Essential Java EE, is a book about the Essentials of Java Enterprise Edition Programming.
The Java Enterprise Edition (EE) platform is built on Java Standard Edition (SE) to provide a powerful enterprise computing solution. It runs hundreds of thousands of the most dynamic and powerful sites on the web—everything from your favorite small business to Fortune 500 systems. Watch this introduction to learn the essentials of Java EE 7/8 and start developing with this exciting platform. Alex Theedom provides a high-level view of the Java EE ecosystem, covering the 12 most important APIs. Learn how to use JavaServer Faces to construct interactive views, implement Java Message Service to decouple your application, ensure data integrity with Bean Validation, create dynamic sites with WebSocket, and much more.
Topics include:
- Java's past, present, and future
- IDE and Development Environment Intro
- JavaServer Faces (JSF)
- Context and Dependency Injection (CDI)
- JavaServer Pages (JSP) and Expression Language (EL)
- Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)3
- Java Message Service (JMS)
- Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Bean Validation API
- Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
- WebSocket API
- JSON Processing API
- Batch Processing API
- Java 8 with Java EE 7
- Java 9 with Java EE 8
本书是关于 Java EE 方面学习的开源书。利用业余时间写了本书,图文并茂,用大量实例带你一步一步走进 Java EE 的世界。如有疏漏欢迎指正,欢迎提问。感谢您的参与!
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