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Extends or encapsulate queue layers

Walter Dal Mut edited this page Jan 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Typically i prefer encapsulation over extensions but if you want to pass around the Corley\Queue\Queue in your application in order to drop-out the proxy whenever you want maybe extensions is more interesting

use Corley\Queue\Queue;

class MyService
    public function __construct(Queue $queue) { }
    /** ... */

class QueueProxy extends Queue {} // valid as Queue object

class QueueProxy // not a Queue object
    public function __construct(Queue $queue) {}

If you consider the Queue object as a project boundary probably encapsulation is more interesting.


If you have a serializer component, you want to abstract queue options and wrap the queue instance, probably encapsulation is more interesting

class QueueProxy
    public function __construct(Queue $queue, Serializer $serializer) {}

    // the send operation uses the serializer to normalize the incoming message object
    // the receive operation uses the serializer to denormalize the outcoming message representation

    // the serializer could also be used to normalize options for different queue adapters