- compatibility with Symfony 4, thanks to @shreypuranik
- make unit tests compatible with newer phpunit versions
- added compatibility with Symfony 3, thanks to @JasonMiesionczek
- minimum required Symfony version is now 2.7
- It is now possible to call methods that require objects as parameters (in previous versions only methods with scalar
and array parameters could be called). That's why JMSSerializerBundle is now a required dependency.
For this to work, the following conditions must be met:
- The method parameters must be correctly type hinted
- The parameter classes must contain jms_serializer
annotations for its properties
- The test service is no longer registered automatically. If you want to use it, you must define it in the config.yml of your application, see updated Resources/doc/index.rst.
- fixed bug introduced in v0.2.0: named parameters given in associative arrays were always passed to the method in the order they were given, not by their names. Thanks to @teet.
- raised required symfony version to 2.3
- Added mandatory LICENSE and index.rst files
- only metadata, no code changes
- All public methods of services tagged with 'wa72_jsonrpc.exposable' can be called via JSON-RPC. The method name to be used in the RPC call is "service:method", i.e. the name of the service and the method separated by colon.