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warhansen edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 25 revisions

An introduction to what the scripts do and any notes I have about them

This partitions a drive or part thereof and creates or adds to and existing LVM. The script assumes any unused space on a drive so if you want to only use a specific part partition the drive first, then run the script. This script uses dialog go or plain text depending on whether the server has internet, and whether the package is already installed. No more need to run all the lvdisplay or vgdisplay views to get details before adding to/creating a LVM. Run this script from /root

Media Server Folder

  • Centos 7 install script for Emby, sonarr, jackett and transmission. Everything you need on your Centos 7 server to serve media and auto-download series with Sonarr.
  • Centos updates scripts: These are Centos scripts to update various softwares with newest versions.
  • This is a script to sequentially run all the updates via a cron instead of having 3 separate entries. The easiest way is to move the git "Media Server" folder to /root/update and run them from there. They create files to compare later versions, so then all those files are neatly in a updates folder.

Copy this script to a folder. If run, it will copy all files in child directories to the current directory. If it comes across filenames that already exist it will prefix the filename with a number until it can copy the file without overwriting another file.


So I got tired of Centos' new ip blah blah naming of interfaces. It broke most of my scripts that get things installed, so now I have a script to rename the interface to eth0!


A little script that checks if there were any git changes before running a push (or a pull). These are mainly for one-way traffic, so if your server always pulls then use the push, and if it always pulls, use the pull.


A little script that adds the latests IP's used by cloudflare in case you only want to allow access to your server from Cloudlfare


I got this script from someone else. ( Works beautifully. Sets up a openvpn server in minutes.