker Hub username. Required to enable pushing the development image to Docker Hub.

2. Firebase Hosting

Initialize a Firebase Hosting website in the development Firebase project.

3. GitHub Pages

Initialize an empty branch in the repository to use for deployment to GitHub Pages.

# While inside the project code repository root
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git reset
git commit --allow-empty -m "Initial commit"
git push --set-upstream origin gh-pages

4. Ship and Deploy

  • Deploy to the development environment (Firebase Hosting) by pushing or merging updates to the dev branch.
  • Deploy to the production environment (GitHub Pages) by creating a Release/Tag from the master branch.
