Phonegap is a tool to let developer build cross platform native mobile applciations using js/html/css. However, for morden web/UI developers, raw css/js/html are not preferable. We'd like to use scss/coffeescript/haml which are more efficient.
Searching sometime, I haven't found any mature solutions yet, So I create this repo to let developers start building phonegap using morden tech as fast as possiable.
It can
- detect your changes and compile it at the same time
- integrate jasmine as js test
- help to ajust style in brower and deploy it automatically to simulator
- Of course, you need to download phonegap package first.
- If you want to build ios, make sure you have Xcode installed - with command line tools.
- If you want to build android, make sure you have latest android SDK installed. Set ANDROID_HOME in your environment and adb/android can be found in command line.
- Install qt to run jasmine:headless. brew install qt
Open index.html in ios simulator. The following commands will open ios simulator and show index.html.
Please replace PHONEGAP_PATH with your own path
git clone PHONEGAP_PATH/lib/ios/bin/create phonegap-scaffold/platform/ios package_name phonegap cd phonegap-scaffold bundle rake set_env rake compile_all rake ios:run
Open index.html in browser
git clone cd phonegap-scaffold bundle rake set_env rake compile_all open www/index.html
Run guard to auto compile coffee, scss, haml
Maybe you are responable to build backend api as well as mobile, and your api has different urls for deveolopment, uat and production. Run the following task to set env for phonegap application
rake set_env[]
edit code under
rake -T
to see available tasks. Frequent tasks might be:rake ios:build # run platform/ios/cordova/build rake ios:run # run platform/ios/cordova/run rake android:build # run platform/android/cordova/build rake android:run # run platform/android/cordova/run rake jasmine:headless # Run Jasmine specs headlessly