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Scaphold Sync System (scaphold-sync)


Node.js sync tools to deal with databases.


Get it with NPM!

$ npm install scaphold-sync -g

Then you will get a scaphold-sync command that has quite a few options

$ scaphold-sync --help
scaphold-sync <command> <options>

  compare   Compare a scaphold database to the local schema folder.
  deploy    Update a scaphold database to match the local schema folder.
  down      Download the scaphold database to a local schema folder.
  endpoint  Get the endpoint user by serverless.
  exec      Execute a set of commands on scaphold that are piped in as JSON.
  stream    Like exec but processes input as JSON stream rather than JSON
            Object, potentially faster, potentially more dangerous.

  --appName, --name, -n         Scaphold Application Name    [string] [required]
  --region, -r                  Scaphold Region, taken from package.json if
                                available. else it will assume us-west-2.
  --concurrency, --cops, -o     Maximum concurrent operations run against
                                scaphold.                  [number] [default: 5]
  --cwd, -c                     Folder with a package.json that contains
                                scaphold access credentials.
                                                         [string] [default: "."]
  --schemaFolder, --schema, -s  Folder to store the scaphold schema data.
                                                  [string] [default: "./schema"]
  --appId, --id, -i             Scaphold application ID, taken from package.json
                                if available                            [string]
  --help                        Show help                              [boolean]

--schemaFolder, set to "/Users/warrantee/Documents/scaphold-sync/schema", does not exist.

Working with scaphold schemas

scaphold-sync has its own, custom, implementation to download and store the scaphold database schema as files. It also holds an implementation to compare the information in the files with a scaphold database and automatically change the online database.

Scaphold connection setup

scaphold-sync needs the specification of three options in order to connect to a database:

  • --region is the region that the databases are running on at Scaphold.

    Scaphold regions

  • --appName is the alias of the Scaphold database.

    Scaphold settings

  • --appId is the application ID that Scaphold uses internally to identify the database. Unfortunately this is not easy to find. You need to look in the chrome debugger:

    1. Open the Scaphold Backend.
    2. Open the Chrome Developer tools
    3. Select the Network Panel
    4. Refresh the page
    5. Look for the request to /management with a getApp query. The id is the --appId.

    Screenshot of the developer tools with the selected request

    (↑ In above example the id is QXBwOjNlNjZjYjEzLWQzMDktNDA2OC05MWVkLTgxMGQ4MjI4ZmZlMA==)

Optionally you can store the region and the appId in the non-standard property scaphold in your package.json which looks something like this:

  "scaphold": {
    "endpoint": "<region>",
    "apps": {
      "<appName>": "<appId>"

If you add this to the package.json then you can reduce the arguments to the --appName.

Example: if the database is called housewarming then you simply add the --appName option: scaphold-sync <operation> --appName housewarming.

Important: You also need a secret token! The secret token should never be stored in your project!

You will need to get it by hand from the scaphold backend:

Screenshot of the scaphold backend showing the token section

In order for scaphold-sync to work, you will need to set the environment variable SCAPHOLD_TOKEN. For example, like this:

env SCAPHOLD_TOKEN=0123456789ABCDEF scaphold-sync <operation> --appName housewarming

scaphold-sync exec - Executing Operations on Scaphold

The exec command is a key command. It allows a wide range of operations on
the scaphold database:

  • CUD* operations of any type of data.
  • CUD operations on type information of the data.
  • CUD operations on logic functions and integration.
  • Migration operations to do as many operations in bulk as possible.

* … There is no implementation of Read operations.

The exec command reads all operations as JSON data from stdin . The JSON data is assumed to be an Array of operations that should be done in series, one-by-one, after each-other.

Every entry is supposed to have one property which specifies the operation that should be done. Example: The delete operation deletes a database entry. It expects a type attribute to know which type of data you want to delete and id to delete the specific id.

echo '[{"delete": {"type": "Role", "id": "fedcba9876543210"}}]' | scaphold-sync exec --appName houseewarming

Breakdown of the above example:

[{"delete": {"type": "Role", "id": "fedcba9876543210"}}] can be written like:

    "delete": {
      "type": "Role",
      "id": "fedcba9876543210"

With better formatting you see that the main Array contains one entry. And the entry's only field is the delete field which will be used as operation. The object of the delete operation will be used as parameter.

(Internal note: It will use the ./lib/dbDel.js logic.)

echo '<data>' will output <data>.

<command-1> | <command-2> will redirect the output of <command-1> to the stdin of <command-2>.

Which means that <data> (JSON data above) will be passed to the stdin of scaphold-sync exec which will execute the delete operation.

Here is a list of operations supported and the types of data they operate with:

  • create - Creates one data entry.
    The data is supposed to be the input as specified in the scaphold schema. Needs a type property to identify the type of the data entry.

  • update - Updates one data entry.
    The data is supposed to be the input same as in create, but with an id property that tells it which entry to update.

  • delete - Deletes one data entry.
    The data is supposed to be only an id field and a type for the logic to know what entry to delete.

  • data - With an id it will do an update, else it will create.
    Similar to an upsert operation in other databases.

  • parallel - Runs operations in parallel.
    By default operations are run one-by-one. Any array passed as data will be executed in parallel. By default max limit is 5 operations will be run in parallel, you can increase this by passing a number after the --appId like this: scaphold-sync exec --appId housewarming --concurrency 20

  • structure - Runs a structure change operation. The data, analogous to an exec operation can contain one of the following attributes.

    • createIntegration - Creates a new Integration.
      Expects CreateIntegrationInput from the Migration API.

    • updateIntegration - Updates an existing integration.
      Expects UpdateIntegrationInput from the Migration API.

    • deleteIntegration - Deletes an existing integration.
      Expects just a String with the integration's name.

    • createLogicFunction - Creates a new LogicFunction.
      Expects CreateLogicFunctionInput from the Migration API.

    • updateLogicFunction - Updates an existing LogicFunction.
      Expects UpdateLogicFunctionInput from the Migration API.

    • deleteLogicFunction - Deletes an existing LogicFunction.
      Expects to be just a String with the id of the LogicFunction.

    • createType - Creates a new Type.
      Expects MigrateTypeInput from the Migration API.

    • deleteType - Deletes an existing Type.
      Expects just a String with the name of the Type.

    • updateType - Updates an existing Type.
      Note: Update is a complex operations. It will deeply inspect the given type data to make sure that necessary operations are done in the right order.

    • replaceType - Replaces an existing Type with a different one.
      Some operations for types require that a type is deleted first before it is added again. One example might be: if the kind of the Type changes from OBJECT to ENUM. Other than that it expects the same data as updateType.

  • migration - Runs an Array of structure change operations.
    Will run a list of structure-change operations. This operation will try to re-arrange the operations in a way that occurs in the least actual operations.

    Example: If you have a createLogicFunction operation that as a hook after the update of a FOO-Type. And you have a createType operation that creates the FOO-Type: migration would create the FOO-Type before it will create the LogicFunction, even if the order in the Array is otherwise.

scaphold-sync compare - Comparing the local schema to a scaphold db

This will load the schema definition in the ./schema folder and compare all the Types and Integrations with the types currently existing in the scaphold database. The output will be a list of operations needed for scaphold-sync exec!

Important: the current implementation is dangerous! For example: If a field is renamed in the filesystem and the comparison is run it will record a deletion of the old field and the creation of a new field. Which means that you would loose the data in all the objects with that field.

There is currently no support for a different approach, be careful with changes in the structure!

Mapping of logicFunctions

LogicFunctions are a special case in the structure since they are treated by scaphold as actual URL's but those URL's need to be different for every deployment. This is why on different computers it is very likely that you will see an update for every LogicFunction when you run this script the first time on your computer even though nothing changed in the ./schema folder.

scaphold-sync down - Store the schema information in the ./schema folder

With down it will download all the current information on the scaphold setup and store it in the ./schema folder in a custom format.

  • schema/app/[ --appName ]/integration/<integration-name>

    Holds all the integrations that are setup. Because they need to be different per Scaphold database, there is a folder for every integration.

  • schema/logicFunctions/<hook>.yml

    Holds all the setups of LogicFunctions. This is separate from types because there are non-type-related hooks as well (i.e. migrateSchema).

  • schema/types/<Type>.yml

    All the information on the customizable Types specified in Scaphold. Omits all the system types like Node that can never be customized.

  • schema/roles.yml

    In order to implement role-based permissions properly we need a copy of all the existing roles.

The format stored is not actually the same as the GraphQL types of the Migration API. It contains various changes that make it possible to sync it to different databases (i.e. the omission of id's). It will also transform the data to make it more comfortable to edit (i.e. fields in the GraphQL API are supposed to be Array's but its stored as a dictionary in the file system). It will omit properties that are sensible defaults and would spam the file system. (i.e. logicFunctions are usually POST urls, which is why the method is omitted if its POST).

By default it attempts to reduce problems with wrong ordering by sorting all keys alphabetically. At some places (specifically: the permissions), this is not possible which makes the permissions harder than other parts to edit consistently and can result in unnecessary git commits. If you happen edit the files by hand it is a good idea to try and stay in alphabetical order as well.

scaphold-sync stream - Running batch processes

exec will first read the entire JSON input and then execute each command. This is good to ensure that the JSON input is well formatted but if you have a large amount of operations stream is more efficient.

You can use stream like exec:

echo "[{...}]" | bin/scaphold-sync stream --appName housewarming --concurrency 20

But it uses JSONStream to process the statements and this will read the array line-by-line. So, unlike in common JSON you need to make sure that the JSON input is using one line for every statement. You can also make it parallel by passing a concurrency parameter (20 in the above example).

AWS Support

It is recommended to have logic functions that work with Scaphold run in the same [AWS-region][region] as the Scaphold database (for performance reasons).

scaphold-sync supports Lambda functions through the serverless framework. If the --cwd folder is a serverless project with lambda functions and http endpoints, it supports both the deployment and linking to logic functions!

Deploy mechanism

scaphold-sync deploy runs scaphold-sync compare which generates a set of operations run through scaphold-sync exec.

Note: It will first run serverless deploy if it is a serverless project. It will deploy the all lambda functions in the --stage called like the --appName variable. And if your logic-functions are linked to relative URLs it will prefix them to use the prefix of the endpoint.

Inconsistency Risks

The deployment process is significantly quicker than any manual process but it still takes a while to execute. Between the start of the Lambda update and the end of Scaphold update it might take a few minutes under which any requests to Scaphold will be using the new Lambda functions.

You can mitigate this by have many, small, deployments (which will be faster). You can also reduce the risk of problems by deploying in off-hours.

JavaScript API

const sync = require('scaphold-sync')
const options = {
  // See CLI help for details on the options
  appName: "--appName",
  appId: "--appId",
  concurrency: "--concurrency",
  cwd: '--cwd',
  schemaFolder: '--schemaFolder',
  region: '--region'

const promise = sync(options, function (db) {
  // In this handler you can use the db API. You will need to return
  // a promise!

  // Exec any database command
  db.exec(concurrency, operation)
  // Exec commands in parallel
  db.execAll(concurrency, operations)
  // Creates a CUD model for a scaphold type

  // Creates an execution stream
  db.createStream(defaultType, concurrency)

  const structure = db.structure
  // Loads the structure of the current scaphold app
  // Compares the structure of the current scaphold app to a local folder
  structure.compareToFolder(folder, concurrency)
  // Downloads the app and stores it in a folder
  // Executes all structure operations, the app can be the app returned by .load
  structure.execAll(operations[, app])
  // Executes one structure operations, the app can be the app returned by .load
  structure.exec(operation[, app])

  // All the operations above return a Promise! Make sure that you also
  // return a promise to have clean async calls
  return Promise.resolve({})


All contributions in form of PR's or Issues are welcome!

This project is the result of an experiment which means there was no meaning to have tests at the time of first writing it. However, the project is structured in a way that should make the process of adding tests a breeze. If you can contribute tests they would be very welcome!
