Create alert templates to detect the following:
Container memory overutilization
Node filesystem overutilization
Node CPU overutilization
Node memory overutilization
Node readiness issues
Node disk pressure
Node memory pressure
Node memory-request saturation
Node CPU-request saturation
Persistent volume overutilization
Persistent volumes with errors
Persistent volumes with no claims
etcd cannot elect a leader
Health of the operator
Create a script to install all alert templates. For details, see the documentation .
Update the alert creation to include email alert target recipients. For details, see the documentation .
Update the alert creation scripts to support authentication for Operations for Application subscriptions that were onboarded to VMware Cloud services.
Collect kubernetes.cadvisor.container.cpu.cfs.*
metrics by default to help monitor CPU throttling for containers.
Modify cadvisor metric tags to container_name
, pod_name
and namespace_name
to be consistent with other collector metrics .
Increase the CPU limit for cluster collector to 2000m and node collector to 1000m to avoid CPU throttling.
Bump to Wavefront Proxy version 13.2.
Wavefront Kubernetes Collector
Wavefront Proxy
Fluent Bit
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