zh: 系統自動至官方 GitHub 下載當前的最新語言文件包。
en: Parsing the
data from ToS official GitHub. -
zh: 將相同檔名的韓文、英文做合併處理、資料建檔。
en: Merging the same file name .tsv into JSON, and write them in
. -
zh: 依照不同語言文件編號,產生相對應的群眾資料集。
en: Then initlizing the crowd's translations in
. -
zh: 玩家登入 Facebook 後在首頁隨機取出幾筆,進而提交翻譯版本。
en: At the web app, people can read conversations randomly. They could submit translation version.
zh: 玩家可以針對不同對話內容的各個翻譯版本中挑選幾筆給予贊同,然後依照贊同數量決定該版本的排行順序。
en: Others people could choose translation version that they agree. System ranks the counts of agreement.
不使用資料庫(Not using database)
1. Clone this repo in `terminal`.
> git clone https://github.com/grass0916/Tree-of-Savior-Chinese-Translation-Voting.git
2. Please install Node.js in your OS version.
3. Change the config.js in `server/src/_config.js`.
a. Facebook App ID
b. Domain name & port
c. And else you want.
4. Run the server in `terminal`.
> cd Tree-of-Savior-Chinese-Translation-Voting/
> node server/app.js
5. Now, Website is running. Browse it.
The MIT License for code of this project.
About Game screenshot images all rights reserved by IMC Games & Nexon.